Online Games: High-Level Talent, Unlimited Buffs

Chapter 116: Professional Skills - Knife. Rhythmic Breathing!

Watch yourself reach level 25.

Without any hesitation, Su Yi decisively opened the skill tree of the advanced hidden profession [Blade of Zhan Wu] and checked it out.

I saw that as the level reached level 25.

The skill tree of [Blade of Zanwu] has unlocked a brand new skill.

Click to view its specific properties.

【Knife. Rhythmic breathing】

[Quality: Occupation-specific skills (Blade of No Slash)]

[Effect: Launches a slash at all enemies within the front range (50 meters x 50 meters), causing all enemies within the range of physical attack power x800% aoe physical damage, and all enemies hit by the slash, on the body Leaves a layer of "Execute" mark, when attacking the enemy with the "Execute" mark, the damage is increased by an additional 20%]

[Skill CD: 7 seconds. 】

[Mana consumption: 1200 mana. 】

"One Seven Three"..

"Large-scale aoe skill damage.. Not only does the damage explode, but it also has an additional slashing effect."

"As expected of the professional skills provided by the most advanced hidden professions!""

After checking the specific skill effect, Su Yi couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise.

As the level increased, the monsters he encountered became stronger and stronger.

【Instant Thunder Slash】Although it also has a wide range of AOE damage.

But after all, it is only a skill of the golden level.

Provides limited damage bonuses.

It has gradually started to become sluggish.

For example, when facing the [Dragon Servant] monster before, if it wasn't for the extra damage bonus provided by the "Dragon Slayer.buff".

If you want to instantly kill a group of monsters by relying on the [Instant Lightning Slash] skill alone, it is simply impossible without the bonus of [Mayasha] or [Evil Luck Ring].

And now there is [Knife. Rhythmic Breath], the exclusive occupation skill of the most advanced hidden occupation [Blade of Zhan Wu].

Su Yi's large area aoe damage has become much stronger.

Not only provides 800% damage bonus effect.

And the range of aoe damage is also abnormally large, a full 50 meters x 50 meters.

And it also comes with special effects.

Leaves a layer of "Execute" mark on the enemy, and all damage dealt to enemies with the "Execute" mark is increased by 20%.

"With the bonus of this value and the range of terror, this skill is probably no worse than the vast majority of epic skills.

Between whispers, Su Yi's mouth couldn't help revealing a smile.

Then, he opened his personal attribute panel and began to examine it carefully.

[id: Eternal. 】

[Level: Level 25. 】

[Occupation: Blade of Zhan Wu (to high level. Unique).

[Race: Human race. 】

[Talent: Xeon's Blessing (Highest. Unique). 】

[HP: 3670000/3670000 points. 】

[Mana: 3120000/3120000 points.

[Power: 2100 points. 】

[Physical fitness: 800 points. 】

[Agility: 512 points. 】

[Intelligence: 605 points. 】

[Physical attack power: 9500 points. 】

[Magic attack power: 1210 points. 】

[Defense power: 3000 points. 】

[Skills: Heavy Slash (Initial Skill), Maya Chana (Dark Gold Level), Instant Thunder Slash (Gold Level), Execute (Gold Level), Violent Flame Cross Slash (Dark Gold Level), Block (Platinum Level) )l

[Equipment: Forget River (Platinum Level), Evil Luck Ring (Mythic Level), Immortal Belt (Dark Gold Level). …]

too strong!

Although the level is only 25.

But the attribute panel of Su Yi is simply scary.

If other players see it, their jaws will drop in shock.

No one would believe, this is a level 25 player can have a property panel.

This terrifying attribute panel, not to mention level 25, is not necessarily available to even those level 50 or 60 players who have completed their second career transfer.

And now what is Su Yi's level... level 25.

After he reaches level 50, causing the second career change, I am afraid that the attribute panel will reach an astonishing stage.

"If you continue to grow according to this trend, I am afraid that when I wait for you to reach level 70 or 80, you will not be able to match the strength of the strongest! 39

Between whispers, Su Yi's mouth couldn't help revealing a smile.

Then he left the "Mercenary Hall" without hesitation.

When he left, a group of mercenary NPCs all looked at him like monsters.

Just now, they all saw the scene where Su Yi took out the heart of [Half-Dragon Leader - Aksu] and completed the s-level mercenary mission.

An adventurer in his twenties..

Killed the level 40 master boss [Half-Dragon Leader - Aksu], and completed the s-level mercenary mission...

This... do you want to be so perverted.

When Su Yi just left, all the mercenary NPCs couldn't help but exclaimed and talked about it.

Su Yi had no idea about this.

At this moment, after leaving the "Mercenary Hall", he directly took out the [Trial Scroll] that he had traded with "Leng Qingyue" from his backpack.

Without thinking too much, I just crushed the scroll and chose to use it.

[Ding Dong, do you confirm to use the [Trial Scroll] to go to the secret realm - the Tower of Trials?]


The voice just fell.

I saw a flash of white light, and a faint force of space wrapped Su Yi's body and disappeared directly in place.

The familiar dizziness struck.

When Su Yi came back to his senses, he had already appeared on a barren land.

On top of this earth, quietly stands a towering tower that reaches into the sky, so high that people can't see the end.

It is exactly - the Tower of Trials.

Su Yi walked quickly to the tower and looked up.

This tower is made of unknown materials, and the whole body is dark.

And as Su Yi approached.

Specific information about the Tower of Trials also emerged in front of his eyes.

【Tower of Trials】

[Type: Trial Secret Realm. 】

[Introduction to the secret realm: The secret realm of trials specially set up for the top powerhouses. To enter the tower, you need a layer of 0.0 to pass the level. In each tower, there are powerful monsters guarding them. With these monsters, you will be able to Received great rewards. 】

[Hint 1: Various consumables that restore health/mana cannot be used in the trial tower, but 15% of the health and mana can be restored for each level of the tower that is cleared. 】

[Hint 2: The trial tower has a total of 50 floors. The higher you go, the stronger the monsters guarding you will be. 】

[Tip 3: Each time you clear a tower, you can get a corresponding trial point. The trial point can be opened in the trial store after clearing the secret realm, and you can exchange items in it. 】

[Clearance requirements: Pass the tower to the 20th floor. 】

[Clearance reward: experience value x150000 points, free attribute points +50 points, reputation +1000 points, an exclusive weapon that fits the profession. 】

[Failure penalty: None. 】

[Restrictions on customs clearance: none. 】

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