As Mu Xiaorou said that, she wanted to open the forum to see what was going on.

Immediately after, Jiang Yichen noticed that Mu Xiaorou had opened the forum and was stunned for a moment, then he gave himself a strange look. He lowered his head and looked at the forum carefully, then looked up at himself strangely...

"I have flowers growing on my face?"

Seeing Mu Xiaorou looking back and forth at herself, Jiang Yichen asked cautiously.

"E. Xiao Yu, it's okay, you can do tasks with Captain Jiang."

Mu Xiaorou turned her head and said to her sister.

Provoking Xiaoyu shouted no, and bluntly said that Jiang Yichen is worse than himself.

It made Jiang Yichen extremely embarrassed.

"Sometimes strength is not the only criterion for measuring combat power. Just like today, if Jiang Yichen hadn't reminded me, I would have been blindly and recklessly going up to output crazily. Once my internal strength is exhausted, it will be my sister who loses."

Mu Xiaorou glanced at Jiang Yichen and continued:

"Also don't look at his honest appearance, what he does is really...too... How can this be... There is no bottom line."

Seeing Mu Xiaorou's strange expression, Jiang Yichen also opened the forum.

! ! !

Shock! ! ! ! !

A certain player pretends to be an NPC in broad daylight to trick ignorant players into making such a deal...

Shock! ! ! !

There are hundreds of thousands of beggars in Pingyang City. Is this a distortion of human nature or a loss of morality?

Shock! ! ! !

Countless players did indescribable things to fat beggars in broad daylight...

Looking at the red and bold headlines, Jiang Yichen also felt that something was wrong, so he clicked on one...


"Damn it! Shameless! Shameless! Lied to me!"


"Thank you, I was cheated with a few of my wronged roommates, come over and open it, and hunt down this "npc" along the way."


"Thank you, my whole family was cheated, hunt +1."

(╬  ̄? Dish  ̄? ╬)

"Damn it, the requirement for quitting the Beggar Gang is to defeat Hong Qigong! That idiot, hurry up and lie to me, I will"

(?? ?′Д`?)?

"Hehehe, it's so miserable upstairs? Haha, without showing off, I just need to defeat Qiao Feng, hahahaha... Hehehe, quitting is impossible. I want to hunt down this policeman and this fat man To Cape Tianya!!!”

"The mind upstairs is out of order... We and the fat man cannot fight each other, but the catcher is dead."

"Pretending to be an NPC and tricking players into joining the beggar gang, how dare he! My whole family chased him down!"

"This forced thing is simply beyond words!"

"Damn it, I know what he looks like. He is quiet, honest, and very simple. I didn't expect such a dark heart!"

The above message is really sad for those who see it, and tears for those who hear it.

There are also many players who have gone crazy laughing below!

Roughly counting more than 30,000 victims, many of them went in groups, and one person represented a dozen or dozens of people...


Someone pretended to be an NPC to send missions to the player, and even asked the player to join the gang of beggars...


Jiang Yichen swallowed a mouthful of saliva. It's over, it's really Barbie Q now.

Mu Xiaorou stared at Jiang Yichen with great interest, Pingyang City, the fast player, except for this one in front of him, there should be nothing else...

"It's okay, I want to open it up. Few people have seen your face. And probably no one in Pingyang City dares to catch you quickly."

"But you may have to pretend to be an NPC all the time, otherwise if someone knows that you, the policeman, is that player, and then uploads your face on the forum, the consequences..."

"Stop, stop, hold back, hold back!"


Jiang Yichen interrupted Mu Xiaorou in a panic. He couldn't even imagine what the consequences would be if the tens of thousands of beggars in Pingyang City knew his identity...

At the same time, Mu Xiaorou also expressed her gratitude to Jiang Yichen, because it is extremely difficult for the beggar gang to recruit people. Jiang Yichen alone has contributed tens of thousands of players. Thinking of this, Mu Xiaorou's face is filled with an uncontrollable smile...

But no one noticed that Mu Xiaoyu was staring at Jiang Yichen with bright eyes, Xiaoyu liked doing bad things the most.


