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Chapter 1983 Amid Lightning and Thunder

Do you speak? "Become dry and angry.

The old kettle smiled and said: "What can you do, let me show you? If you can't do anything after our spirit is destroyed, you will be honest and become a grandson. If Hongjun is not here, we will discipline you first This unscrupulous dog! "Pangu has lost his face to you! "

How many years has he been scolded like this?

So amidst the lightning and thunder in the palace, the sword intention was like a tide, and countless thunders hit the pot body like mud cows into the sea. Finally, the high dark clouds in the Tianshan Mountains turned into fire clouds, and the rolling fire dragons accompanied the thunder pillars. The old face of the pot was full of contempt, towering and unmoving. .

Cheng Qian looked at it and calmed down. The magical palace began to repair the world on the verge of collapse. Whenever the world is repaired, God will control this small world more deeply! Finally, the tall plants and trees in the palace, a drop of water, a grain of sand can become the most powerful weapon, under the control of dryness, the world cannot see it at all! This is a weapon!

"That's enough!" The kettle owner drank a drink, and the whole world immediately returned to its original state. Cheng Qian's knowledge was also trapped in the wood in the building. The pot that was an inch away always fell under the tree and suddenly kicked the trunk. Top: "Son of a bitch!" Get out! "

in construction timber

Lao Guo kicked Jianmu straight. Cheng Qian felt like he had been kicked hard in the face and couldn't help shouting. Jianmu stood up and countless white light threads gathered together, condensing into a transparent one next to the pot. Virtual shadow. Cheng Qian knew that he was looking at his completely transparent hand blankly, if not because of a little spiritual light in his body, but for a transparent person. Lao Guo looked at him and said angrily: "I slept for too long and you haven't laid a good foundation. What are you doing?"

Laying the foundation? You think I don't want to? Cheng stood up straight, looked down at the jar like an ant, gritted his teeth involuntarily, raised his foot and kicked it, "Do you think I don't want to?" Ah! "Cheng Qian screamed, feeling his call being kicked on the knife. It hurt, the pain from the soul!

The old man in the pot cursed angrily: "Waste!" "Don't even look at how it moved. The whole crazy world calmed down instantly, until I felt like the sky was being pressed down, my legs slowly bent, and finally I knelt on the ground in humiliation. His head almost touched the ground. Jar always raised his head and raised his hand to pat Cheng Qian's face. The face of the spirit made by the light dispersed, and Cheng Qian felt that half of his face was gone. "

Cheng Qian roared, and the shock wave centered on the sword mother exploded. The huge spirit stretched out a step, and all the fairy swords on the sword lake flew to his right hand, and finally merged into a transparent sword. He held the sword in both hands and frantically chopped it into pieces.

The meaning of the sword is like thunder. Whoever rushes to the sky instantly in the sword lake, every drop of his body turns into a sword, forming a sword dragon, lingering in the spirit body!

There was a cold buzz in the pot, just a buzz, and all the water arrows scattered at once, out of control, and the water droplets falling into the sky returned to the Sword Lake, and the sword followed suit in the dry hands. He fell down and turned into countless fairy swords and fell back to Huanjian Lake. The soul's body broke free from the countless fragments, and the flesh all over its body suddenly turned into powder and floated away in the wind.

The soul roared and knelt on one knee. His dry consciousness was destroyed, but his body was completely unresponsive. because of this

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