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Chapter 2003 Stored Power

Oh! Dongling sighed helplessly like water and said: "The party is not simple, that family's hiking strength is twice as strong as ours!"

"Is it that good?" My face was startled. This expression was not fake, but a real surprise. If, as Dongling said, the Tuoba family's trek was so great, then the ancient martial arts conference would have been a horrific event.

"Yes, that's why I chose to go outside and experience it before the meeting started. In fact, not only me, but almost everyone in the family who wants to fight will practice at this time!"

Dong Ling waited for the water to reveal its mystery at this time. He looked around carefully and said to me quietly: "Brother, do you regard me as your brother?"

At this moment, I was filled with contempt and fell to the ground, trying to drag me down.

Since Dongling is like water and wants to play, I naturally don't want to wear it, because he wants to give Dongling a big surprise to water like this.

"So, Brother Dongling, what are you talking about? Of course I treat you as a brother. If you have something to say, just say it!"

I looked very generous, my tone was very positive, and I extended my hand. If I didn't play Dongling Rushui well, it meant that there were no brothers in life or death, and they could also be regarded as best friends.

Facing my behavior, Dongling smiled like a sinister smile in the water, thinking that I really regarded him as a friend, and he was also imagining it. He showed what he would look like when I knew that soon his so called brother would have a knife stuck between his two ribs.

"Brother, let me tell you!" Dongling, like water, leaned into my ear and whispered. After he finished speaking, I opened my eyes and said in surprise: "Is there really such a secret?"

"Hey, hey!" Dong Ling nodded like water and said: "Brother Shi, of course this is a secret skill learned by our ancestors from the sacred world, and it is specially prepared for the ancient martial arts competition."

I have long known that the so-called sacred world is the small world in his mouth. He doesn't care much about it, but he is very interested in this secret.

The problem is, he doesn't know that this secret is unfounded, whether the water in Dongling is to lure him to hunt monsters, or whether it really exists.

Dongling's secret art, such as water, is actually a method of donating blood and hunting monsters. It uses a special method to store the power of the essence blood of monsters. When it is necessary to take the essence blood, a certain amount of monster power can be obtained to turn them into monsters. Stronger.

Of course, the stronger the power of hunting monsters, the stronger the power stored in the essence and blood, and the greater the room for improvement in one's own power after taking it.

This secret technique is to use external force to enhance one's own strength. I am still very hot. Aren't there three old ghosts around me? Let them bleed some, I think it's still possible.

Seeing that I didn't respond, Dongling frowned impatiently and flashed his eyebrows. He turned to Dong Linghao. Dong Linghao was still like that. He was even more confused and didn't understand what Dong Linghao was worried about.

Just like his Dongling, like Shui, the little master of the Dongling family, he is always welcomed and respected with a smile. This time he was like a slave next to me, like a puppy.

Dongling gets angrier and angrier. I want to chop off my head immediately and use it as a urinal.

Finally, the treasure calmed down, Dongling was as clear as water, the world is equal, if you want to get it, you have to pay first, then you can get the treasure, be patient.

He turned around and said to me calmly: "Where is senior brother?" Do you want to try? "

I chewed my mouth and frowned, or something I didn't believe: "Is there really such a secret in the world?"

In this way, I try to make sure that this secret technology really exists, at least take a look at it first, so that it will be slowly snatched away, and if not, it will not be happy in the end.

Is The Secret Art Unfounded or Real? I really want to make it clear.

Wait, there’s another one!

One, Three, Four: Level 1 Skill(!)

One, three, four: superb technology.

You can't give up. You can't catch the wolf. You have gained so much and sacrificed so much. If you stop now, everything in front of you will be in vain!

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