[Snake-tailed lion-headed beast king’s item drop rate].

1% -+ to get an orange weapon

10%-+ to get a treasure map

10% -+ to get purple weapons


Looking at the many rewards that must have been completely higher than before, especially the weapon that was upgraded from purple to orange, Dongfang Yixian was immediately happy.

Sure enough, this promoted boss, even the reward has increased a lot.

I originally thought that it would be enough to get a purple suit, but now I can actually get the orange suit, which is thanks to the plagiarism that the fierce man attracted so many idiots to him to send experience to the BOSS to advance, and this time he made a lot of money.

Then Dongfang Yixian directly adjusted the 1% drop rate of the orange weapon to 100%, anyway, he came for the best items, change it and it’s over.

Now it’s time to show off your exclusive skill [Heart Strike].

After doing all this, Dongfang Yixian slowly raised his head and looked at the huge snake-tailed lion-headed beast king in front of him, and the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king also looked down at him with a fierce look at him at the moment, as if looking at an ant.

The next moment, the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king suddenly roared, raised his forelimbs and slammed down towards Dongfang Yixian.

Seeing a huge black shadow under his feet, Dongfang Yixian immediately flashed sideways, accompanied by a wave of shaking, he barely dodged the attack of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king.

It is worthy of being the lion king overlord, and this attack power is really not comparable to that of the previous siege.

Seeing the huge footprints with clear contours not far away, Dongfang Yixian couldn’t help but gasp for air.

Then he drank loudly, raised his sword and stabbed at the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king, and suddenly, a -1 damage data emerged.

In particular, this defense is really not covered, even my attack at such a height has only hit such a little blood.

Seeing his own injury, Dongfang Yixian also smiled, he could somewhat understand the mood of the moon god rain girl when they surrounded the boss, it was indeed too humiliated.

“Whoosh!” And his attack immediately caused the dissatisfaction of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king, and I saw that the snake head on its tail spit out letters, accompanied by a hissing sound, and bit him.

Seeing this, Dongfang Yixian Ganman jumped up and let the snake’s head pounce, and then he went straight to the sword blade downward, and then the speed at which his body fell quickly and violently stabbed towards the snake’s head.

However, when the sword touched the snake’s tail, a striking miss brushed out.


“Haha, boss, look at that kid, you still want to rob our boss head just because of this injury? I’m thinking about farting and eating. ”

“That is, this lion king overlord body even we dare not fight easily, even if he is very powerful, can he still be powerful over the boss?”

Dongfang Yixian’s battle soon caused the mockery of Falling Rain Ruthless’s other partners, but Falling Rain Ruthless did not laugh with them, he always had a bad premonition in his heart, someone as strong as Dongfang Yixian should not do such a stupid thing.

“Sister, the Great God won’t be in danger, right?” On the other side, Luna Xiaolin also asked worriedly after seeing the super high damage of the Snake-tailed Lionhead Beast King.

“Since he said that he is sure, then naturally there are his reasons, we just need to watch.” The moon god rain girl could barely squeeze out a smile, in fact, to be honest, she didn’t know what medicine was being sold in the Oriental Yixian Gourd.

The other members of the Luna Gang also looked anxiously at Dongfang Yixian who was fighting with the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king, for fear that he would be trampled into meat sauce in the next second.


Dongfang Yixian, who was dodged by a blow, landed on the ground again, and the moment he landed, the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king raised his palm again and slapped it towards his location.

Feeling the huge wind pressure coming from above, Dongfang Yixian’s eyes flashed a cold light, and then he slammed on the ground again, and his figure immediately flew out from where he was standing before to the other side, and the forelimbs of the snake-tailed lion king beast king just passed by him.

Seeing that the other party’s palm was close at hand, Dongfang Yixian raised his sword without hesitation and looked down.

“Here it comes again, and it’s still doing useless work.”

“Alas, I don’t know what this guy is thinking, obviously impossible things still have to struggle there, is it so bad to play with his brain now?”

Seeing Dongfang Yixian attack again, the onlookers sighed with disdain again, but the next moment, a loud noise made the originally plain face suddenly startled.

I saw Dongfang Yixian’s seemingly meaningless sword touching the forelimbs of the snake-tailed lion-headed beast king, a huge -14999! The damage numbers are impressive.

Then, whether it was the lion head located in the predecessor or the snake head on the tail, they all let out a miserable scream.



Immediately afterwards, the huge body of the Snake-tailed Lion-headed Beast King slowly fell down after struggling a few times, and its blood bars, which originally had some health points, were also instantly cleared.

“Dingdong, congratulations on successfully killing the gold-level wild boss Snake-tailed Lionhead Beast King, and rewarding 5,000 experience.”

“Dingdong, congratulations on your level increase to level 5.”

This is not over, in addition to the upgrade reminder, Dongfang Yixian also found that the system at the top of the interface issued a full-server announcement again, and his game nickname was impressively listed!

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