Ye Chun looked at Xiao Mian's bouncing figure and couldn't help but feel a little emotional, thinking in his heart how he could let the children live a better life.

Soon after, Xiao Mian came running over with four or five children.

When they heard that Ye Chun was going to take them out to play, they were extremely happy.

Ye Chun smiled slightly, then picked up Xiao Mian and left the orphanage with the children.

Beyond the gate, Ye Chun asked Xiao Mian, "Where do you want to play?"

Xiao Mian thought for a moment, and then whispered to Ye Chun.

"Brother Ye Chun, we want to finish at the night market. Don't worry, we won't ask for anything to eat, just to smell."

After hearing Xiao Mian's words, Ye Chun felt a little pain in his heart. The little girl in his arms was much more sensible than her peers.

Although Ye Chun gives a large amount of money to the orphanage every month, there are too many children.

On average, Ye Chun's money has only improved slightly, so there are basically no snacks for the children.

But they never asked for it, Ye Chun always took the initiative to buy it for them.

It's not that Ye Chun doesn't want to give more to the orphanage, but because of Ye Chun's current income.

In addition to the BOSS explosion, there is also the income from Victory City.

But Victory City does not manage it alone, and Victory City also needs a lot of funds.

Ye Chun also understands the foolishness of killing a chicken to obtain its eggs.

Ye Chun sighed, patted Xiao Mian's head lovingly, and then said to the children.

"It doesn't matter. Brother made money today. Just tell me what you want to eat."

The eyes of several children showed yearning, and then they nodded happily.

After arriving, Ye Chun put Xiaomian down and repeatedly told the children that there were many people at the night market, so be sure to follow him closely!

The children nodded firmly, and Ye Chun took them into the night market with confidence.

After arriving at Yezhong, everyone walked around for a while, and finally a few children stopped in front of a kebab stall.

They kept swallowing their saliva, but then they left here, even though they had never eaten meat skewers.

But they know that meat skewers are very expensive food.

So they didn't even think about Ye Chun expressing his thoughts. Ye Chun clenched his teeth as he watched.

His hands turned blue, and then Ye Chun stepped forward and said to the children.

“Brother, let’s treat you to some meat skewers!”

Several children looked at Ye Chun with very happy faces, but Ye Chun looked very heartbroken.

With several children, Ye Chun sat on a table, and then Ye Chun ordered a lot of meat skewers.

The children ate a lot, and Ye Chun was very happy watching from the side.

At this time, the boss came over, holding more than twenty skewers of mutton in his hand, and placed them on Ye Chun's table.

Ye Chun looked at the boss and then said: "Boss, this is"

The boss smiled slightly and then said: "This is a gift, boy, it's not easy to take care of so many little ones!"

Ye Chun thanked the boss realistically, and then asked: "Boss, do you know me?"

The boss nodded, and then said: "I have some friendship with your dean, and I also know you."

Ye Chun thanked the boss again, but before leaving.

Ye Chun came to the boss and wrapped all the meat skewers.

Then Ye Chun took out his bank card and said to the boss: "Boss, we appreciate your kindness, but it's not easy for you. The money spent on the twenty-odd skewers of meat will also be calculated. Let's talk about what you have here. I'll grill the meat skewers for me and I'll take them back to the other children to eat. You can just calculate how much they cost."

The boss looked at Ye Chun and didn't refuse. He then took Ye Chun's card, but he gave Ye Chun a 30% discount on the price.

After Ye Chun got the bill, how could he not know what the boss had done, but the boss didn't let Ye Chun speak.

Then he said to Ye Chun: "Boy, don't be polite to me. Now go back and remember to say hello to your dean for me!"

Ye Chun nodded, and then left with the children, carrying hundreds of skewers of meat in his hands.

Although these meat skewers may not satisfy every child, they can at least give them a taste.

In their orphanage, some children, like Xiao Mian, have lived here since childhood, and there are many of them, so there are many children who have never eaten meat skewers.

When Ye Chun returned, he handed the meat skewers to the dean. The dean looked at Ye Chun and burst into tears.

"Xiao Chun, it's all my fault that makes you suffer!"

Ye Chun shook his head, and then Dean He talked for a while, then returned to the room and directly entered the game.

make money!

Ye Chun went crazy looking for the BOSS all over the mountain. After a night of fighting, Ye Chun got a lot of good stuff.

But then Ye Chun returned to the City of Victory, and then spoke to everyone in the town channel.

"I have a lot of equipment here, which can be exchanged for gold coins, and there are also high-end equipment such as king-level equipment, which will be auctioned! The horse auction starts immediately!"

Then Ye Chun was surrounded by people, and almost all the players in Victory City gathered over.

They kept selecting. Since Ye Chun's luck value was relatively high, the quality of the equipment Ye Chun exploded was also very good.

After struggling for most of the night, Ye Chun finally sold out all the equipment.

Then several pieces of high-end equipment were sent to the auction, which required Ye Chun to pay a high price for the auctioneer.

Ye Chun couldn't help but want to curse, then he glanced at the title of "Thousands of Dislikes" on his head and sighed helplessly.

The time soon came to the next morning, and Qingzhi was also online at this time, and then she said to Ye Chun with a smile.

"President, you have lived up to your mission. How do you plan to reward me?"

Ye Chun looked at Qing Zhi, and then said: "When I explode something good, I'll ask you to do it first. Do you think it's okay?"

Qingzhi smiled slightly, and then said: "That's pretty much it!"

Qingzhi called Ziyue's heart last night, and Qingzhi told Ziyue that Ye Chun was looking for her.

By the way, I also added some oil and vinegar. After hearing this, Ziyue immediately decided to leave the hospital and go online.

"Xiaoman, are you telling the truth? The president has really come to see me several times?"

"Yueyue, can I still lie to you? I will ask you in my ears every day. My ears are about to grow out of cocoons."

"What else did he say?"

"Well, he also said that meeting you is the greatest honor in his life. He feels that you are the only one for him. Anyway, these are very disgusting words!"

"Okay, I'll go back to school tomorrow and stay dark tonight!!!"

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