Sou! Sou!

Sou! Sou! Sou!

When the five pillars of heavenly fire bombarded from different directions, Barov’s expression twisted in horror!

Isn’t he a Holy Spirit Immortal Magic? Why do you know the skills of the fire system?!

Blazing Yin and Yang? Elemental Mage?

Countless possibilities flashed through Barlov’s mind.

But it was too late.

When he was used as the main target to release the Heavenly Fire Impact, no matter how strong his HP was, it was not enough to resist the powerful lethality of the Heavenly Fire Impact!



Hundreds of thousands of damage are frequently generated.

Ren is Barov has this tough “top strong”, immune to nearly half of Ye Yang’s damage, but it is not enough for him to save his life!

[Ding, you killed the guardian of the “Ruins Vulcan Cave”, the overlord commander-level berserk beast cavalry leader Balov, and obtained 500,000 experience, 100,000 gold coins, skill points X50, and skill fusion scroll X1. 】

[Ding, you killed the Overlord Warrior-level Berserk Beast Cavalry, gaining 100,000 experience, 10,000 gold coins, and skill points X20. ] 】



Listening to the system prompt in his mind, Ye Yang smiled gratifyingly.

It is worthy of being a hegemon-level monster, and one has such rich experience.

The hundreds of beast cavalry killed at one time were enough to bring Ye Yang more than 23 million experience, as well as more than 2 million gold coins, making his treasury rich again.

Coupled with those blood refining birds and blood refining berserkers before, Ye Yang has now gained more than 25 million experience!






Glancing at his level, most of the experience is provided by this Beast Cavalry Legion, more than 20 million experience, directly raising his level from level 23 to level 26!

If a player reaches the level 30 realm, they can make a second ultimate progression.

Only after completing the “Ultimate Progression” can this player leave the third-level city and go to a higher realm.

It has to be said that the speed of this upgrade is really fast.

Moreover, what made Ye Yang even more pleased was not experience, but skill points.

Before, because he was too much looking forward to Medusa’s hegemon-level advancement, Ye Yang even ignored the monsters above the hegemon-level, and the rich skill points rewarded!

A commander-level Barov provided Ye Yang with a full 50 points, but this was not a big head.

Although the single beast cavalry is not as rewarded as Barov, you must know that the beast cavalry legion has a full 230!

This time, it provided Ye Yang with 4650 skill points!

Coupled with the previous elite-level blood refining bird, Ye Yang’s current skill points have exceeded 6,000 points!

With such a huge amount of skill points, even if Ye Yang couldn’t touch other monsters in the “Ancient War Ruins”, such a huge amount of skill points was enough to make all his three main battle skills reach the full level.

However, he will not waste so much for the time being, after all, he has only reached level 30, and when he needs skill points in the future, there will be much more!

Moreover, as the strongest patron saint of the Vulcan Cave, after defeating him, Barov also burst out a skill fusion scroll for Ye Yang.

Although there was only one, it was enough to surprise Ye Yang.

This also means that when you reach the level 30 realm, you can use this fusion scroll to fuse the skills of the three fusion versions again!

The combined strength of these skills… Raise high again!

Thinking of this, Ye Yang finally had the motivation to move forward in his heart.

Although he didn’t know what the final treasure of the ancient battle ruins was, at least the harvest now was enough to satisfy him.

Massive experience.

Rich skill points.

There’s also a skill fusion scroll!

Although Ye Yang didn’t know whether these things were bound to fall or chance to fall, he had the talent of [Absolute Chance], and he didn’t need to worry about this problem at all!

As for the other players…

Hehe, after they encountered a hegemon-level monster like Barov, it was already a blessing to be able to escape from his hands, let alone scavenge something from his body.

As for Medusa’s harvest this time.

Although she can’t gain “Emperor Power” by killing monsters of the hegemonic rank, it does not mean that she has nothing in this battle.

As Ye Yang’s slave, on another level, she can be regarded as Ye Yang’s “pet”.

Pets kill monsters, and the owner will receive a basic reward of experience coins…

The owner kills monsters, and as a pet, she will naturally get this basic reward.

Unfortunately, she is not a pure player camp, so her skills cannot be upgraded, let alone fused.

So…… Even if she obtains skill points and skill fusion scrolls, it is useless.

But after being promoted to the hegemonic level at the domain level, Medusa has the possibility to improve its skill level every time it is upgraded.

Low-level skills, which may be advanced to intermediate skills.

Intermediate skills, which may advance to advanced skills.

However, every time you level up, there is only a chance to advance to one skill level, and there is a great possibility of failure in the promotion.

Even, after each upgrade, she has skills to acquire a new skill.

In pure gaming terms, this is “pet savvy”.

Of course, monsters can also choose to comprehend independently, but if they are pets, the success rate of comprehension is related to the owner.

If it is a monster that comprehends independently, it is related to the monster itself.

These are also things that Ye Yang discovered after seeing Medusa’s level increase this time.


【King of the Banshee of the Snake Man Medusa】

Contract: Slave of Beacon

Rank: Overlord and Domain Level

Imperial power: 0/100

Rank: 32 (17%)

Comprehension: 2



Comprehension: When your minions, pets, mounts, and other dependents level up, they will gain a chance to comprehend skills. Comprehension skills can be selected as an improvement in skill levels or comprehending new skills. The success rate of comprehension is controlled by the willpower of the master.


Like Ye Yang, after gaining tens of millions of experience, Medusa also improved by two levels and gained two comprehensions.

However, when Ye Yang saw this precious comprehension function, he suddenly remembered a relatively important thing.


Ye Yang turned his head and looked into her enchanting eyes and asked.

“If you comprehend skills, can you also comprehend “form” skills? ”

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