"I had a dream that Father God Odin was calling me."

"He told me not to be sad. He said I was a man and should live a good life."

"He also said not to seek revenge from Loki and the others. [Ragnarok] is destined by God and no one can escape it."

Vida held back tears and said firmly.

"Is there more?" Ye Chun asked in a low voice.

Vader wiped the tears from his eyes and continued: "He said he wanted me to take on the responsibility of a man and rebuild Asgard."

"Rebuilding Asgard?" Ye Chun asked doubtfully.

Vader nodded: "He said that you warriors will come back again and asked me to wait for you here."

"Wait for us?" Ye Chun had a big question mark in his heart.

Odin can predict the future?

"Yes, Father God said that the warriors must have a way, and asked me to follow you and study hard." Vader said.

Ye Chun fell silent, holding his chin and thinking about something.

The world is in chaos, and the sun is gone. How can we rebuild Asgard?

To rebuild Asgard, the first and most important thing is to find the sun.

But Frey, the sun god who can mobilize the sun, has been killed in battle, so what should we do?

Got it! An idea flashed in Ye Chun's mind, and he remembered something important.

"Is the Sun Goddess Sur still there?" Ye Chun asked.

He remembered that when he first came to Asgard, Sur was riding the sun and was chased by the jealous wolf Skull.

The sun goddess should also be able to control the sun...


Vida lowered his head in despair and pointed to a nearby cemetery strewn with petals.

"The sun goddess Sur is buried here..." Vader said sadly.

It turns out that the Sun Goddess led the gods to bravely resist the attack of the ice and fire giants, but was killed by Surtur with a sword.

Ye Chun felt a sense of sadness in his heart and sighed: "Alas~"

After all, Sur was also the first god Ye Chun and the others knew, and they were all kind-hearted people.

"If Surdu has encountered misfortune, will the sun still come out?" Ye Chun couldn't help but worry.

"There is still a way..." Vader said: "I heard that Sur has a daughter named Suna, who should also have the power of the sun."

"It's just..." Wei Da said awkwardly: "I don't know where Suna is now."

"If Asgard is big or small, finding someone to tell it is like finding a needle in a haystack," Vader said.

Ye Chun nodded, so the most important thing now is to find Suna.

But where would she be?

"Does the Sun Goddess have a palace?" Ye Chun asked.

Vida shook his head: "The Sun Goddess always follows the sun. Wherever the sun is, she will be there?"

Where is the sun? Where is she?

The sun has already set in the west. Could it be that Suna is also in the west now?

Take the plunge and go look for it first.

"Let's go to the west first and have a look."

Ye Chun and the other four quickly dodged and flew towards the west.

Vader looked at the four figures streaking across the sky like shooting stars, his eyes always full of fiery color.

He suddenly came to his senses and followed firmly.

The five people gradually flew away from the temples and Asgard.

What gradually came into view was the broken Rainbow Bridge and the Sea of ​​Destruction, as if nothing had happened.

On the coast, there are scattered corpses, and the corpses of the demon wolf Fenrir and Jormungandr are still there.

The whole world is filled with dark winds, like ghosts wailing, and there is a heavy and gloomy atmosphere of murder.

"Do you still want to fly forward..." Ziyue asked: "Further forward is the kingdom of giants."

"Continue..." Ye Chun said.

He had a hunch that Suna must be in that direction.

Giant Nation Fire Tribe

The leader of the fire, Surtur, sat proudly on the red throne..

Dozens of fire giants lined up in two rows.

Among them, a young girl was tied to a thick wooden stake.

The girl had red hair, a red dress, and there seemed to be flames dancing in her golden eyes.

"Suna, don't resist stubbornly..." Surtur said calmly on the throne: "Hand over your source of the sun obediently."

"Otherwise, I will use you to refine my Demon Sword of Flame."

"Bah!" Su Na's face flushed with anger and she said angrily: "You devil, you killed my mother goddess and you still have the nerve to ask for her sun origin. Just go ahead and daydream!"

"Presumptuous!" The flame giant on the side shouted at Suna.

"Eh~" Surtel waved his hand, then looked indifferently at the stubborn Suna in the audience. : "You also know that your mother goddess is dead..."

"Not only your mother goddess Sur, almost all the gods in Asgard are dead. From now on, it will be our giants' world."

"You have offended our giant family now, and there will be no easy consequences."

"Bah!" Su Na spat, "You devil, even if you kill me, even if I die, I will not give you the source of the sun!"

"Hmph!" Surtur clapped his hands angrily and said coldly: "Do you think I really don't dare to kill you?!"

"It doesn't matter if I don't want the source of the sun. As long as I can use you to refine my Demonic Flame Sword, I will be invincible in the world hahahaha."

The source of the sun is the strongest and most yang power in the world, and has a miraculous effect on tempering the body. However, the source of the sun is very hot, and most people will burn it to ashes immediately, let alone absorb it.

But the flame giants are not afraid of this terrifying temperature. If they can get the source of the sun, not only can they become strong and strong, but they can also improve their cultivation.

At present, Suna refuses to hand over the source of the sun, and Surtur has no choice, but with Suna's attributes. It is definitely an excellent material for refining weapons.

As the daughter of the Sun Goddess, Suna's body must also have the extremely pure power of the sun. If she can use her body to refine the Demonic Sword of Fire, then for Surtur, it will annex the Frost Giants and unify them. There is great hope for the world.

"Asgard, till death do us part!" Suna said firmly, her face showing no fear.

The flame giant profession didn't say a word, and directly ordered: "Whoever comes, throw him into the sword-making pool!"

Two mountain-like flame giants came out and carried the tied Suna out...

Suna was tightly tied to the wooden stake and remained silent, determined not to let her tears fall...

At this time, a flaming spear penetrated the void and came

The flame giant in front fell to the ground.

"Who!?" Salter shouted angrily.

Someone actually dares to come to the Fire Tribe and hurt someone!

"If you dare to hurt her, you will all die!"

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