There was no time to think about what the two beauties were thinking, and the two sisters also saw that Jiang Yichen needed to calm down.

Immediately, the three of them planned to go out together, and Jiang Yichen settled the bill.

After eating so much delicious food, Mu Xiaorou was prepared to bleed profusely, but she didn't expect that Jiang Yichen only needed two gold to pay the bill!

Looking at Mu Xiaoyu's eyes were extremely hot, and his eyes were shining brightly, expressing that he would come to Jiang Bukuai to eat here every day.

Jiang Yichen could tell that neither of them was from a particularly rich family, especially Mu Xiaoyu, whose pitiful appearance of frantically planing rice just now was really distressing and funny.

Immediately told the two of their own police privileges.

"Anyway, Xiaoyu is in Pingyang City, just ask me to pay the bill for dinner, and you can also find me on horseback, it's free~"

The two sisters mentioned by Jiang Yichen are extremely hot-eyed.

Neither of them have ever ridden a horse that costs 1,000 yuan a day in Huaxia coins...

Seeing one elder sister obsessed with martial arts, and the other dumbfounded, the two of them should be as shameless as half of themselves, no, they would not be so poor if they had half of their intelligence, Jiang Yichen looked at the two of them and said in his heart...

"Xiao Yu, if I have time, I'll take you to make money. It's easy to get money thieves in this game."


Mu Xiaoyu sweetly agreed regardless of her sister's weird eyes.

"You don't have to worry too much. There are so many yamen in Pingyang City and so many arrests. It is estimated that there are no more than twenty people who can recognize you. The probability is still very low."

Mu Xiaorou comforted Jiang Yichen again.

A few people made an appointment to share a good task next time, and then they all went offline.

Jiang Yichen went offline to take a shower, and immediately saw that the fat man also went offline.

Zhang Xiaopang was excited when he saw Jiang Yichen's face. He recruited more than 30,000 players a day, and he was directly promoted to the three-pocket disciple of the Beggar Gang. He still has so many contribution points.

Said that he must invite Jiang Yichen to have a good meal...

Good guy, the corner of Jiang Yichen's mouth twitched uncontrollably since he didn't worry about his own life when he was with Fatty. I originally wanted to fool some people to help Fatty complete the task, but I didn't expect to play it off in the end.


But the fat man kept talking, and said that because of his outstanding performance, he took on another task and asked Jiang Yichen to do it together tomorrow.

Jiang Yichen also told Fatty about meeting the two sisters today and returning from stepping on the moon with Fatty...

Xiaopang who listened was hooked!

Immediately, I ordered more than 500 yuan of takeaway, including grilled milk tea, crayfish, and everything. It was called chatting while eating, and I didn't want to go downstairs today.

Jiang Yichen opened the forum again, and his popularity is still at the top of the list...

It seems that it really angered people.

But it's not all about me like just now, and there are a few posts below that have caught up with the popularity.

Opening it up, it turned out to be a video of Mu Xiaorou returning from stepping on the moon and confronting each other.

The public opinion on the Internet is one-sided, and they all scold Tayue for returning, and praise Xiaorou.

After Tayue came back, as a big hand, he actually came to bully a girl, and Mu Xiaorou was so beautiful, coupled with the backdrop of Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, she became the dream goddess of countless homeboys...

Compared with that, the kid who came back from stepping on the moon was even less likable.

Scrolling down, Jiang Yichen actually saw the video recorded by Mu Xiaorou, and it can be said that he recorded it for himself!

In the video, Mu Xiaorou stated with certainty that the Beggar Gang did have the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, and she got hers from there, so she expressed her heartfelt condolences to tens of thousands of players who were cheated by a black-hearted catcher today.

At the same time, I said that you can find her if you have difficulties in the Beggar Clan, and immediately gained the support of a large number of male players, who affectionately called Mu Xiaorou the "Goddess of the Beggar Clan"...

Mu Xiaorou smiled wryly when she saw this rustic title given to her by others.

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