In the town of Silvermoon...

The player's red name in the Source game will not be wanted by NPCs, and will not affect the player's access to the town.

It's just that.

The death penalty increases with the red name, and the redder the name, the more severe it is.

Lin Ye killed dozens of people from the Freak Guild.

As long as the red name dies before it disappears, it is level -2, and the equipment on the body is -3!

Of course.

If the player is killed in the town, he didn't say anything.


Lin Ye entered the town and was not stopped by NPCs.


When the guards of Silvermoon Town saw Lin Ye, they came over very enthusiastically.

Lin Ye looked at the NPC beside him.

For a while!

He was a little confused.

It took a moment before he reacted.

This...... Isn't it finally the effect of finally experiencing the charm of the table?

Lin Ye thought of the privilege of VIP2: charm +9999.

As expected....

On the way to the waypoint!

All the NPCs that Lin Ye encountered, they were all extremely enthusiastic.

Looking at the middle-aged blacksmith in front of him with a scruffy beard and full of tendon flesh, he looked at him with a soft face...

The next second!

Lin Ye couldn't help but shudder.

Hemp eggs!

This charm +9999 is too perverted!


He sighed, a little helpless.

It's also a nuisance to have a high charm!

However, there are benefits.

In addition to some perks for NPC Miss.

All the way.

Lin Ye met hundreds of NPCs, so he accepted gifts from hundreds of NPCs.

Hellfire Scrolls, Resurrection Scrolls, Storm Scrolls...

Weak agents, anti-fire agents, corrosive agents...

There are also various materials, skill books, and equipment.


Because this is a newbie town, the NPC level is not too high.

Most of the things sent by Lin Ye were not needed.

But he took it anyway.

After all.

Just because he doesn't like it doesn't mean that other players don't like it either.

It's a lot of money to sell such a lot!

In addition!

Even the hidden quests that players dream of have appeared in a bunch.

But it was basically some low-level hidden tasks, and Lin Ye was too lazy to take them.

It's better to do these tasks than to kill the boss.

However, there are some exceptions...


Lin Ye originally wanted to go directly to the teleportation array to pick up his sister Lin Xiaoyu.

Passing through the professional temple of Silvermoon Town, his footsteps faltered slightly.

Look in front of you.

A professional temple made of white jade, large enough to accommodate tens of thousands of players at the same time...

Lin Ye squinted.


Silvermoon Town is a novice town, and the NPCs are basically low-level NPCs.


There are exceptions, and that is the mentor of various professions!

The career mentors are all NPCs from the Extreme Sun Empire, Level 2 cities, and Level 1 cities.

They are generally of high rank!

Great power!

Baby more!

Come to think of it.

Lin Ye immediately turned his head and entered the professional temple.


There are at least nearly a thousand players lining up in the professional temple....

And Lin Ye noticed.

The queue in front of the Priest Mentor and the Assassin Mentor was particularly large in terms of the number of players.

There is a long queue.

The number of players in front of the other four mentors adds up.

Not as many as one of them.


What's the situation?

Lin Ye was puzzled.

Shouldn't the hottest classes be warriors, mages, and knights?


When Lin Ye walked a few more steps.

When I saw two career mentors.

Instantly understood in seconds!

The pastor mentor is a superb bosom sister.

His skin was like white jade, and he was wearing a white loose gilded priest's robe, which still could not hide his proud fiery figure.

Under the robe, a pair of flawless white long legs.

Breathtakingly beautiful!

Holiness is inviolable!

It's just that.

Seeing the Assassin Mentor, Lin Ye was almost shocked.


As a favorite class for some players with a sunny heart.

The Assassin's mentor turned out to be a soft and cute one...

Dark little Lori !!


That's when it happened.


Little Lori sighed lightly, looking at Lin Ye as if she had found some big treasure, her big golden eyes lit up.

In the bewildered gaze of a group of players.

Little Lori left the career mentor table.

This move.

Aroused the attention of all players.

Could it be that a hidden quest has been triggered?

Just when the player is guessing.

The next moment!


Little Lori's speed is extremely fast!

It's hard to see with the naked eye!

She turned into a small phantom and rushed towards Lin Ye.

This speed.

Even Lin Ye couldn't react.

I only felt a slight sinking of my body, and then looked down.

on his body.

There's already a little Lori hanging there.

The Assassin Mentor Lori was like an octopus, hanging firmly on his body.

This scene.

Assassin players were stunned!

The lolicones were stunned!

The entire career lobby was stunned!

The air seemed to freeze.

The picture is still....

In the transfer hall, there was silence.


Can anyone tell them what this TM is ???

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