Online Games: God-level Plundering Talent at the Start!

Chapter 100 Unsolvable mythical talent

? Eternal World: Eye of the Demon!

One hundred thousand... one hundred thousand gold coins! !

This... This is 10 billion Dragon Coins! !

If you can have these 1 billion, you will spend your entire life in trouble, and you will never be able to squander it for a lifetime!

Only at this moment, all the members of the Eternal Guild suddenly looked like a different person!

Looking at Ye Yang's eyes, if you are hungry for countless days of wolf, you will see a piece of huge fat!


It is the power of money!


It is the power shaken by 1 billion!

It was Ye Yang, and he was almost shaken now, and couldn't help but kill himself once!

Even if it was the peak period when I was doing game live broadcast in my previous life, it would take a full 10 years to barely earn this 1 billion!

And now, just because of the words Eternal World, you can sway it out wantonly!

This is true for Ye Yang.

Not to mention those ordinary eternal guild members!

In their eyes, the sky now seemed to have rained on dragon coins, and it was smashing in their faces!


"Darkness erupts!"


A wisp of seemingly inconspicuous black mist plunged into the crowd again.

next moment!


-40524! (Law burst!) (Restrain!) (Holy!)

-52680! (Law burst!) (Restrain!) (Holy!)

-64838! (Law burst!) (Restrain!) (Holy!)


This time!

Even more terrifying damage instantly appeared from the heads of those eternal guild members with greedy expressions!


The greed for "1 billion" has made them even forget the most basic and basic knowledge of fighting.

Facing the mage, you have to be scattered!


Those members of the Eternal Guild who rushed up again, since the moment they heard "1 billion", they have all lost their minds, and they all swarmed at Ye Yang!


Before they ran in front of them, they were completely defeated by the burst of darkness and fell directly to the ground!

And after they fell.

No one is standing in front of the eternal world.

At this time, the battle contribution of the eternal world: 23%!

Only 2%, only 1% difference, he can complete the most advanced level after 763!

2%, just for the sake of insurance.

And now, people are dying, and they are still insured against a fart!

"Are you... all fucking fools?!"

Seeing that group of members who have lost common sense and reason, the eternal world is really going to collapse!

He is only 1% short of the last!

The BOSS only has the last 4% of the HP left!

why! Why does Lieyang this stupid know that he is here!

Why did the "player black market" not bargain with him for a while when he bought his own information...Even if it is 10 minutes!

why! !"Lining Sun!!"

"Dare you fucking dare to let me finish this boss, we are fighting to the death!"

"If you dare, Laozi treats you as a man!"

"If you dare not, you're a fucking alarm clock! A trash! A fool!!"

At this time, the eternal world has begun the tactics of a shrew cursing the street.

He can't ask for a face anymore!

To face... just lack of strength!

If his own BOSS is disturbed and the lack of 24 reputation points, he will be the most hated deficiency in his life!


At the moment when the eternal world was finished cursing, Ye Yang suddenly stopped in place, looking at him seriously!


"Is this really going to wait for me to finish playing the boss?"

The heart of the eternal world jumped violently, suddenly overjoyed.


Ye Yang didn't want to wait for him to finish playing the BOSS, but... saw his talent!


Name: Eternal World

Talent: Mythical Grade·Eye of Demon


【Eye of the Demon】

Rank position: Mythical level

Effect: Active talent; status talent.

Effect 1: After turning on this talent, your eyes will instantly evolve into the eyes of the demon, seeing through all the weaknesses of the enemy; after any attack hits the enemy, all the enemy’s defenses will be reduced to direct 0 (including divine defense) .);

In addition, it causes a 99% divine slowing effect for 1 second. (This effect can ignore all "purification" skills, including "sacred purification" skills; built-in cooling time: 1 second.)

Effect 2: After summoning the "Eye of the Demon", your skills will be purified by the influence of the power of the Demon, and all the debuffs caused will directly evolve into the "sacred debuff state".

Duration: 1 hour, refresh the usage time every morning. (The duration can be interrupted at any time, and the remaining duration can be used at any time.)


Mythical talent!

Eye of the Demon!

When Ye Yang approached the eternal world, he was instantly shocked by the talent he saw! !

Once all attacks hit, the target's defense is directly reduced to 0!

Each attack can also cause a 99% slowdown for 1 second... No, it's a sacred slowing effect!

What is "sacred" deceleration?

It is the skill of the ordinary rank position, the deceleration is completely cleared!

Down to the ordinary level, up to the sanctuary level!

As long as it is a skill below the third rank, it is impossible to clear the divine slowing effect!

Similar to sacred damage.

The general idea of ​​sacred damage is to be able to ignore all defenses, block, injury-free, death-free, invincible, unselectable, etc. below the third rank! All resistance effects!

Belonging to, absolutely penetrating damage!

And "sacred deceleration", even all "sacred system" gain or debuff state, have this effect!

Ordinary skills are completely useless to "them"!

It is true that if Ye Yang has this talent now, it would be useless to reduce defenses, after all, he has the "sacred damage" of all skills.

But the 99% "sacred slowdown" of 1 second gives this effect a heaven-defying effect!


The most terrifying thing is.

The 99% deceleration effect of the "Eyes of the Demon" even clearly pointed out that it can be cleared by "Ignore Divine Purification" skills and even cannot be resisted by "Divine Purification" skills!


