The passage of time seems to be only a moment, the feeling is contradictory but obvious.

But at this moment, there was a huge sound, and suddenly, the chaotic passage sent out an impact, and then it was like a broken lens, full of cracks and cracks, and a huge force tore Ye Chun's body apart .

This passage collapsed, chaos, chaos, chaos. The barrier of a section of the passage continued to crack, and a strong energy storm swept through. Looking at the terrifying scene in front of him, Ye Chun's pupils suddenly shrank to a peak.

Sky Ye Chun frantically poured out all the defensive weapons in the bag without hesitation, but all the weapons were useless. In the face of the space storm, they all collapsed and couldn't stop anything! Towards

Ohno Yechun gritted his teeth and continued to open a series of defensive jade stones, until a black light curtain appeared around Yechun's body, suddenly turning the energy sweeping the entire country into chaos, refusing to push it away.

Ye Chun in the sky suddenly looked up at his left hand, and an ordinary black ring gave off a faint cold light.

Ye Chun in the sky suddenly had a happy heart, but at this time, a passage beside him suddenly collapsed, the power of destruction of the universe was surging, the black curtain was suddenly full of cracks, Ye Chun in the sky looked like Changed, his eyes were full of despair: Luo Qian! Towards

In a fleeting moment, Ye Chun immediately thought of these three words in his mind. He thought Luo Changwen would not leave the Eastern Continent easily, but he never thought about them! Towards

Just when he was about to leave, he was about to arrive in Zhongzhou, and he saw hope. The crisis of extinction came from destruction! Towards

Sky Ye Chun never thought that he struggled desperately and tried every means, thinking that he saw hope, but at the last moment, everything was empty, and the cold eyes suddenly collapsed and turned into zero! I do not want to! I do not want to!


The entire passage was finally submerged and collapsed completely. A desperate force fell far in front of it, the black curtain was smashed, and Ye Chun in the sky was covered with bloodshot eyes.

At this moment, at the moment when the black curtain broke, Ye Chun in the sky was wearing a black ring on his left hand. There was a flash of light and a golden rune mark. It danced silently and turned into a beautiful golden light. .

Next, with the flow of energy and the surge of chaos, Ye Chun's figure in the sky was swallowed up. In the eastern and central part of Tianlong Continent, a magnificent castle was built on the mountain. The city walls were covered with various exquisite reliefs. The ancient atmosphere was without Losing dignity, in the morning light.

At this time, a grand ceremony was held in the hall in the center of the castle.

Above the dome of the hall, there are nine huge bloodstone gems inlaid, shining with bright red light, and the entire hall is enveloped in a faint blood color.

At the east end of the hall is a platform about a foot above the ground. On the top of the platform are two ornate gold seats, with a beautiful gold lettering engraved on the back of the seat, and two eyes made of blood diamonds.

One of the seats was empty, and the other was a middle-aged woman wearing a purple evening gown.

Two seats behind, there were more than ten people standing, all the men wearing exquisite black dresses, and all the women wearing bright colors.

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