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Chapter 1966 Seize the opportunity

Be more prepared.

Of course, compared to the non-literary style, he is quite calm.

Including the style of writing, the remaining twelve magic doors are all of different colors, but when the eyes turn to the old way, without exception, they all contain a strong and incredible flavor, and they are obviously surprised one after another.

In the past seventy or eighty years, Yuzhou Laodao was trapped in the realm of Hui Dan, unable to enter even an inch, and settled down in his heart. He never left his path, never even returned to the mountain gate. How many of them know his name, except those who rely on small sects to escape dusty nostalgia?

After today, there must be something different.

As for me, Hua Xifeng does know that his uncle introduced his younger brother to the sect in front of him. This relationship is unusual. But what about his wording in the current situation?

A moment of indecision, but there is a voice in the distance: "Me?" But me, who creates mirages? "

He couldn't live in Laodao Town forever. As soon as he seized the opportunity, he used every available space and said, "I always thought he was the hero of Banshan Island, but he didn't want the dust to settle."

During his speech, he secretly contacted Di Tianluo and others, and changed the surrounding layout with several gestures. There are several branches of the Northern Mysteries gathered here, but of course, there will not be so few people. In addition to the actual massacre of the Eastern Orthodox Church, there were also several clan leaders who totaled about seventy people, most of whom were people from the Nine Mysterious Demons and the Ice and Snow Magic Palace. These people do scramble to share the cannon fodder, but if used correctly it is unlikely to be a significant bargaining chip.

Only seeing Lao Lu's powerful combat power on the ship that far exceeded his own level, the text has never been rigid and placed in the most backward position.

When he mentioned my name here, Zhou Laodao turned his eyes and said: "Killing King, right? It is also a great new star in the north." This kid does know the Banshan Sword, but what happened to him? "

The old man's mouth was calm, his eyes were as cold as frost blades, and his writing style was motionless. He felt uncomfortable all over his body and secretly angry in his heart, but he reached out and wiped his semi-bald head, with an unpleasant smile on his face: "What's the matter!" It turned out to be Yu. Fellow. When Shen Jian Grotto was born a few days ago, I had contact with Tianluoshi and others, but these two days were rare. What happened to fellow Taoist Yu? "

He ended the conversation.

Here Hua Xifeng seized the space and reunited with them briefly. From the shortcut to the ruins, he was caught by the leader Zhongmen again. He didn't even hide what happened when he lost his breath just now. He listened carefully on the boat with heavy eyes, but The old face didn't even have a wrinkle.

This disappointed the text that had been listening with all ears.

"The leader of the heavy weapons sect and the owner of the grotto? How do these two roads go?" This is what the old man asked.

Hua Xifeng could only shake his head. Because there was not enough time, my description was fragmented and it was difficult to combine it with the complete background. Think about it, the style of writing that he put his eyes on did not exist.

Wen Fei's smile became more annoying. He slapped him. "Depending on the situation, only Yu Daoyou knows more about the secret land of Jianxian. If he is here, we people will have to cover everything."

This seems cool, but it wakes up the old way of killing planes.

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