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Chapter 1989 Heart trembling

The activation agency failed to notify her and wanted her to die with her organs.

There are gaps in many places, both before and after, making it difficult to connect all the events together. I became more and more serious and said, "So you have been with Yun Kun and others for so long. Do you know their purpose of entering the inner tomb?"

I would not be so naive as to think that Yun Kun entered the main tomb in order to steal the treasure inside, and there must be other purposes, which is to activate the organs and kill everyone.

Jingyu said: "I don't know. Although I have been in contact with them longer than you, I am also worried about being too close and my identity being discovered, so I am alone many times. They just say in front of me that they have entered the depths of the cemetery. But I never heard them say what they were going to do deep in the cemetery.”

Clouds of doubt are coming, and I believe that as long as we know the purpose of Yunkun and others, everything can be connected. But what exactly is their purpose?

I do not understand. I took out the flashlight again, took photos at both ends of the tomb road, stood up and said, "Come on, go in and have a look. Although this place is an ear chamber, there may be a passage leading to the main tomb, and everything will be clear!" "

Jingyu stood up, and I was on guard in front. When I think about Wang Liu, he entered here when the organ was activated. Wang Liu is very strange, and I am more vigilant about it.

He didn't want Wang Liu to jump out suddenly, even if he was not injured, he would be scared to death. Every time I walk past a small stone room, I have to check it out.

The things in the stone chamber are all funerary items, including animal remains, weapons, books, etc., but they are too corroded due to age.

As I walked, my heart surfaced again. Li Chunfeng occupied the thing in the magpie's nest, frowning as if he had caught something. He suddenly turned around and said, "You pretend to be this third sister, what's her name?"

"Li Xiang!"

Is your surname Li? My heart trembled, and I suddenly understood. I said in my heart: Their last name is Li.

: The six kings are still alive

: The six kings are still alive

His surname was Li, and Li Chunfeng was buried deep in this tomb. I vaguely thought I had found something. In order to confirm the identities of Yunkun and others, he asked Jingyu: "Is Yunkun also surnamed Li?" His full name is Li Yunkun? "

Because he didn't know that Li Chunfeng was buried in the tomb, he naturally didn't know what the last name between Li Chunfeng and the tomb was. "Nonsense. The second full name is Li Yunlong. Li Yue is also their family member and the deceased. Li Yue discovered it."

Li Yue! I thought that after Li Yue was put into use by the official family, he also entered the main tomb. Li Yunkun and the other two brothers were also inside. When the organ started, they did not notify Jingyu to pay attention, which shows that Li Yunkun had long known that there was a problem with her identity.

Before the start of the mechanism, Li entered the main tomb road in advance. It wouldn't be a big deal if the other grave robbers lived to death because they were irrelevant.

For a moment, I believed that Li Yunkun and others must be the descendants of Li Chunfeng. Their entry into the tomb is probably related to the appearance and promotion of Li Chunfeng's immortals.

There are also organs in the tomb. Why did Li Yunkun just use the power of the tomb robbers to pass through the outer tomb and choose to kill them all here, but did not let them continue to enter the inner tomb?

When I understood everything, this confusion came back to me

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