As Arya’s voice gradually fell, more than two thousand snake-man banshees in the entire Lobuk followed her footsteps and drove out of the city!


The City of Tritte!

Warrior Snake Man Lord Mother Neo held this heavy sword and stood on the training ground!

“Fellow citizens!”

“We already have a new king!”

“Follow Queen Medusa in search of our new king!”

Neo’s voice is loud, and as a warrior snake person, she has a strong enough body.

“New King!”

“Go after our new king!”

“With Queen Medusa!”


On the training ground, thousands of snake banshees raised their swords and shouted along with Neo’s voice!

Thousands of unified sounds, resounding tens of kilometers away!


Not just the city of Lobuk, and the city of Tritt.


Arroba City.

Under the cry of Aurora, the main mother of the snake people, the 2,300 snake people banshees unified their will and marched towards the city of the boulder!


The City of Yalje!

After feeling the will of Lord “Beacon”, Amanda did not hesitate for a moment, and led her more than 3,000 snake people and banshees towards the direction of the Megalithic City!


The city of Aubrey!

Lord Beth smiled slightly, having already clarified Queen Medusa’s decision and accepted the will of Lord Beacon.

After burning Aubrey City, Lord Mother Beth took all her snake women subordinates to pursue Lord Beacon and Queen Medusa’s footsteps!


On the outskirts of the desert dry city.

More than twenty peripheral cities, more than twenty snake people main mother, forty or fifty thousand ordinary snake female monsters, at the same time, open in one direction!

City of Megalith!

Follow, “Beacon” for the will to die!

Tens of thousands of snake women, pouring out the nest!

A huge scene! In the entire desert dry city field, all monsters are avoided!

Ren is a desert poacher outside the desert dry city, and he was shocked at this time!

The desert giant also condensed his physical form from the quicksand, and looked at this scene with a shocked face.

The desert femme fatale that was all over the desert dry city was terrified, and hurriedly hid in its lair, trembling and waiting for the snake man banshee to cross here…


“What the hell is going on?!”

“Could it be that the Snake Terrans are leaving the desert dry city?”

“No, they have ruled the desert dry city for thousands of years, and they have long taken root here, and even the city of Galvie has become Medusa’s bedroom…”

“Wait… Look there, why is there such a big fire?! ”

Suddenly, among the crowd of desert poachers gathered in the shadows, one pointed in one direction and said.

In that direction, the fire burst into the sky!

Even if a city is burning there, I am afraid it is difficult to say that there is such a big fire!

“That was… The direction of the city of Galvie? ”

“Galvie City, on fire?”

“Isn’t that Medusa’s lair? How could it catch fire? ”

“Did you say… Are they really leaving the desert city? ”

“Wait, this direction they’re going… Could it be the City of Megalith? ”

“City of Megalith?”

“The snake women are going to take the city of the boulder?!”

“No, Ai Qi’s strength is very strong, and now, there are many aliens in the city of megalith.”

“I also heard that the last undead lord broke the halberd and sank in the city of huge stones…”

“Undead, or with the will of Tias, are the snake women crazy? To repeat the mistakes of the undead masters? ”

“Anyway… They may really be leaving, leaving the desert dry city realm! ”

“Great, great!!!”

“We, finally liberated!”




Desert poachers cheered and roared with excitement.

The Snake Terrans ruled the desert dry city for thousands of years!

For thousands of years, under the rule of the snake people, everyone had no breathing room.

Meet is death!

Desert poachers fight snake women, only to be crushed.

What’s more, above the ordinary snake woman, there is also the main mother, the great main mother, and Queen Medusa!

Now, how can poachers not be happy when they see the snake Terrans leaving the area?


The other side.

Before Medusa left Galvi City, Ye Yang once again unleashed a heavenly fire impact in this place, destroying this Galvi City Lord Palace!

Medusa has now become his “female pet”, as a man’s possessiveness, although only a female pet, he does not like what traces Medusa is still in the city of Galvie.

The city lord’s palace is where Medusa rests.

So after you leave, you have to destroy it.

As for other places, it doesn’t matter.

A heavenly fire impact destroyed the entire Galvie City Lord’s Mansion, and also destroyed all the memories that Medusa had here for thousands of years.

At last.

Among the snake race, the five strongest big lord mothers, now only two are still alive, Kali and Bona.

Because, at that time, Ye Yang did not know the way to the city of Galvie, and in the unexplored monster region, the system map was dark again.

Therefore, Ye Yang showed mercy to his subordinates, wanting them to lead the way to Medusa’s location, so he left them with a snake life, so that they can still have the honor to follow Ye Yang now.

Received Medusa.

They can barely be regarded as left and right protectors.

For the title of this left and right protector, Ye Yang was still quite satisfied.

So far.

Ye Yang’s battle in the desert dry city was completely over!

The boss of the desert realm, the king of snake women, Medusa, became his mount.

Thousands of pieces of equipment.

Thousands of books.

Rich 109 skill points.

The 30 equipment spirits required for refining equipment have long been assembled, and the equipment manufacturing drawings are also fully loaded.


Lying on Medusa’s smooth back, when Ye Yang checked his backpack, he suddenly found something wrong.


【Level 20 equipment manufacturing drawings】Weapons, bandanas, tops, underwear, shin guards, gloves, shoes, necklaces…


“That’s not right…”

Ye Yang’s face suddenly froze.

“What about the manufacturing drawings of the ring?”


PS. Haha, sell a small pass!

The manufacturing drawings of the ring were immediately conjured!

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