Isn't it fucking incomprehensible?

As far as Ye Yang knows.

The tiers of God King and Demon King are already at the top of the third rank, corresponding to the super god level/dominant level respectively.

But even the god king and the devil king.

They still belong to the third rank!

Their skills are still sacred skills! !

The 99% deceleration of the Eye of the Demon cannot be cleared or resisted by the Divine Purification, so what can resist this demon effect?

99% slowdown...This is no different from holding one's body.

If the sacred purification cannot resist.

Then... there is really no solution to the mythical talent? !

No wonder.

At that time, when Ye Yang appeared.

Just now, Eternal World dared to command the members of the guild and fight the lord-level boss with the main group.

No wonder.

The first one to be promoted to the hero level in the previous life was the eternal world.

Not to mention anything else, just this one-second 99% "sacred slowdown" effect is scary enough!

It belongs to the mythical talent of "Super Stream"!


There is also effect two.

The state of debuffs caused by oneself has all evolved into a state of "sacred debuff".

Although not comparable to effect one.

But even if this effect is taken out alone, it is at least a talent that can surpass the "Demi-God"!

Hmm... Simply put, it is the level of "Half-Step Myth"!


As for the duration.

It is also fully worthy of the duration of the mythical talent.

The duration of 1 hour can be switched at will!

This is also quite a terrible "pseudo special effect".

It seems that although it is only 1 hour, although the cooling time can be refreshed every morning.

But the special attribute of the random switch can make "it" withstand 2 hours, 5 hours, or even 10 hours!


Ye Yang didn't want to hesitate anymore, and directly used "Talent Plunder" on the eternal world!

[Ding, you have used the plundering talent to the player: "Eternal World", please choose it yourself, or plunder a talent of the creature randomly. 】

"Pillaging: Mythical Talent·Eye of Demon."

[Ding, the talent you currently plunder is a "sacred" talent. After plundering this talent, 10 achievement points will be consumed. Do you continue plundering? 】

"Does the third-tier talent need to consume 10 achievement points?"

Ye Yang glanced at the system prompt, and said inwardly.

"But why did I use an achievement point when I plundered the mythical talent of the extraordinary flame archangel when I first entered the game?"

Ye Yang suddenly felt a little confused.

Isn't this a self-contradictory setting?

Could it be that the Transcendental World... really has a bug?

Ye Yang suddenly got a little bit horny.

After all, this is completely beyond the scope of his usual understanding of the extraordinary world!


With his current spiritual attribute of 59 points, he figured it out in just a few seconds.


When he first entered the game, the "number" he got was not because of "achievement points".

It is the number of times of plunder that is directly rewarded by this "super god level" talent.

If you think about it this way.

He understood it completely.

The number of times someone's super god-level talents are given to Ye Yang, in theory, can even directly plunder a powerful talent that is also a "super god-level" rank!

It's just that the flame archangel only has a "mythical grade".

To understand this, Ye Yang no longer hesitated.

Use the "Pillage Talent" directly and continue plundering!

[Ding, you consumed 10 achievement points to activate the "predatory" effect, and the current achievement points are remaining: 2; you successfully plundered the player: a mythical talent of "Eternal Guild·Eternal World": Eye of the Demon! 】

"It's cool!"

"Mythical Talent, Eye of the Demon, it's mine now!"

Ye Yang is overjoyed!

At this time.

He heard another wild laugh!


"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Laozi is over!"

"Laozi...hero class!"

"Lie Yang, Lie Yang, I didn't expect you to be so stupid! You actually let me finish playing this boss!"

Eternal World didn't notice the disappearance of his talent at all.

Instead, he was completely plunged into the excitement of advanced heroes.

Moreover, he is a person with a mythical talent, the eye of a demon!

99% of the deceleration effect that can ignore all "purification" skills per second!

Once you hit the enemy, even if it is a magical basic attack, you can still play with the man who had previously scorned the crowd alive!

"...Now, you should go and die for me!"

"But don't worry, I will kill you until all your attributes are lost!"

"After I killed you, I dreamed of sleeping and dreaming like I trampled you under my feet, hahahaha!!"

"Heh, hehe."

Seeing the appearance of the eternal world, Ye Yang couldn't help but squeeze his sweat.


He is too lazy to inked.

The mythical talent has been seized, and the entire Eternal Guild is now sloppy, with countless retreats!

The eternal world now has no threat to myself...or to Xiao Yu!

"Dark cut!"

next moment.

Ye Yang waved his staff.

A huge, pitch-black and translucent dark blade appeared in his hand, replacing the original glowing staff in his hand

"Eternal World...President."

"Goodbye at resurrection!"

next moment.


The dark blade in Ye Yang's hand swung down, piercing everyone's eardrums with a sound like cutting meat!

HP -2200! (Holy cutting!)

Attack power -352 (sacred cut!)

Attack power -1408 (devil deterrence!)

Defense -158 (Holy Cut)

Defense -632 (Devil deterrence!)

-108064! (French explosion!) (Holy!)


Exaggerated injury figures.

A series of attribute weakening prompts.

It spurts directly from the top of the eternal world!

Dark cut!

The strongest single explosive skill of the dark system!

Swipe it down.

Up to 100,000 points of damage directly caused the eternal world to die no longer!

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