Xia nodded and said his situation would not be disclosed to his colleagues.

After saying goodbye to Xia Qianling, Ye Chun came out of the cave. It was almost New Year, and there were not many people on Qingcheng Mountain.

Ye Chun let go and ran down the mountain like a gust of wind. Several people were on the mountain and felt a gust of wind blowing by, and then Ye Chun disappeared.

In less than an hour, Ye Chun came to the mountain, and gradually more people climbed up. Ye Chun could not easily show his shocking worldly speed, and slowly descended with the crowd.

After the meal, in a restaurant at the foot of the mountain, Ye Chun touched the remaining 100 yuan, so even a little money was a problem at home.

Finally thinking about it, Ye Chun decided to take the train back to make his money almost perfect.

In fact, from down the mountain, Ye Chun found people nearby pointing at him, as if they were some kind of precious animal.

Ye Chun was worried about the situation at home and didn't listen carefully. He just listened casually.

It seems that there are armed patrols looking for themselves, as well as a very beautiful girl and a fat man looking for themselves.

Ye Chun didn't hear the others clearly. Anyway, it should be about his own affairs. Ye Chun made up his mind and went back to ask Luo Qiang. Luo Qiang should go to college.

As for Hu Hui, when he thought of Ye Chun, his heart ached, so he had to try not to think about her.

Ye Chun arrived at the train station. There was just half an hour left for a bus to arrive. Ye Chun bought the ticket and started waiting for the bus.

Half an hour later, the train entered the platform on time. Ye Chun got on the train and found a place to stand up. Because he bought the ticket not far from the starting point, there were no seats at all.

The train slowly left and headed towards Ye Chun's hometown.

In the middle of the night, the train stopped in front of the platform, and the passengers started to get off. This time, Ye Chun noticed an unusual change.

Several people put a person firmly in the middle of the protection, and put the person's middle in his arms, as if there was something there.

Maybe staying in the cave for half a year has greatly improved Ye Chun's sharpness. He instinctively felt that there was something wrong with these people, but if there was any problem, he was speechless.

Maybe the sky is willing, this time, a child suddenly burst into tears, several people inside panicked, the middle-aged man held a loose hand, and a dozen wallets fell from the man's arms.

Because they passed by, almost everyone in the carriage woke up and saw the wallets on the ground, so they all knew that these people were probably the legendary train thieves who stole the passengers' wallets.

Someone came up to stop them, but they pulled out a few iron bars from nowhere, waved the iron bars in their hands, and asked the people in front to give way to them.

It was a little late. A few passengers were hit on the head by random knocks on the iron bars. Seeing how ferocious these people were, they just stood aside for a few passengers, and then sat back down one by one.

There were two people standing in front of the road. After they broke up, the middle one hurriedly picked up the wallet that fell in his arms.

The conductor standing by the door also noticed the movement in the carriage, but judging from her thin body, she was no match for these wolf-like thieves. (applaud)

The conductor took out the pager in his hand, alerted the passengers on the train, and called the attendant on the platform at the same time.

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