at the same time.

The supreme palace.

Merz, wearing a dark blue robe and a mage's hood, was lying on a rocking chair basking in the sun.

After receiving the news about the Holy Spirit Spring, he rushed to the target location without stopping.

After spending a lot of effort, the last key item was finally completed.

At present, both strength and status have been further improved.

It’s time to say it or not, Queshi is happy!

It's just the twists and turns he experienced that make Merz not want to remember.

Especially when facing the giant dragon of sky fire, even if it seems that escaping is smooth, if you are even half a beat slower, you may be killed by the forbidden curse.

Anyway, he didn't want to go through it again.


I heard that the two giant dragons appeared in Windleaf City a few days ago and have not been seen again. According to the urine of the dragon clan, those two dragons should have moved.

It will be difficult to see the dragon again in the future!

"If the heart is there, the dream is there. The worst thing is that we have to start over again~~~"

Humming an inspirational ditty, Merz was in a very happy mood.

This kind of leisurely life is called life!

Cool! ! !

"Hey, hey, is the master here? Is the master here?"

At this time, the communication token suddenly sounded.

Listening to that extremely familiar voice, Merz almost couldn't hold in his breath.

No wonder my right eyelid keeps twitching today, it is related to this evil star!

When he thought about the liver pain he was likely to face next, Merz even had the idea of ​​throwing away the token.

However, after hesitating for a while, he still answered, "Boy, what's the matter?"

The voice was a little cold.

no way……

"I have a small favor, and I need your help, Master."

Jiang Han's voice came, "Of course, just like the previous two times, you will be paid."

Merz frowned and instinctively sensed something was wrong. He asked cautiously: "Which unlucky dragon's lair have you found again?"

Once bitten, twice shy.

He was really scared.

Every time I go out, I either fight dragons or fight dragons.

It's like having a grudge against a dragon.

"That's not the case. It's just that I may encounter some trouble here and need your help, master." Jiang Han said with a smile, "Don't worry, there is no giant dragon."

"Are you sure?" Merz was doubtful.

"Just in Fengye City, don't go anywhere else." Jiang Han said.

main city?

Merz raised his eyebrows and immediately became nervous. Then I'm afraid of a ball!

He was full of pride: "Okay, just say whatever you want, are you going to beat up the city lord or who?"

"I still owe you a favor. As long as you ask, I will beat those noobs for free!"

"This... it's not that bad." Jiang Han muttered, why is the little old man so angry?

"Haha, easy to talk about."

"I still have a little bit of strength."

Merz is quite arrogant. As long as he is not facing a creature like the Holy Judgment Dragon, with his current strength, he really can't find anyone who can match him.

"That's it. Just get to the west area of ​​Fengye City before tonight. After tomorrow, master, you can leave." Jiang Han said.

"No problem, I'll be here right away."

Merz stood up in an instant, arrogant.

Damn it, the giant dragon can't beat it. Isn't it easy to bully the little girl?


In the city, Jiang Han put away the token with a relaxed expression.

With such a god-level powerhouse here, we should be very confident in dealing with tomorrow's strange invasion.


If he was just considering his own safety, in fact, even without Merz taking action, he would still be safe with the [Money Shield].

After all, in the first wave of strange invasions, the main force was held back by the NPCs in Fengye City. Most of those who attacked the players were elite bosses.

However, what Jiang Han values ​​more is the integrity of the shops in Xicheng District.

For something worth billions, it would be more reassuring to let Merz take care of it.


Soon, the time came to 13:00 noon.

After reaching level 30, the difficulty of upgrading has risen to another level compared to the level 20 stage.

In addition, because he had to return to the city to deal with the strange invasion tomorrow, Jiang Han did not go deep into the high-level monster area, and the efficiency of gaining experience decreased.

But even so, in one day, he still maintained the frightening efficiency of one level per day, rising to level 31.

And until now, the player ranked second in the rankings is still at level 14.

There is a gap of 17 levels.

After going offline, I habitually open my phone to browse messages.

[Ye Han took action and killed other players five times at the resurrection point, causing the latter to die in real life. Does such terrifying strength mean that he can do whatever he wants? 】

[A strong man who does not know his identity is violating the law unscrupulously. This is a blatant challenge to the social order! It is also a disregard for and trampling on human life! 】

[Real identity authentication is imminent, "Doomsday" should not be a place where players can do whatever they want! 】

[As players, should we support the authentication of game identities and fully cooperate? 】


Unsurprisingly, all major media outlets are rushing to report on the fight in Windleaf City.

Jiang Han keenly noticed that the direction of public opinion seemed to be controlled by an invisible hand, and it was all directed towards him.

Under this overwhelming public opinion, he seemed to be vaguely portrayed as a murderous devil.

Many players have also begun to worry about how to ensure security in the game.

Obviously, someone is adding fuel to the fire.

"Are you going to start building a campaign and then take the opportunity to find out my identity?"

Jiang Han sneered and threw the phone aside.

A good idea, but it's a pity...

Can't do it.

It’s not that the authorities don’t have the ability, it’s just that they don’t have enough time.

When something strange happens tomorrow, I don’t know how many players will die, and the entire society will fall into chaos. Who will have the leisure to do things?

Not to mention, after the strange invasion, what followed was the arrival of the game into reality.

At that time, players will gain extraordinary abilities based on their attributes and levels in the game.

The social order that has been barely maintained will completely collapse.

So Jiang Han didn't worry about being exposed at all.

And to say the least, even if his identity could be found, the game would have been integrated into reality by then, so what would happen if he was found?

Who is the swordsman and who is the fish and meat is another matter.

time flies.

The pointer points to 0 o'clock.

The machinery stopped running and the steam stopped spraying out.

At this moment, time in the entire Daxia Kingdom seemed to have stopped.

Just like during the public beta of the game, all players were once again forced into the world of "Doomsday".

The offline function also disappeared once again.


This game that changed the trajectory of human life finally showed its terrifying fangs on this day.

ps: I posted the wrong chapter. If you find two chapters with the same content, refresh it and read it again.

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