Under the glacier!

Frostgoblin Kingdom.

There are no skies here, there is endless cold and ice crystals!

A group of heavily armored goblin figures leapt from the glacier.

Among them, there is a tall big brother Brin!

Musar is another Frostgoblin hero of the Goblin Kingdom.

Also a Goblin Hero, Orr's older brother!

He has a high position in the kingdom.

3 days ago.

It was sent out by Gog, the King of Goblins.

With an army of goblin hoplites, he left the bottom of the glacier.

Investigate the forces of the outside ice fields and find food.

And on the way!

It stumbles upon an injured Frost Dragon that is still growing, kills it, and drinks its blood and eats its flesh.

Successfully step into the epic ranks.

became, a powerful goblin juggernaut.


They had just returned to the Frost Dragon's corpse under the Incredible Glacier, only to find that their home had been stolen!


Goblin cities have been ravaged.


Not even a single frost goblin was to be seen.

Musar dragged the corpse and rushed back to the Goblin King City with a legion of goblin hoplites.

into view.

The hard gates and walls of the royal city were reduced to powder.

Countless skeleton demons wreak havoc in the royal city!

Goblin Sword Saint Musar's eyes split, and a wave of rage welled up in his heart.


"Follow me, slay these skeleton demons, for the glory of the goblins!"

Musar's eyes were red and he roared hoarsely.


The momentum of terror exploded.

The army of hundreds of thousands of skeletons in front of him is not afraid at all!

Lead 3,000 goblin hoplites and slaughter the dense army of skeletons!


It was extremely fast, leaving an afterimage in its place.

In an instant!

Rush into the army of skeletons looting!

Musar waved the black-edged sword in his hand stained with the blood of the Frost Dragon!




A cold glow flashed.

With each sword of Musar, a group of undead will be shattered!


Lin Ye came out of the treasure house with the skeleton lord and the banshee leader.

Ride the Bone Wyvern and drive along the city gates.

The Skeleton Lord, on the other hand, runs on the ground, following behind.




In the distance, Lin Ye heard an angry roar.

Come to the battlefield!

Three thousand goblin hoplites have been wiped out by the Skeleton Legion, leaving corpses all over the place.

And in the center of the battlefield.

One has blood-red eyes, knotted muscles, sharp fangs, and is dressed in simple leather armor that resembles a tall frost goblin of a goblin hero.

Killing is going on!


The cannon fodder skeleton was under its sword, and it simply couldn't hold out for a moment!

Shattered like a wither!

Even nowadays.

One man alone occupies 100,000 troops!

Faced with the Bone Knight, the Bone Leader, the Bone Giant... MANY UNDEAD GOLD BOSSES.

and, the siege of a dark gold-level skeleton commander.

"Dragon's blood boiling"!

"Storm of Blades"!

"Phantom Slash"...

This frost goblin is still heroic and strong, and its body is full of blood.

No retreat!

It's blazing fast.

Even if the hero has the slow effect of Lin Ye's evil aura, every time he moves, he will still drag out phantoms.

And every hit!

They can all take away the high HP of the undead bosses!

Like the god of war!



There is Zhao Yun in the monster world, Zhao Zilong's taste!

Lin Ye thought.


The probing technique was thrown out, and the goblin attribute appeared in front of him.

【Frost Goblin Juggernaut - Musar】(Epic Boss)

Grade: 57

HP: 8800000

Attack: 78888

Defense: 48888

Skills: Wind Walk, Blade Storm, Dragon's Blood Boiling, Phantom Slash, Dragon's Blood Sword...

Description: Slay a goblin hero who was injured and an adult frost dragon, drink its dragon blood, advance to epic, and have superb combat skills!


Sure enough, it's an epic boss!

Goblin Juggernaut, dragon slayer, interesting.

Wait a minute......

Kill the Frost Dragon?

A bright light flashed in Lin Ye's eyes.

The dragon is full of treasures, and the goblins will definitely not let it go...

His gaze moved, and Lin Ye glanced around the back of the Bone Wyvern.


His gaze was fixed on the outside of the city.

There really is!

Lin Ye is overjoyed!


The corpse of a 100-meter-long, terrifying ice dragon was left there!

【Complete Frost Dragon Bone】(Epic Boss)

Description: The complete skeleton of a growing frost dragon.


See here!

The corners of Lin Ye's mouth turned into a smile, and he smiled happily.


Epic bosses take the initiative to send them to the door.

It also comes with the corpse of an epic dragon boss!

It's so cool!

I want to live Zhao Yun, don't...

Phew, that's not right!

I want to die Juggernaut, not Sal!

A black spear of nearly three meters in his hand appeared.


"The Power of the Black Dragon"!

The state is on, and the spear in Lin Ye's hand stabs in the air!

Spear of Destruction's ability is released.

"Black Dragon Roar"!

You can see it.

Above Musar, the sky instantly turned gloomy!

A black phantom is slowly condensing!

As if to destroy the world!

"Winter Domain"!

The Ring of Doom's side skill is activated.

On the ground!

With Lin Ye as the center, a field spreads for thousands of yards.

Within the coverage of the field, a biting frost wafted.


The Goblin Juggernaut's attack speed and movement speed in battle stagnated slightly.

You can see it.

Its attack and movement speed are significantly reduced.

Under the double attack speed and movement speed reduction, the Goblin Juggernaut as an epic boss is a little unbearable.

The operation gradually stiffened ...


Lin Ye said lightly.

"Yes, master!"

The banshee commander immediately understood and replied in a coquettish voice.


Lin Ye's figure moved!

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