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Chapter 1979 Where does faith come from?

But the headwind canyon of the panoramic sand platform cannot be completed in more than ten minutes, let them do it, at least ten hours.

The magic sand table was quickly made. The sand table was lit up a little by magic, and the real-time dynamics in the canyon appeared. More than a dozen magicians were still perfecting the detection magic arrays and alchemy devices in the canyon, and it was not until half an hour later that all the magic maps were produced. It's just that this magic crystal worth 20,000 gold coins will be burned every hour.

"We only have two thousand guards in hand, how can we fight this battle?" Black Dragon frowned, looking very dry.

Cheng Qian said with a smile: "At that time, after my black stone magic cannon was saturated with attacks, I went down and hit the dog in the water."

Magic cannon! What an amazing cannon! All of you are shocked that the name of the magical cannon is undoubtedly resounding, it is the best weapon for the great cities of the Alliance. With the magic cannon, this war might actually have a chance of being won!

Cheng Qian looked at the shocked expression and was very satisfied. He turned around and said, "Unlike the previous magic cannon, the magic cannon Black Stone Dragon Cart does not fire magic, but fires shells. The shells explode and kill the target. Although it is more powerful than burning magic directly." Crystals are cheap, but also expensive, only cannonballs are very accurate, they are all alchemical products. "Only the great alchemist, my teacher, called the weapon, the war gun is a new type of alchemical product." After this battle, Blackstone will consider opening up the arms trade to everyone here. "

People took a breath. The magical cannon has always been the alliance's top-secret alchemy product. Cheng Qian can sell the magic cannon to the northern wilderness, which means that he, like some mainland deserters, is a wanted criminal in the alliance! The person behind him is probably a strong man with a grudge against his allies!

The news of the magic cannon directly suppressed the lava auction in the public's mind!

Yang Cheng said: "Does Senior Guard Qian have any ideas about how to deal with this war?"

Cheng Qian smiled and said: "As long as everyone works together, money will definitely win!"

People looked at each other and wondered where the belief came from, that they would not face twenty thousand beasts, but the true wisdom of life!

That night, a group of Blackstone mercenaries, led by Johnny and others, rushed out of the canyon in the wind until midnight, reloading the cavalry parked in the barracks south of the fort, and thousands of servants worked through the night to strengthen the fort. . These servants were slaves but had few human rights. Cheng Qian looked into his eyes and wrote them deeply.

In the dark, Cheng Qian and Johnny debugged an engine. Cheng Qian began to make a square metal box with a few thin copper wires buried in the ground. After more than half an hour, the metal box was done well. John Nick connected a copper wire to the metal box and a cable to the engine. Cheng Qian clapped his hands and said, "I don't know if it can work. Let's try it."

This is a very simple electrical connection all the way to the narrow part of the canyon.

By the early morning of two days, Cheng Qian had completed what Cheng Qian had to do. As a reprimand, Gong Wei was sent to the north to learn about the news. Cheng Qian deliberately gave her a magic communicator so that she could notify her once she encountered an enemy situation.

Headwind Fortress has a typical oriental atmosphere, and some are like the Great Wall.

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