Online Games: How Did I Become Famous

Chapter 39 Ren Du's Second Line

After listening to Hua Beichen's introduction, several people immediately meditated on the spot and practiced the exercises.

Jiang Yichen slowly guided the scorching medicinal properties in his body to the meridians that had not been opened up before.

The meridians that were obscure and difficult to understand before now melted away as quickly as if the first snow had met the scorching sun.

Soon, the Langa Sutra reached the later stage, but the speed of getting through it also began to slow down.

Jiang Yichen felt that the effect of the medicine had not been exhausted, so he guided the remaining energy around the body.

Suddenly Jiang Yichen felt that one meridian was thicker than the others, and it also emitted a little bit of fluorescence.

Although he didn't know what pulse it was, his subconscious mind told him that if he got through it, it would definitely be of great use!

Immediately, without thinking, Jiang Yichen guided the remaining medicinal power to attack the meridians here.

"Boom!" As soon as the two came into contact, Jiang Yichen felt as if his body was about to explode, and his soul seemed to hear a bang.

Immediately followed by indescribable pain, the meridians seem to be pulling back and forth with the soul, tearing the soul at all times, enduring the torment of pain every second...

(?д?; ) I can't take it anymore! It hurts too much.

Jiang Yichen fell directly to the ground, his face contorted. Lying on the ground, still twitching.

(? ?д?)

The other three were also at a loss seeing the situation, completely unaware of what was going on. How come it looks like an aunt has come? Menstrual disorders?

At the critical moment, Hua Beichen discovered Jiang Yichen's abnormality, came to Jiang Yichen's side, put his hands on his back and sensed...

Good boy, so fierce? Not ready to force Renmai? Tut tut.

Immediately, a stream of true energy was injected into Jiang Yichen's body, and he slowly combed the disturbing meridians.

After a long time, Jiang Yichen opened his eyes with a weak complexion.

(;_;)(;_;)(;_;) I feel like my body is being hollowed out~

"Good guy, Jiang Yichen, your current state is no different from lying in the big health care for three days and two nights."

"Should I publish a book? The title of the book should be "The Indissoluble Bond between My Brother and Dahebao" or "Three Days and Two Nights Jiang Yichen Has to Say", how about it?"

Zhang Xiaopang came over and made fun of Jiang Yichen.

Indeed, Jiang Yichen felt that his legs were a little unsteady, as if he had been running around for a week, and he was even unable to argue with Xiaopang...

"This kid is bold and reckless, just now he is attacking the Ren Mai in Ren Du's second vein."

"But it's not a big problem, just take a rest. Don't you have a lot of pills and herbs on your body, eat it hard, and you're done."

Hua Beichen explained to several people.

Immediately, Jiang Yichen took out a few herbs and gnawed them raw.

"Is it enough? If it's not enough, I still have some more, so I'll be full~" Mu Xiaoyu also came over and handed Jiang Yichen some herbs.


Jiang Yichen looked at the medicinal materials that Mu Xiaoyu handed over, let alone thank you, are you sure that that long vine is for people to eat?

I saw a cane in Mu Xiaoyu's hand that was three to four meters long! There are barbed thorns on the stems, branches, and petioles, and the edges of the palm-shaped leaves are covered with serrations...

Isn't this the lala vine that grows beside the ditches in the fields in the village? The dog shook his head when he saw it!

Do you really just stuff everything into your backpack?

It's really a knife and a butt, which opened my eyes.

"Well, that, that, Xiao Yu, are you holding that rattan hand?"

Kind reminder from Jiang Yichen.

"e really hey, hiss. It did slap my hand!"

While answering, Mu Xiaoyu rubbed the sawtooth with his hands...

Mu Xiaorou also saw the "medicine" in her sister's hand, and felt her heart ache from the anger of this stupid girl.

Then he led Xiao Yu to the side and asked her to take out all the things in the backpack. Don't do anything else before going offline today, just tidy up Xiaoyu's backpack...

Jiang Yichen gnawed a few herbs and immediately closed his eyes and began to adjust his breath.

It took about half an hour for Jiang Yichen to recover. It was almost the same, and it was really not a big problem. It would be almost the same after the rest of the night when the phone automatically resumed.

After slowing down, Jiang Yichen also had time to check his physical condition.

The strength is still in the early stage of the second-rate, but the Langa Sutra has been completed!

It's completely different from the previous feeling. Now if he meets the five tigers in the wasteland, Jiang Yichen feels that although he has no external skills in martial arts, he can be sure to win with his physical fitness and internal strength! Severely suppress the opponent.

