Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 15 The Lenga Sutra

"Mad Lion, I don't want to fight you in Pingyang City, but I don't mind teaching you a lesson, please don't make mistakes!"

Hearing the cold voice, Jiang Yichen knew that it was Master Lu who spoke.

"Haha, Master Lu, it's rare to see him. I heard that Lei Yun, the number one member of your Luoxia Sect's younger generation, died? That's really a pity. Our iron palms want to step on him Heads up."

The strong man opposite Lu Xueling said with a sneer.

"However, if you can marry me, our two families will join forces and integrate and distribute resources. It will definitely make up for the losses of your sect. Maybe we can make further progress with each other and hit the first-class sect!"

While talking, the Wild Lion kept looking at Lu Xueling with fiery eyes.

"You are just a dog in my eyes, and you deserve it?"

Lu Xueling said lightly.

Immediately, he took a few disciples to the Huayang Tower, ignoring the Tie Kuangshi who had lost face in public.

As the leader of the second-rate sect of the Iron Palm Sect, Tie Kuangshi had never suffered such humiliation, and immediately followed with his disciples with a livid face.

As the leader of the gang, both of them wanted the private room upstairs, but at the moment the upper bakery room was already full.

"Sister Nan, come upstairs to the second room on the left."

At this moment, Jiang Yichen saw the situation and sent a message to Ouyang Nannan.

"Boy, it's useful, not bad."

Ouyang Nannan's eyes lit up immediately, and after explaining clearly to the master, they came to Jiang Yichen's private room.

"Dog! Didn't you say that there is no room? What's going on here!"

The wild lion roared at the boy. At this moment, he was on the verge of getting angry.

Well, both myself and Lu Xueling are sect masters, so I was disgraced outside, and I didn't even have a private room after I came in!

Wouldn't it make everyone in the world think that the Iron Palm Gang is not as good as the Luoxia Sect?

This matter must not be tolerated! Tie Kuangshi thought angrily in his heart.

The atmosphere in the private room is also a bit awkward at the moment. Sister Nan stared blankly at the two people in front of her, a policeman and a beggar...

Jiang Yichen scratched his head in embarrassment, and before he could speak, the door was kicked open forcibly.

The one who came was Iron Mad Lion!

Although Tie Kuangshi also understood at this moment that he would have to bear some price for making troubles in Pingyang City, but he had to give up the anger and pick up the lost face. The price and so on can only be discussed later.

"Bitch! Shame on you, right? Get out!"

At this moment, the diners downstairs also stopped their chopsticks one after another. The battle between two second-rate masters is not something that can be seen casually.

The shopkeeper of Huayanglou was also in a hurry at this time, and he had already sent someone to report to the officials, but it would definitely take some time to go back and forth, and if there was a fight, his restaurant would suffer. Constantly yelling:

"Harmony is the most important! Peace is the most important..."

Lu Xueling is not talking nonsense, no one can humiliate herself like this on the one-acre three-point land in Pingyang City!

I will definitely not be polite.

Immediately, a sword qi popped out from the fingertips and hit the iron mad lion.

"Hmph, small tricks."

Wild Lion took it lightly with a palm.

"Bitch! Get out and fight! I'm going to abolish you today..."

"What are you barking at?"


Just when the wild lion dog was barking, no one expected Jiang Yichen to speak.

"You're crazy!"

Σ(?д?lll) Sister Nan looked at Jiang Yichen in shock.

"Hehe, the clown who thinks nothing of himself, actually provokes a second-rate master, how dare you."

Sunset also opened his mouth to mock.


But Tie Kuangshi frowned.

Damn, he is actually a fast catcher, I didn't notice just now, if I slap him outside the city, I will slap him to death, but inside the city...

Jiang Yichen originally had the idea of ​​testing to see if the aborigines were really afraid of the Yamen, but now looking at the iron mad lion's appearance, it obviously worked!

"What? Keep barking? Why don't you stop barking? I see a local dog tied to the entrance of the restaurant. You can go to worship it as a teacher and learn a little bit. As the saying goes, you will be a teacher for a day and a father for life, and you will take care of that dog later. The dog is just the father, and..."

At this moment, Jiang Yichen's taunting skills are fully utilized.

Ouyang Nannan and the others were too shocked to speak.


Damn, is Jiang Yichen so brave?

Before co-authoring, he always pretended when he was working in the store. Is this his true face?

"Boy, don't court death!"

The Wild Lion was so angry that he was fuming at the moment, even a little policeman who came out of nowhere dared to talk to him like that...

"Alas! You're right, I'm looking for death. Iron Palm Clan leader, mad dog, come on, bite me to death! Ma Liudi, come here and kill me. If you can't kill me, you will admit that you are a waste."


"What? I fell in love with Master Lu but couldn't get it, so I became angry and kept barking, right? Have you never seen a woman? If you haven't, can you go back and see you, and see what you look like..."


