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Chapter 2017 Good Education

here. "This wonderful child smelled the location of the golden fruit in the south, so the white wings behind it spread out several times like the beam of light, and quickly walked towards the location of the golden fruit she felt. Although the rabbit in the forest The speed was much faster than the magical boy, but the magical boy could not take the rabbit away, but the magical child was still very smart, and she knew that she could not catch up with the rabbit in the forest, so she came The little girl in the air is at least the power of artistic conception. The wings behind her spread out, and she disappeared in a blink of an eye. That rabbit was not an ordinary rabbit, it was magical. The child also knows that it can be seen from the child's human eyes that it is precisely because of such a wonderful child that he thinks rabbits are cute and wants to be well-educated. When he is bored, at least there is a rabbit to accompany him. At that time, I left the summer paradise and headed south, moving along the river. My speed was also very fast, because I felt an unusual breath and was very curious, so I couldn't help but speed up and wanted to see Look at what's ahead. My knowledge is much better than that of ordinary healers. After the rabbit bit off the golden fruit just now, it walked all the way to the depths of the forest. Coincidentally, the direction the rabbit passed was the direction I was on the road, so naturally The ground asked about the smell of golden fruits. "What is it and why is there such pure spiritual fluctuation? It should be a natural wealth." "I guessed it in my heart, but I also felt very strange, because this spiritual power is always in motion. If it is really a treasure of genius, how could it be in motion all the time? And because I am very curious about what happened, so I quickened my pace and soon caught up with it. The rabbit, although its eyes had a hint of humanity, was really no more than a human, or worse, a spiritual beast that hadn't yet transformed into a humanoid beast. , even if there is a trace of human nature, it is just the kind of instinctive reaction that makes human nature. If it comes to thinking, no one thinks so much about it, because it just ran away in front of this wonderful child. The rabbit's instinctive reaction is. Avoid chasing the little girl. As for other people, how could a rabbit think there were other people in the forest? How could a rabbit think there were other people in the forest? A question that has never been considered at all. How can the rabbit consider that there are other people in the forest? This is a question that it has never considered at all. Now I am moving in the direction of that spiritual power. The speed of this spiritual power makes me. I was a little surprised that the speed of this movement was faster than that of ordinary cyclones, but the more it went on, the more curious I became. I had to increase my speed to the limit and shuttle through the forest. The more curious I became. The more curious I am, the more I have to increase my speed to the limit. I am a little surprised that the speed of this movement is faster than the normal cyclone speed, but the more I do, the more curious I will be. I have to push my speed to the limit. The speed is increased to the limit. I believe that with his extreme speed, I will soon be able to catch up with the strange mental fluctuations in front of me. On the other hand, this amazing boy flies through the sky at a much faster speed than me. As he approached my range, this marvelous boy felt the mental waves in my body and without thinking to himself: “Why are these nerds here? Why are they ahead of them? Why are they behind it? Thinking of this, the wonderful child suddenly realized: "This nerd doesn't like my rabbit either. If he catches up with me, my rabbit will really be eaten by him. I have to catch up with him." "Said, the good boy also involuntarily speeded up the pursuit. Both of them are chasing the rabbit now. If the rabbit knows, he probably has no intention of dying. People will become targets for no reason, and it is very likely to become the last plate of lunch? I have to say that this is a poor rabbit. Catching the Little White Rabbit There is a tug-of-war in the forest, a fierce battle between a strong man and at least one strong man chasing a little white rabbit. The rabbit, and not for anything else, because the rabbit snatched the golden fruit of the wonderful boy that was about to reach his mouth. I was, two.

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