
Dar's expression changed drastically, and after a while, he sighed heavily.

"How is it?" Jiang Han asked.

Dar shook his head, "There is no way to identify it. Even the identification technique cannot be maintained. The success rate is zero."

"Is it so difficult?"

Jiang Han frowned. Dar identified the dark gold equipment and the success rate was 100%, which showed that his identification level was already very high.

But even so, there is nothing we can do?

"Much bigger than imagined."

Dar sighed heavily, "I'm sure that there is no appraiser in the world who can say that he is confident that he can appraise this artifact. Even the best forging master in the empire cannot succeed."

"After all, in the history of the empire, no one has ever seen an artifact that needs to be identified."

Jiang Han said nothing and fell into deep thought.

An artifact that shouldn't have appeared yet cannot be identified.

What secret is hidden behind this?

Is it related to the weird BOSS?

Jiang Han feels that this possibility is very high, because in the history of thousands of years, there have been many powerful NPCs. Although the lord-level BOSS is strong, it still has a killing record.

Even if the explosion rate is low, no one will obtain an artifact of this level in such a long period of time.

Then, the only questionable thing is the strange creatures.

After all, compared to the existence of the Dragon Phoenix Empire, the time when the strangeness came was only a little over ten years.

"It's a pity that such powerful equipment cannot be identified. I'm really ashamed that I couldn't help you."

Dar sighed heavily, looking regretful.

"this is not your fault."

Although Jiang Han also felt regretful, it wasn't as if he was disappointed.

As I slowly come into contact with many things that I couldn't touch in my previous life, the grand picture of "Doomsday" is slowly unfolding.

Just because we can't identify it now doesn't mean there won't be anything we can do in the future.

It is true that humans do not have appraisers of this level, but what if it is the domain of gods?

It seems that the search for the lost temple needs to be progressed.

Jiang Han took out three pieces of epic equipment and said, "What about these? Is it okay to identify them?"


A trace of surprise flashed across Dar's eyes. After seeing the artifact, his vision had improved a lot. But when he saw Jiang Han casually taking out three pieces of epic equipment, he still couldn't hold back his emotions, "No problem, but It might take a little more time.”

Jiang Han handed over the equipment.

【Ding! 】

【Ding! 】

The rays of identification skills sounded one after another. After all, it was an epic piece of equipment. Even with Dar's level, he had to identify it eight times before successfully identifying three pieces of equipment.

Not surprisingly, the strange BOSS dropped by the 100-level lord are all 100-level equipment, which has strong attributes but cannot be used for the time being.

Jiang Han set his sights on the [Ring of the Cannibal].

[Ring of the Cannibal (Lv40)]

[Level: Epic Level]

[Spirit +5%]

[Spirit +300]

[Increase damage by +5%]

[Power of the Cannibal (Passive): The Cannibal can draw strength from damage, and 3% of the damage you cause will be converted into health points.

"Yes, it happens to be a magic ring, and it's not crooked."

Jiang Han smiled with satisfaction, put on the Ring of the Cannibal, and then took out more than ten pieces of dark gold equipment.

"Anything else?"

Dar was stunned and started to sweat a little.

Casting the identification technique requires the consumption of mental energy. The higher the level, the more mental energy is consumed. Three pieces of epic-level equipment, despite only being identified eight times, already made him feel a little tired.

These more than ten pieces of dark gold equipment are a lot of work.

"Is it possible? If not, I'll find someone else." Jiang Han smiled.

"As for adults, there is nothing a man can't do!"

Dahl was not afraid. He took the equipment and inspected it without saying a word.

Soon, as dozens of rays of light flashed through, all the identifications were completed.

These dark gold equipments are all above level 40. There are three pieces in total that Jiang Han can use.

A hood, a pair of gloves, and a pair of mage boots.

However, the minimum usage level is 42.

"You still have to pass the promotion trial first."

After reaching level 40, the experience required for each level up is even more exaggerated than before.

A player with an average level of skill would need at least 10 days to advance to level 1 under normal circumstances.

But for Jiang Han, this is obviously not a problem.

These pieces of dark gold equipment will come in handy soon.

Jiang Han then took out the remaining golden equipment in the inventory.

"Bang bang bang..."

A full three-digit amount of equipment fell to the ground like pouring cement, piled up into a hill, and the entire forging shop was illuminated golden.

"Ah this..."

Dar's whole body was numb and he was almost blinded by the light.

With so many golden equipment, how long does it take to appraise them?

Dalton's scalp suddenly went numb when he thought about how little mental energy he had left.


He spoke with trembling lips that turned pale: "Do you want these golden equipments to be appraised now?"

"The sooner the better, but it doesn't matter, just watch it."

Jiang Han waved his hand. Equipment of this level would not be of much help to him anymore. "Don't come to me after the appraisal is completed. Just sell it in the shop. It should be regarded as the public funds of the shop. You recruit and maintain people." The cost of running the forging shop will come from here first."

"If it's not enough, come to me again."

"Enough, definitely enough, there are plenty of them." Dar wiped the sweat from his forehead and let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately, okay, if he was really asked to complete the appraisal of all these equipment today, he might suffer from mental breakdown.

"But with so much gold equipment, at least millions of gold coins, you don't need to recruit so many blacksmiths, right?"

"It won't be needed for the time being, but in the future, I won't say for sure." Jiang Han took out the blueprint for the [Beast God's Claw] from the inventory.

"Can this thing be built?"

"Let me see."

Dar took the blueprint, and then his expression froze, "Epic-level blueprint? Or growth equipment?"

At this moment, Dahl seemed to be able to hear the pounding sound of his heart.

This is so unscientific!

"Is there a problem?"

Jiang Han frowned. Epic-level equipment was indeed rare, but no one had built it in his previous life, and no NPC had ever been so excited.

"No... no problem, I just didn't expect that the legendary drawings that do not require the creation of media actually exist. This is simply unbelievable!" Dar was a little incoherent.

"Create media?" Jiang Han was puzzled.

"It's the blueprint itself." Dar explained, "Oh, by the way, you are not a blacksmith, so you may not know it very well. Generally speaking, the essence of making a blueprint is the crafting knowledge stored in it."

"Once you choose to study, the drawing itself will disappear immediately and can be understood as a one-time consumable."

"After this, the blacksmith will obtain the medium that exists in the drawings."

"Based on this medium, after investing in the corresponding materials, you can create equipment."

"But this medium of yours does not exist."

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