"! This is good. There may be a lot of resources and training locations by then. It is said that with every upgrade, the quality of the practice locations will increase by one level. There are even extremely rare practice locations that can only be found in middle school communities."

All the kids suddenly got excited and it was good for them. Clan lands and resources are all about their promotion, especially after watching this gathering of centenarians. They are deeply aware of the gap between themselves and their management peers.

This is enough for them, even if they cannot catch up with the top management, if they enter the second level clan for 300 years, they will surpass most of their peers.

"Obviously, second-class trains have many benefits, and this time's efforts have not been in vain." Ye Chuundao. However, he still felt some regret, not for the reward, but this time for the bully and others, which was the most regrettable thing for him.

In this meeting of all ethnic groups, Ye Chun's harvest was the greatest among all the people, not only reaching the level of respect for the king, but also reaching the understanding of artifacts and the door of transformation, as well as the understanding of evil and alien aliens. Spear control. Now he had at his disposal the best of the ancient clergy.


Even stronger than their peers, they fight against each other to unleash their potential and achieve their own breakthroughs.

Practice a way, not just potential fixes, experience is key.


In the four areas of the Great Wasteland, Ye Chun encountered opponents who were stronger than himself in one or more areas. Each time, although he won Doom, it was difficult to gain greater promotion and understanding in his hands at the beginning of the game, because between extreme tension and life and death, it was difficult to achieve greater success in the four areas of the Great Wasteland. Progress and understanding. It's hard to understand your shortcomings.

Therefore, only when you encounter the same opponent, or even an opponent stronger than yourself, can you fight against it for a long time, feel your own shortcomings, and understand the breakthrough.

Ye Chun Shuhao regrets not being able to fight the bullies and others because he wants to know where his limits are and how much he can achieve to the extent of respecting the king. Unfortunately, he didn't get the chance just yet.

However, Ye Chun was not in a hurry. He felt that sooner or later he would meet the bully.

After returning to Yitian Temple, Ling Xuanjian took the lead and closed the door. In addition to some emotions at the national congress, there is also the excitement brought by the demise of the God of Light family. This time it’s the home of the God of Light, but what about next time? Is it soul or soul?

Ling Xuanhao and others also felt uneasy. After chatting with all the brothers and sisters for a few words, they dispersed and returned to the practice room.

Ye Chun also returned to his secret room to practice.

As for the disappearance of the Guangshen family, he has not yet realized the underlying situation and cannot possibly reach out. Instead of wasting time thinking about these things, learn about it quickly and add more experience to it.

As soon as Ye Chun Shuhao realized it, he suddenly felt an inexplicable sharp pain on his head. It came so suddenly that he had no time to prepare. The pain was so severe that his consciousness quickly disappeared. His vision quickly blurred.


A hazy gesture danced in Ye Chun Shuhao's vague consciousness, and an inexplicable resonance suddenly appeared in his body, which gradually became obvious, revealing a face that he missed day and night when he was young.

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