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Chapter 2041 Hope of Survival

The Lord of Zigu Island smiled and did not immediately agree to me, but said: "I heard that as early as twelve years ago, you have been recognized by the fire." The fire allows you to directly enter the Hundred Islands Sacred Mountain. , it was at that time that you chose to serve as the master of the Chaos Temple! Before I met you, I wanted to know what kind of person you were, and now that I see you, I finally understand!”

Zigu Island’s mysterious smile.

The island owner of the right elementary school and I are a little curious. We don’t know what makes the purple stripe island owner and the fire island owner appreciate the place together. The island owner of the right elementary school doesn’t know the idea of ​​these two super beings.

Disciple, you want to bring me to see me this time because you want my help so that the devil will not dare to touch me easily, right? The master of Ziliang Island saw the master of Youtong Island and said with a smile.

"Bumblebee!" The master nodded and said: I hope the master can help me for the sake of his subordinates!"

I'm also watching Lord of Purple Stripe Island, but now that Lord of Purple Stripe Island appears, Lord of Devil's Island will have a kind of fear. After all, the lord and lord of Zitiao Island have the same level of strength and the same status. If the owner of Zigu Island came out, the owner of Devil Island would at least not dare to face him publicly.

"You can ask me to help you, but I'm not as selfless as Yan Kai. If you want me to help you, you have to give me something!" said the shopkeeper.

"Benefits?" I was shocked.

"Of course, I won't help you unless I get something out of it," the shopkeeper said with a smile.

I frowned tightly and showed this state of power to the owner of Purple Line Island. I have no treasure to show off, so how can I benefit the Purple Line Island?

"Lord Purple Spot Island" Lord Right Hitomi Island wanted to say something, but Lord Purple Spot Island waved his hand and did not let Lord Right Hitomi Island say anything.

"I, if you can't do anything good, then please do something for me. As a good thing, how to do it?" The owner of the purple-patterned island smiled at me.

My heart does not come from a dark scolding.

Apparently the Purple Islander knew this all along and wanted me to do something for him.

However, at this moment, I can only take this path. After all, the status and power of Demon King Island in the south have been burned. Once I leave this Hundred Island Mountain, there is almost no hope of survival.

And now, in addition to a powerful enemy like Demon King Island, I also have a metaphorical threat watching from the side!

"What can I do for you, Lord Purple Stripe?" I asked.

"This matter is not simple. You should think about it carefully before answering whether I accept it or not!" The owner of Purple Spot Island smiled, and then his face became serious: "The once-in-a-thousand-year territorial genius war is about to begin. This time , we burned the territories of several two-star island owners in the south, and a certain number of their talented warriors came to participate in this battle of territorial geniuses. I hope you will join me for the status of territorial geniuses!"

I had never heard of this territorial battle.

"The so-called War of Geniuses is held every thousand years. At that time, there will be genius warriors from the Kingdom of Fire participating in the War of Geniuses."! To be able to win the battle of domain geniuses is to ensure that the super geniuses in the entire fire world, and even the most powerful forces in the fire world, will attach great importance to super geniuses. "

I hear the fire in my heart.

This battle of realm geniuses is equivalent to the gathering of all martial arts geniuses in the entire fire realm. It is a very large-scale battle, thus determining the top group of geniuses in the fire realm!

"Now there are fourteen realms in the entire realm of fire. Each realm is extremely huge and powerful beyond calculation! There are many talented people who defy God, but the talented warriors in other countries are as good as us. The geniuses Fighting in other countries is a great event in the realm of fire. Whoever wins this game will undoubtedly be the true champion of the realm of fire." Uhitomishima sighed.

I don’t know how big the entire Fire Realm is, but what is certain is that the vastness of the Fire Realm must have many talented warriors!

There is something special about every talented fighter.

If you want to win the battle of geniuses in this field, it is extremely difficult. After all, in the face of all this, the talented martial arts field is the most important.

"I, you are here as my person, I don't expect anything from you." If you succeed, I promise you, the devil will never touch you again. "The lord of the purple pattern island looked down at me and said seriously.

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