Online Games: High-Level Talent, Unlimited Buffs

Chapter 216: Interest and friendship!!

Looking at Su Yi in the military tent, the president of the Three Da Guild was only stunned.

They never imagined it.

This fiercely famous Ninth Corps commander is actually "Eternal"!

For a time, the three of them froze in place.

"Tell me what the three of you want to do!

Su Yi didn't give them a chance to be in a daze, and asked straight to the point.

The long-term killing has filled Su Yi with an extremely terrifying murderous aura.

Although this "two five three" is not deliberately released.

But the terrifying aura emanated from it.

It still made the president of the Three Da Guild feel extremely uncomfortable.

In their eyes, Su Yi at this time, although she looks handsome.

But there was a terrifying aura all over his body.

That feeling, as if they were not dealing with a human being,

It's like an evil spirit coming out of hell.

Hear his question now.

The presidents of the three major guilds were stunned for a moment.

After recovering, they looked at each other at the same time, their faces full of wry smiles.

Before them, although they knew the power of "eternity".

But didn't take it too seriously.

After all, in their view before.

No matter how powerful an individual is, it is difficult to control the victory of a war.

But at this moment, Su Yi's fall completely refreshed their cognition.

Because they knew very well that "Eternal", the head of the Ninth Corps, had initially possessed the strength to control the balance of war.

Moreover, they have the right to dominate their life and death.

"'Eternal', I didn't expect it to be you!"

After returning to his senses, the president of the "Dragon Soul" guild "Lord of the Dragon Soul" spoke first.

"The reason we are looking for you this time is very simple."

"As the commander of the Ninth Corps, I believe you should be clear about what role the Ninth Corps will play in tomorrow's war.

"If we follow the original development, if nothing happens, our Three Da Association will probably lose more than 90% of its members in tomorrow's war."

"Thus losing the right to fight in the next world event.

"Even become the laughing stock of the entire game!"

"So, I hope you can help us tomorrow by putting our people at the back of the line and reducing the casualty rate.

The "Lord of Dragon Soul" opened his mouth to express his appeal.

Su Yi looked at the three of them and didn't say much.

As for their demands, they have already guessed a lot...  

Therefore, he was not surprised at all.

Notice that he thought for a moment and said, "I can help you, it's nothing to me.

But... in return, what can you give me!"

Su Yi tapped some tabletops lightly with his fingers.

As the corps commander of the Ninth Corps, he can naturally fulfill the demands of the Three Da Association.

After all, in a war, place them further back.

This kind of thing is naturally not too difficult for him.

However, it is not too difficult for him, but it is impossible for him to help the Three Da Association for no reason.

Although he has a good relationship with the Sanda guild.

But the relationship between the two is limited to the transaction between interests.

If there is no benefit.

That doesn't mean 0.0, he can only say sorry.

This is not to say that Su Yi is unkind,

Just, that's the rules of the game.


The presidents of the three da guilds looked at each other.

"The reward will naturally come, but let us discuss it!

The "Lord of Dragon Soul" said.

Then, the three started to discuss in the private chat channel.

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