Three days!

When Ye Chun and Little Beast saw the Tyrannosaurus Rex again, they could hardly recognize it. While they were still dark, two small bags sprouted from their foreheads. Each scale bears a powerful dragon image, and the tyrannosaurus sprouts a pair of huge wings.

As for persuasion, Ye Chun gave it to the little beast.

It only took the little beast a quarter of an hour to get back on its ass, and then the tyrannosaurus.

"do you understand?"


The little beast waved his paw proudly, you didn't see who I was, and patted the tyrannosaurus on the leg.

The latter nodded willingly, then raised his head high and roared.


The dragon suddenly flew into the sky.

Then, various roars followed, the earth began to shake, and a large number of wild animals swarmed in, some from the ground, some from the water, some from the sky, I don't know how many there were.

Nearly a million wild animals rushed to the scene. The scene was so shocking that even Ye Chun Shuhao was captured by thousands of troops.

They all crawled to the ground as all the beasts rushed in.

Wow? The little beast raised his head and asked Ye Chun what to do next.

"let's go!"

Ye Chun waved his hand.


The Tyrannosaurus rex spreads its wings, followed by millions of wild animals. "Rumble", accompanied by the sound of the flute, the train slowly left the station.

Ye Chun sat in front of the window, watching the station slowly retreat and finally disappear, with a tear falling from the corner of his eye.

Looking at the disappearing platform, Ye Chun's thoughts gradually returned to five days ago.

"Brother, the college entrance examination results have come out. When will I go to school to check the results? My brother must be the first in the school." Little sister Xu Ying urged Ye Chun to go to school early in the morning to check the college entrance examination results.

"I'll be there soon. I'm not in a hurry. What's urgent about your little daughter?" Ye Chun spoiled her sister Xu Ying's nose and took her to school.

When I came to the school, I saw the place where the college entrance examination results were posted in front of the school, and it was already crowded with people.

Seeing so many people, Ye Chun planned to see the results after a while, but Xu Ying resigned and Ye Chun had to squeeze in.

Suddenly, Ye Chun was tapped on the shoulder. Ye Chun looked back and saw a fat man, with his own smile behind him, and his sister Xu Ying standing beside him, with the essence of a look on her face.

"Luo Qiang, how is your son doing here? How is his college entrance examination?" Ye Chun gently touched Luo Qiang's shoulder with his fist.

"Boss, under your wise leadership, you can still take the exam. The final ordinary undergraduate course should not be a big problem. It's you, boss. How was the exam?" Luo Qiang asked with a smile. Ye Chun pointed at the crowd in front of him and shrugged.

"Come on, boss, you don't know your scores yet. Don't you know, boss, can you check your scores on the computer and phone now?" Luo Qiang's face was defeated by you and he looked at Ye Chun.

Xu Ying stood aside with a look of contempt on her face.

Ye Chun's old face turned red, feeling a little embarrassed.

Luo Qiang seemed to see Ye Chun's distress. He knew Ye Chun's family situation very well. He was afraid that except for a TV, there were no other household appliances at home...

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