
Qingfeng Cuizhu roared angrily and launched a frantic attack on the strange creature that had shifted its target.

The two people beside him were also frantically trying to block the progress of the strange creature.

"Guangfeng, hold on, I can get you back up."

"Five seconds, you can hold on. Don't do anything stupid. We are a team. We must walk together and die together."

The only holy priest in the team, You Yuer, had a trembling voice. She had already burst into tears. She kept waving her staff in her hand, desperately trying to respond to the eight-level strong wind.

But even though she has a powerful hidden profession, she is helpless in the face of this situation.

The attack like a tidal wave caused the blood volume of the eighth-level gale to drop rapidly even while receiving high amounts of treatment.

At the end of the road, he had no fear,

"Hahaha! Having teammates like you makes it worthwhile for me!!!"

"Boss! Don't waste your time. The thing I regret least in my life is following you and getting to know you. Let's go!"

"I really...I really can't hold it anymore."


The elite BOSS slapped the shield of the eight-level gale. The high damage shattered the shield, and the knockback effect also made his body fly backwards like a kite with its string broken.

Level 8 Gale's face turned pale and he closed his eyes tiredly.

In his current state, a random mob could take him away, and he could only wait for death.

Qingfeng Cuizhu wanted to support them, but they were unable to bring back the hatred of the strange creatures. They could only watch helplessly as a large number of strange creatures swarmed forward.

Thick despair instantly overwhelmed them.

Especially You Yu'er, as the team's priest, could only watch helplessly as the eight-level strong wind was torn into pieces by strange creatures.

The suffocating feeling like a mountain made her hands and feet feel cold. She closed her eyes and did not dare to watch the cruel scene that followed.

There was nothing she could do but pray for a miracle.

There is no hope...


However, the next moment.

As if the girl's prayer was answered, a scorching meteor fell from the sky, hit the elite BOSS hard, and exploded.


The high amount of damage instantly melted the arrogant elite BOSS.

The sudden change caused everyone to be stunned subconsciously, and they all looked in the direction where the dragon's breath fell.

Above the sky, in their eyes filled with despair, a small figure was reflected, like a meteorite, or like a ray of light that cut through the darkness, falling from the sky.

Although it was a little uncertain, judging from the appearance, it... seemed to be a young dragon.


Before landing, the immature dragon roar sounded, and then all the strange creatures around him fell into dizziness.

Then, the extremely cute-looking little guy flashed and quickly shuttled among many strange monsters, flashing and moving, and his sharp dragon claws drew several white arcs in the air.

Wherever it passed, high amounts of damage broke out, just like cutting through tofu with a knife, dismembering all these strange creatures that had put them in a desperate situation.

Before anyone could react, a vacuum was cleared around them.

It's safe.

The heavy pressure collapsed in an instant.

The eight-level strong wind touched various parts of his body in disbelief.

Qingfeng Cuizhu had a complicated expression.

A strong light burst out from You Yuer's eyes.

God, did you hear my prayer?

"Xiao Hui, let's go."

A deep voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and saw a figure with an unclear face coming from the west.

"night God?"

You Yuer was stunned for a moment and recognized the identity of the person coming.

She immediately realized that the person who answered her prayer was not a god, but the mysterious number one on the ranking list in front of her.

The night is cold.

"Thank you."

Qingfeng Cuizhu took a deep breath, no one could understand their mood at the moment.

He was about to be buried here, but he was pulled out of the abyss by the man in front of him.

"I won't say thank you for your kindness. As long as I am useful in the future, I will be able to help you..."

Jiang Han interrupted: "What did you just say?"

Qingfeng Cuizhu was stunned for a moment, "Why don't you say thank you for your kindness?"

Jiang Han waved his hand: "No, I said the previous sentence."



Qingfeng Cuizhu was stunned.

other people:"……"

Co-author, is this what you care about? !

Qingfeng Cuizhu calmed down and bowed seriously: "The boss is joking, I don't mean that. In short, if I, Qingfeng Cuizhu, are useful in the future, I will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

You Yu'er followed and bowed: "Mountains of swords and seas of fire, we will never look back!"

The other two people also spoke: "A tiger's den is a wolf's den, and I will never regret it even if I die!"

"Dragon Pond Tiger's Den, I will not give up even if I die!"

Level 8 strong wind: "A land of plenty and plenty... it's not right, it's a flat plain... it's not right, it's wrong to be a grudge and it's a grudge... it's even more wrong."





"Me too!"

Everyone: "..."

"Don't worry, it's just on your way."

"Oh, by the way, Xicheng District is relatively safe now. If you don't want to continue to fight BOSS, you can go there."

Jiang Han waved his hand indifferently, turned around and left, and Xiao Hui jumped to follow.

Looking at the retreating figures of one person and one dragon, everyone could not return to their senses for a long time.

After a long time, until Jiang Han completely disappeared from sight, the Level 8 Strong Wind sighed: "As expected of the top brother on the list, he is so strong that he is incredible. From now on, Boss Ye Shen will be my male idol, and Tony Leung will have to be ranked further back. "

"Look at how hopeless you are."

While Yu Yu'er was recovering his health from the eight-level gust, he pouted in disgust, "They saved our lives. You'd be better off, and it would be the same for me."

The Level 8 Da Kuang Feng was unreasonable and strong: "I'm a Jiuluoyu, what's wrong? Isn't it okay? Besides, you said you're sorry for me, do you know that when you look at other people's eyes, you'll get goosebumps?"

"Hmph! I want you to take care of it!"

"Okay, okay, stop arguing, pick up the equipment and props, and quickly go to Xicheng District." Qingfeng Cuizhu smiled helplessly.

These people usually quarrel endlessly.

However, he was also very lucky to have found such a group of partners who could live and die together.

"Oh, okay, the boss has the final say."

The eight-level strong wind waved his arm, and the pain disappeared, "Oh my God, people can still feel pain when hit by these weird things. It's terrible... I don't know how Master Yehan copes with it."

Qingfeng Cuizhu shook his head, "You still have to deal with it? Just crush them. I guess the boss doesn't care about these monsters at all. How can they beat them to death like us?"


Level 8 Da Guangfeng deeply agreed, "The boss just asked us if we want to continue to fight the BOSS... Who can an ordinary person ask such a question? Wait... Didn't he really treat the BOSS as a monster? "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then fell into silence.

It's very possible!

"I'll go, I have to look at the level rankings. Isn't the boss really taking advantage of this time to upgrade the boss?"

The level eight gust of wind quickly opened the level ranking list.

Then there was an exclamation: "Holy crap!"

"How many levels?" Several people asked curiously.

Level 8 Strong Wind stammered:

"Level three...thirty-five."

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