Immediately said: "Okay, forget it, thank you for your hard work." Then, he took out sixty stones, and then said: "There are sixty stones here, you can each take two." The box handle The stone was handed over.

After hearing Ye Chun's words, the thirty disciples immediately shouted excitedly: "Thank you for opening the door." After that, they each took two stones.

After the thirty disciples finished eating the spirit stones, Ye Chun looked at the ordinary disciples of the Zombie Sect and asked Brother Li Zhan: "Brother Li, Senior Sister, and you, these ordinary disciples of the Zombie Soul Sect are all handled at the door. ?" After that, look at Brother Li Zhan and them. Brother Li Zhan, after hearing Ye Chun's words, was also confused and didn't know what to say.

At this time, the sister and the teacher suddenly said: "Brother, it's better for Ye Chun to find out all the good things they have, and then waste time repairing them and let them all go down the mountain." After that, look at Ye Chun.

After hearing what her sister said, Ye Chun thought to herself and just wanted to agree. An ordinary disciple of the zombie sect cried and said: "No, older generation, don't give up what Ye Chun did. Ye Chun has so many enemies. Without the power to protect himself, Ye Chun will die miserably." After that, His other disciples began to cry.

After listening to the words of the ordinary disciples of the Soul Sect, Ye Chun remembered that the disciples of the Soul Sect were all lowly, and the hands of those who committed adultery were covered with blood. Thinking of this, Ye Chun couldn't help feeling disgusted in his heart, and then said: "Okay, Ye Chun won't waste your practice." After these words, the disciples were happy and thanked Ye Chun one by one. However, Ye Chun's words made those disciples look lifeless.

Ye Chun looked at the disciples and said, "Ye Chun will not give up your practice, but Ye Chun will kill you." He looked at the ashen faces of the disciples, and then said, "Ye Chun knows who you are. When you committed murder and arson, there was no one today." In the end, Qian Yumen's disciples blinked and then said, "Kill them all for Ye Chun." As soon as we finished talking about the disciples of Thousands of Feathers, Massacred the ordinary disciples of the Soul Sect.

Although some people still resisted when those disciples were killed, the overwhelming attack among thousands of disciples, but not long ago the support died. A quarter of an hour later, Ye Chun looked at the more than a hundred corpses in front of him and said to Qian Yu's disciples: "Pile these corpses." As soon as he finished speaking, Qian Yun's disciples began to gather the ordinary disciples of the zombie sect. together.

Soon, Ye Chun looked at the tall body in front of him, shook his head in the darkness, and then pinched the fire control device. A five-element real fire appeared in Ye Chun's hand, and then Ye Chun threw the flame into a pile. on the body, and then he saw it. A pile of corpses lit up and the bodies slowly burned to ashes.

After another quarter of an hour, the body was burned to ashes. Ye Chun looked at the pile of ashes, sighed in the darkness, and then said: "Okay, Ye Chun and everyone are going down the mountain." After that, go down the mountain.

Soon, Ye Chun came to the mountain gate. The disciples who had been waiting for a long time saw Ye Chun saluting again. Ye Chun looked at them saluting and immediately said, "Okay, no." After that, he took out the stone and divided one person into two. At this time, Ye Chun looked back, and then said, "Should this zombie burn it?" After that, he lowered his head and began to meditate.

After hearing what Ye Chun said, my sister immediately said: "Brother, Ye Chun

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