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Chapter 2024 Killing each other

Chapter 2024 The Battle Ends

Contact us so that it will bring a lot of convenience when traveling in the Mainland in the future.

But there are only so many schools here that want to live, so they can only fight for it, and end up fighting for days and nights.

At the end of the final battle between the Qinglong Sect and the Kunlun Sect, the old ancestor perished as nothing more than an inner disciple.

Although he has a high academic qualification, he has no say in the direction of the entire school. Yundui is more advanced than him in the school, but he is not the school director. After the war, both sides won the Qinglong School.

Got the chance to help the old man, but the old man died on the way, leaving only an inheritance of credit and law.

How could Yunwu hold his breath on the way back? If the other party didn't use negative strategies, how could they fail?

He turned back to chase the Qinglong Sect, hoping to fight them once, but he did not expect that the old people had already left, leaving behind a book of merit. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Yunwu Peak.

The two main schools continued to fight, and this time the battle took longer than the last time. After seven days and seven nights of fighting, it ended with the victory of Yunwu Peak, and the merits were taken away.

In the following decades, the Qinglong Sect and Yunfo Peak continued to fight for this feat. Of course, it was a fight behind the scenes because they didn't want this to happen, and the credit was given to them by the old man.

However, if this name is wrong, and if factions in other regions really know that the East has moved north, you can imagine how much hostility and entanglement it will bring. People will most likely try their best to capture NATO's power, which is very different from other regions' power.

If people came over, the whole area could be destroyed, so a lot of people a few decades ago didn't know the past of these two major schools.

Because the two factions chose to completely conceal the secret for their own benefit and for the benefit of the whole.

But in the past few decades, the loss of personnel on both sides has been really huge, and the hatred has become deeper and deeper. When Yundui was promoted to leader, he didn't want to continue using Blue Dragon, so he chose to attack Blue Dragon and drive the other party out of the house.

In this way, this matter will end, and for those who died, here, Yundui will not feel that Yundui is a very hateful person, and it is so reasonable to think that he robbed other people's things.

In fact, this is not the case, because there are many things that cannot be taken at face value.

Although the two sides are fighting each other, Yun Chen has always been very good at controlling the extent of the battle. However, the Qinglong Sect is not like this. They use all methods and methods to achieve their goals.

That's why Yun Di came here thousands of miles away, ready to fight the other side. After hearing these words, I didn't have a good impression of Qinglong School.

Damn, hurt a lot of my peers and elders. It's not my character at all if you don't avenge this, but this time, the rewards are not achieved in a short time, you have to plan carefully so that you can make sure nothing goes wrong.

It would be better for Yun Ling'er to represent the party now. I could also join Darby and get what he's always wanted.

"This is all in the past, but there is really a lot of resentment between Yunfu Peak and Qinglong School, otherwise we wouldn't be able to walk thousands of miles to get here."

Of course, there are some reasons for you, if you were here at this time, then I could never come here at this time.

I said everything. I am happier than anything, I am happier than anything. I have a brutal battle waiting for you tomorrow. Old bones like us won't get involved.

This era belongs to your young people, and only your young people can accurately grasp the pulse of the times, although some things fall on your shoulders prematurely.

But this is impossible. "If you can't afford this kind of pressure and responsibility now, how can you rest assured that the entire faction, and even the leaders of this region, can be handed over to you in the future?" Yuncai smiled.

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