Online Games: God-level Plundering Talent at the Start!

Chapter 45 The road to advancement, the super difficulty of obtaining prestige! (One more flowers!)

"Since you want to buy a property, I advise you to check the price first."

After speaking, the city lord waved his arm, and a light curtain appeared in front of Ye Yang.

【Claya Shop】

Class: Luxury real estate

Price: 850 gold coins

Reputation: 850


【Hella Shop】

Grade: Luxury

Price: 760 gold coins

Reputation: 760


【Xingmai Shop】

Grade: Luxury

Price: 980 gold coins

Reputation: 980


Above the light curtain, every shop is no less than 500 gold coins, and many even have thousands of gold coins.

You know, these thousands of gold coins are equivalent to tens of millions of Chinese coins. Most people want to buy a shop here, but no one says they can buy it.

And how much money is spent is not the point, the point is the reputation limit at the bottom of these shops.


After completing the career advancement transfer, you can successfully open the "advanced" channel.

Advanced hero level, advanced epic level, advanced legend... and even higher levels, all of which require prestige restrictions.

It is not difficult to gain prestige in the extraordinary world.

As long as you kill monsters whose rank is no lower than you, or complete some hidden missions of extraordinary significance, you can gain reputation.

Has previous life experience.

Ye Yang deeply knows the difficulty of these 980 points in the early stage.

Killing a lord level...that is, equal to the player hero level boss, can only get thirty or fifty points of prestige.

As for the lord level, if the gold level is a more powerful boss!

Just being a gold-ranked Salras made Ye Yang spend a lot of effort, the boss of the lord-level, it is not what ordinary people can imagine!

Moreover, these 980 points of prestige, which means that you can kill at least dozens of lord-level bosses to complete!

At this moment, the city lord raised his head and said:

"Adventurer, the cheapest luxury shops in Oracle City, the lowest is more than 500 gold coins, I suggest you still..."

"I choose Xingmai Store!"

Before the city lord could finish speaking, Ye Yang spoke directly.

His idea of ​​buying a shop is very simple, just to provide more convenient conditions for selling his equipment in the future!

You know, after leaving Xinshou Village, setting up a stall in the main city will charge a high stall fee, and after the transaction is successful, a 9% transaction tax will be charged!

What's more frightening is that the better the location of the booth, the more outrageous the booth fee.

After these two deductions are filtered, even if a piece of equipment is worth more, it will be washed away to a huge part.

With a shop, you can not only exempt yourself from outrageous booth fees, but also exempt you from transaction taxes!

Even if the location of your shop is good, and if the shop is big enough, you can even rent out your shop location to attract other merchants and players to sell your equipment here!

The most important of these is the ability to customize transaction taxes for those merchants.

In other words, if you have a property in Oracle City and someone wants to rent your shop, even if you set a 99% transaction tax, no one can violate it!

Of course... these premises are that people are willing to bear such a high transaction tax as you do.

As for prestige...

"Ahem, adventurer, I didn't expect you to be a rich man."

Hearing the real estate Ye Yang wanted to buy, the city owner couldn't help but cough lightly.

He originally just wanted to show these extremely expensive properties and scare this new adventurer.

Unexpectedly, he was really so rich, so he bought the most expensive Xingmai shop directly.

You know, the Xingmai shop is located in the most prosperous and most conspicuous location in the central area of ​​Oracle City. As long as you come here, you can see this shop casually.

Even if there is no publicity, the advertising benefits that come with it are not comparable to ordinary shops.

"Adventurer, you are the most extravagant person I have ever seen. I will sell you the Xingmai shop. As for the prestige restrictions this shop places on you, I will cancel it directly for you."

After speaking, the city lord directly erased the prestige restriction of the Star Vessel Shop.

This is also something Ye Yang has known for a long time.

The first player to enter the main city to buy a store has a chance to directly ignore the limit of 1,000 prestige points and buy rare items once.

"Ha ha."

"My Lord, maybe it won't be long before you will see more rich people!"

Ye Yang smiled faintly, after trading 980 gold coins to get the real estate of Xingmai Shop, he said a little.

Once you reach level 10, you can open the recharge channel after entering the main city.

When more and more players reach level 10 and enter the main city, the sons of the consortium, or the second generation of the super rich, will enter the main city and sway thousands of gold coins. I hope that this short-sighted city lord will not be scared.

By then, let alone 1,000 gold coins, even if it is 10,000 or 100,000 gold coins, I am afraid it will be swept away!

None of them are fools.

How much benefit an optimal shop location can bring to oneself is not something that can be measured casually.

[Ding, you have lost 980 gold coins and obtained the "Proof of Ownership of Star Vessel Shop" from the city lord. 】

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