It's too strong, and the medicinal properties of the Huo Lingzhi and You Long Dan that I ate before were also fully stimulated.

It is estimated that one person can easily beat the previous seven or eight persons.

Although the body is still a little weak, but it really feels the transformation and strength.

Jiang Yichen wanted to find Hua Beichen to ask about the current situation, but after searching for a long time, he couldn't find him, but he saw the pair of living treasure sisters...

I saw Mu Xiaorou looking at the pile of food with a livid face, not to mention the food, I guess it would be enough for four people to eat for two months!

But my sister's plan is to finish eating before the end of the mission...

Horse-treading pigs dare not feed them like this, for fear of hurting their stomachs!

Lala vines actually collected more than two hundred, why? This thing looks so good? When fighting, take it out and kill the opponent?

Lala Teng can also understand, after all, Mu Xiaoyu has been in a daze, but after seeing those spatulas, Mu Xiaorou couldn't hold back anymore...

This thing... um, how did you get it? And it's just a spatula, nothing else, even if you have a pot and a colander, you can make a whole set, and you can barely accept it...

And if you read it right, there are half-eaten pastries and snacks inside, and the small teeth marks on it are clearly visible...

There are still some finished, but she also collected the beautifully packaged boxes...

Mu Xiaoyu stood there with a pale face, at a loss, surrounded by many soldiers and uncles. No matter how nervous Xiao Yu is, he still feels a little embarrassed in public...

It's okay, I still know how to blush, and I can still save. Mu Xiaorou looked at her younger sister and thought.

"Ayu and Arou, it's past nine o'clock, why don't you go down?"

Jiang Yichen also came over with Xiaopang, who was obviously suppressing the urge to laugh while looking at the objects on the floor.

Talent, talent!

"It'll be down soon, what about today's medicinal materials?"

"After the mission is over, go back and sell it. Keep some for yourself, and sell the rest to the Shenyaoju. Their family can afford it, and ordinary small pharmacies definitely can't afford it. We still have such a large quantity."

They agreed to go online before eight o'clock and left.

The two people who got off the assembly line went straight to the barbecue stall downstairs, not because they had a good understanding, but because they hadn't eaten all day!

It is estimated that the two sisters are similar. They can't feel it in the game, and they can't stand it when they go offline.

After thinking about it, Jiang Yichen still sent a message to Sister Nan, saying that he might have to resign...

As far as the games these days are concerned, Jiang Yichen feels that he is already inseparable from him, or what he cannot do without is not the game, but the concern inside.

None of the people inside looked like system programs, but like living, flesh-and-blood people!

And in terms of making money alone, my medicinal materials today should be worth hundreds of thousands of Huaxia coins!

I seem to be able to make money every day, I don't know if other people are like this, or I am the legendary child of luck...

After eating, Jiang Yichen went back to take a shower and then went to bed. He had to get up early tomorrow to go on his way.

"Jingle Bell……"

When the alarm clock rang, Jiang Yichen got up quickly, pulled the fat man up, and went online immediately after he was done.

Entering the game with a flash of white light, Jiang Yichen opened his eyes and saw that the steel torrent in front of him had already lined up the phalanx, and he was waiting for himself...

Soon, the two of Mu Xiaorou also went online.

"The assembly is complete, let's go!"

Following Hua Beichen's order, the army began to move forward.

Jiang Yichen also found Hua Beichen and asked about his current physical condition and strength.

Hua Beichen came to several conclusions after probing for a while.

The recovery of the body is almost complete, about one-third of the Ren Meridian has been opened up, and it took Beichen to help this one-third.

The medicinal properties of Fire Ganoderma lucidum and Youlong Pill have been fully stimulated, and now Jiang Yichen can barely be regarded as a chaotic character.

It's definitely not as strong as Mu Xiaorou, but it's definitely much stronger than ordinary second-rate masters.

What is urgently needed now is a good exercise. You can't go up and fight every time.


I also want the Six Meridians Excalibur! Jiang Yichen thought sadly and indignantly.

The remaining two days of the journey were all without any surprises or dangers. It was nothing more than rushing during the day and resting at night.

And Mu Xiaoyu finally fulfilled his promise, the four of them surrounded and suppressed a herd of deer in a valley...

There is a lot of venison, which is absolutely full, but the taste is actually very similar to beef, and it does not have the amazing feeling of delicacies from mountains and seas as imagined.

But compared to the soldiers who ate dry food for three days, it was different, each of them seemed to be seeing a woman for the first time after holding back for half a year.

They all lay on top of them, their mouths were full of oil, and their temperament and image were completely lost...

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