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Chapter 1969 Silently Roaring

When the sword kills the gods, all life and death, evil spirits of the heart, demon blood, and evil spirits of heaven can be used as carriers. On this basis, the sword's will can be transported, spirits that may not be strong or do not urge death, and evil ghosts. , evil spirits.

Isn't this very pure? I'm afraid I can't even say that.

At this moment, I no longer think about how to refine the so-called "impurities" in the sword's meaning, but rather map out the basic true meaning of myself in the sword. There is this real intention in it, no matter what the way and means, he has a consistent spirit, his hands and his heart, with his sword.

Of course, this is an ideal situation.

On the isolated island, facing the shadow in front of me for a long time, I finally couldn't control it. My mind was loose, the shadow collapsed first, and the Seven Star Sword in my hand suddenly disappeared.

In fact, the shadows are images of some of his enemies in his memory, manifesting themselves in unique areas of emptiness within him, in order to hone in on the true meaning of life and death. But after all, this is being distracted and watching, and the feeling of having your heart ripped in two can literally be life-threatening.

"It's better to focus on the sacrifice first. The idea that the sword reflects life and death is going to be around for a while."

I shook my head and once again sorted out the emptiness in my heart. In the night scene of the mountain forest, fish and dragons swim leisurely as in the past, no one can see it. Just now is the true meaning of dragon in its connotation. In response to the opportunity, it uses the power of the sword to kill the alien demon and pounces on it.

This is what he wants to find. That's what he thought.


His heart skipped a beat. Xin Kong responded, the dragon roared silently, the volume surged ten times, only two claws collided, and a concussion swept across the island.

There is a buzzing sound, and the fog instinctively escapes from the depths of the mountains, but in the end it sighs loudly, and when it hits the ground, it will flash by.

I punched him, just so moved by that heart that I never thought I would have one. If you look at this number again, you'll almost scream the name:


But he soon woke up and drank very low, "Is that you?"


The man did not respond, but stared at him, his cold and unscrupulous face showed a gloomy expression that did not belong to a generation of swordsmen. There is no doubt that this is the unyielding shadow, known as the "shadow ghost", who is the master of the grotto.

When I thought about the transformation of God’s talents, I suddenly thought: “Is it you?”

He believed that that day at the source of the Boundary River, Qu did not follow God's instructions on robbing bronze, but used ethereal magic to suck in the cave owner's sword at once. At that time, people thought it was dead, but thinking of a series of changes in the future, the music could not last long. Maybe this gave the cave owner a chance at life.

At this time, the owner of the grotto finally opened his mouth and whispered: "We can talk." What are you doing? "

Angry voices don't work at all. The magic light from the sky locked it tightly, and during this time, it offered no resistance, and now, as soon as I moved, I could kill it. I smiled and said, "Are you sure you are qualified to negotiate with me now?"

The owner of the grotto stopped talking, I didn't care. In fact, he was just startled, but he immediately saw the true situation of the owner of the grotto. There is actually no cover for this kind of panic, helplessness, gloom and even despair.


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