Thinking about the scene that might happen after that, Ye Chun played a creepy cicada and decided not to let it happen for the better. He coughed twice, interrupted the news that Duan Murong was about to break out, and said to the dawn of the next day: "Tianming, someone is laughing at you now. The master is not a human being, but a completely empty thing. What do you think?"

Ye Chun withdrew from these words. Big Hammer felt that his body was like needles. With the eyes of Tianliang, Duan Mulong became ferocious several times. Even the big man with a sword threw two sharp dissatisfied swords at him. Eyes.

The most important thing is that I just recognized my younger brother Xiaoyu, and I also saw a dead father looking at me, as if he was waving a bronze tripod and playing with his life.

Sledgehammer wanted to cry but not cry, thinking in his heart, who am I trying to anger? Although I don't look at you more, those words were all said by you yourself, and I didn't say a word? Why was he blaming himself when I was the one holding the jar?

"Of course I'll hit him! Teach him a lesson and let him know that he can't talk anymore!" Dawn waved its little fist angrily.

"Well, being able to teach is a great pleasure for a teacher." Ye Chun nodded and said, "But your strength seems to have hit this stupid guy now?" The stones that were just thrown were all made with Made of powder. "

"I can't do it, Master, he is just playing with his stupid power. He really wants to use his hands. I can use Tianshan Meizi's hands to play him to death!" Yi Yitian was anxious to defend himself.

"It's good to be ambitious, but that doesn't seem to be enough. The best way is to break the enemy's confidence that he thinks he can eat you. As the saying goes, where you fall, there you lie for a while. Oh no , that’s what it means, you know.”

Although Ye Chun was unsteady, he boasted: "I will teach you a method, or attack with pebbles to ensure that you cannot raise your head."

"Okay, let the master teach me!" Qingchen raised his head, his eyes full of desire. He is used to being bullied and always wants to become stronger.

Sledgehammer looked at such a person, his face was white and his hair was flowing. It's a shame to let a kid beat you. He laughed angrily. "Haha, kid, don't be so arrogant," he said. "I dare not say anything." If you want to defeat me in strength, just do it for another hundred years! "

"At dawn, you listen, you are lucky to come from Dantian, you bring the real gas to the shoulder bones first," Ye Chun said, he ignored the meaning of the hammer and pointed to the hammer, "Then the elbow Terrace, and then Wrist Pool." Continuous rotation in the Yanghuo, Yanggu, and Yangchi three*, and then transported to the ring finger pass to rush*, and then pop out with the force of the ring finger, remember?

"Yes, disciple has remembered!" With his eyes clear, he picked up a pebble from the ground, pointed his finger at the big hammer below, and shouted: "Hey, fool, I'm going to beat you the way Master taught me!" You can't stand it, but run! "

He looked up at the sky with a big hammer and laughed loudly, patted his chest and shook the sky, roaring: "Come on!" Come on! Back up. I am the grandson! "

"Then you'd better think about how to call me grandpa." Ming just learned of Ye Chun's mocking tone, said one word with the sole of his foot, and then said "Shua" with his ring finger.


The sound of the strong wind broke out, and it was just a pebble. Under the guidance of Ye Chun, it suddenly appeared in the hands of Li Ming. It was a powerful and powerful couple!

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