No one expected that the wild lion would spit blood out of anger after being scolded.

"Wori, ox, dare to ask what is the name of this trick."


Jiang Yichen didn't expect that he could scold him and vomit blood, and then continued to mock.

"As the saying goes, in Pingyang City, dragons don't sing, tigers don't howl, and the little wild lion is ridiculous. In the Iron Palm Gang, people have no morals and no dogs. Please be careful~"

Hearing this, even the deserted Lu Xueling couldn't help showing a faint smile.

"Pfft, let's go... Today I admit defeat, boy, I don't know if you can bear the revenge of the Iron Palm Gang..."

Immediately, the Wild Lion vomited blood, and retreated with his disciples.

There's nothing I can do today, I didn't expect this little catcher to be so sharp-tongued.

I definitely can't kill him in the city, otherwise I won't be able to bear the revenge of Pingyang City, not to mention the dynasty, and if I don't leave, I will just stay and take his own humiliation...

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter. It turns out that some people really vomit blood when they are scolded. Tell me, if the mad lion didn't leave just now, would Xiaochen scold him to death?"

As soon as the wild lion left, Sister Nan burst into tears.

"The Lion Kung Fu he practiced is fierce and domineering, and he emphasizes the indomitable momentum. Today, he hit a wall and was frustrated everywhere, and what your friend scolded is really..."

As she said that, even Lu Xueling couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"It's a pity, if I knew it, I would have accepted you into our Luoxia Sect that day, alas."

Lu Xueling said regretfully.

"Xiaochen, what's going on, why didn't that wild lion attack you?"

Immediately after, Jiang Yichen told several people about the identity of the policeman, and they were speechless.

Sister Nan also told her why she came here. It turns out that Pingyang City has a reward hall dedicated to accepting missions, and there are some Jianghu missions in it. A few of them were brought out by the head to see the world, and then see if they can pick up a few. Simple tasks to do...

A few people ate and chatted, and the meal ended happily. The head of Lu took a few people to pick up the task. Jiang Yichen planned to go back to the Yamen to see if the boss of the policeman was back. Zhang Xiaopang also went to the door with a sad face. Engage in "pyramid marketing"...

Back at the yamen, there was indeed a young but muscular policeman waiting for him, named Zhao Hu.

I am in a yellow police suit, and the other party is in blue, so I can see that I am superior to myself.

The man had already prepared the basic cheats, and Jiang Yichen took a look.

There are three volumes of external skills.

They are the third-rate superior saber technique: Yanling saber technique. Third-rate intermediate swordsmanship: flowing water swordsmanship. Third-rate intermediate palm technique: Kaishan Palm. (optional)

There is only one third-rate low-level internal energy: Momentary energy

Without agility, there is a lightness kung fu that is a third-rate intermediate level lightness kung fu: 30% off for a bird.

e, I have always wanted to learn swordsmanship, but the yamen issued knives.

Moreover, the sword technique is one level higher than the sword technique, so it is really difficult for me to choose.

"Brother Hu, can I use my internal strength instead of a sword instead of a sword?"

Jiang Yichen's eyes lit up, and he asked immediately.

"Don't underestimate the instant skill. Although it is a low-level internal skill, it is not something that rural peasants can learn."

Zhao Hu thought it was because Jiang Yichen didn't like it.

"No, no, I mainly learned a third-rate internal skill, so I don't need it anymore."

Jiang Yichen explained.

"okay then."

Then he went to the warehouse and took out a long sword and handed it to Jiang Yichen.

Then he took Jiang Yichen to the practice room of the yamen, where he could practice for three hours a day, that is, six hours. And players can also hang up to practice offline.

However, the efficiency of on-hook practice is relatively low, and it is difficult to trigger one's own perception.

Jiang Yichen waited for Zhao Hu to leave and looked at the practice room. It was about forty square meters, and it was quite spacious. There were several wooden dummy posts made of fine iron, and a futon.

After settling his mind, Jiang Yichen sat on the futon and looked at the three cheat books in front of him.

Langa Sutra: Second-rate top internal strength! Heart and mind, mind and qi, qi and strength.

Flowing water swordsmanship: third-rate intermediate swordsmanship, the swordsmanship is like flowing water, stretching endlessly.

30% discount for Yanque: third-rate intermediate lightness kung fu. As light as a swallow, he jumped three times.

Apart from anything else, learn the Langa Sutra first.

A strong infuriating energy slowly emerged in his dantian, and then Jiang Yichen guided this airflow to travel through the whole body according to the heart formula...

After a full week, Jiang Yichen didn't feel tired at all, and felt a lot lighter.

I made up my mind to practice the Langa Sutra tonight, but what I didn't notice was that as the zhenqi circulated over and over again, the medicinal properties of the Dragon Pill that my body had absorbed before were gradually stimulated...

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