Online Games: Gou Cheng Is Terrifying, Exposed By The National War Inventory

Chapter 562 Confronting the King of Ten Thousand Demons

Chapter 562 Confronting the King of Ten Thousand Demons

The sky is full of spells of various light effects.

Their eyes were almost blinded.


A large black cloud appeared in the sky.

All the light effects of the spell were engulfed.

A huge coercion came from the air~.

Let everyone in the field breathless.

What about Dark Nights!

Immediately kill this seat!

An angry sound came from the air.

The black cloud slowly condensed into a human shape.

A pair of blood red eyes are particularly conspicuous.

This sound, this feeling.

Is it the Demon King?

It's really going to be gg this time!

The swordsman remembered the terrible memory of Shenmen.

weapon in hand.

With a bang, it fell to the ground.

It's him, it's him, it's him!

Here he is again!

It's over, it's dead.

I'm not a master anymore, I just want to go home!

Adam and the others' hands were stiff.

Before the battle, he was almost on his knees.

What a horrible smell.

Head hurts!

Thang Kaka looked at the demon king in the sky unwillingly.

She wanted to throw the weapon in her hand.

But there seemed to be an invisible force that kept her from moving.

She didn't expect the Demon King to be so terrifying.

Don't give her a chance to fight at all.

Is this the Demon King?

It's a hundred times more terrifying than the exposed video.

The Shadow Assassin's tone was also quite solemn.

They are immune to physical and magical attacks.

But the most afraid of this kind of mental attack.

Welcome to the king!

The demonization army finally slowed down.

Kneeling down to the ground in unison.

The King of Ten Thousand Demons alone can defeat thousands of troops.

I knew that the Wan Yaowang was coming.

They don't put so much effort into it.

Just wait and win.

say something!

What about Dark Night?

If not, I'm about to start.

The Demon King didn't even look at the demonization team.

Just staring coldly at the ancient deputy city lord and others.

Not to mention that the coercion of the Demon King makes it difficult for them to speak.

Even if they can speak normally.

They also don't know where Chu Xuan is.

I really thought I wouldn't do it, did I?

The Demon King waited for three seconds.

Still haven't heard the answer I want.

stretched out his right hand.

Thankaka felt an invisible hand grab her.

Then the body flew uncontrollably into the air.

Immediately after that, it quickly fell to the ground.

It's like riding a roller coaster.

And the kind that never stops.

Thangkaka only felt nauseated by the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney.

...for flowers...

With a wow, he spat out.

Juggernaut and others just took a look.

They all felt nauseous.

Don't you say it yet?

It looks like you all want to try this feeling.

Wan Yaowang said with a sneer.

At this time.

Suddenly, a figure flew into the mouth of the Demon King in midair.

The Demon King of Ten Thousand Demons saw that it was the corpse that was unable to fly.

The red eyes kept flickering.

An Yexuan, I know you are here!

Die me now!

The Wan Yaowang drank violently.

Lightning flashed throughout the sky.

Just like the mood of the Demon King at the moment.

You are so strange!

Aren't you looking for me just for him?

Now I bring him to your lips, and you are not happy again.

This makes it hard for you!

Chu Xuan appeared in midair with his hands behind his back.

Face to face with the Demon King.

I thought you were going to be a tortoise for the rest of your life.

Since you are out.

Then die!

Wan Yaowang speaks.

A finger taps in the air.

A vortex of space appeared above Chu Xuan's head.

The powerful suction force sucked the demon soldiers on the ground under Chu Xuan's feet into the vortex.

But Chu Xuan is safe and sound.

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