Overall evaluation: The chosen one

A unique amazing genius, the future of the world, will cause great turmoil because of your appearance, don’t hesitate! Join the game and start your legendary life!

The original indifferent tone of the system suddenly became excited, and even had a pleading tone for a while.

Dongfang Yixian was extremely satisfied with the 360-degree change in attitude towards the system, and then he began to create characters.

“The sunrise is in the east, only I am the only immortal, simply call it the eastern only immortal.” After confirming the nickname, Dongfang Yixian found that the nickname was not occupied and immediately decided.

However, when he began to choose the character class, he found that something was wrong.

Please select your profession from the following options:].

Common classes: Swordsman, Mage, Knight, Ranger, Priest, Assassin, Summoner

Hidden Classes: Magic Swordsman, Elemental, Paladin, Promiscuss, Holy Master, Stealth, Necromancer

In addition to the 7 professions he knew were all classified as ordinary occupations, the newly added hidden profession column had several professions that he had never seen before.

“I wipe, can I actually choose to hide my profession?” Dongfang Yixian opened the information of those professions with a question mark on his face.

Occupation: Magic Swordsman

Attributes: Swordsman Hidden Class (data requirements are required to select).

Data Requirements:

Power: 9 (full value is 10).

Constitution: 9 (full value is 10).

Spirit: 6 (out of 10).

Agile: 6 (out of 10).

Occupation: Elemental

Attribute: Mage hidden class (data requirements are required to select).

Data Requirements:

Power: 6 (out of 10).

Constitution: 9 (full value is 10).

Spirit: 9 (out of 10).

Agile: 6 (out of 10).


After some comparison, he found that the data requirements that these hidden occupations need to meet are generally much higher than those of ordinary occupations.

“Oh, I see, it turns out that I changed the data and reached the condition to trigger the option of hiding the profession.” With a slap of his palm, Dongfang Yixian, who quickly realized the cause of the matter, was suddenly overjoyed.

“Hey, I didn’t expect that there were so many hidden professions to choose from on my side, which one should I choose? Gee, sometimes it’s quite entangled to choose more professions. ”

Looking at the hidden profession full of screens, Dongfang Yixian thought for a long time, and finally looked at the demon swordsman.

“It’s just you, sure enough, cutting people with a sword is a man’s romance.”

“Congratulations on becoming a Magic Swordsman and gaining an exclusive skill: Heart Strike.”

At the same time, because your comprehensive evaluation has reached the “Chosen One”, you will additionally obtain an exclusive unique talent: [Chosen Power] and an exclusive only skill [Heart Strike]. ”

Soon, the system’s prompt sound sounded in Dongfang Yixian’s ears again.

“Groove? Actually gave away exclusive talents and exclusive skills? Upon hearing this, Dongfang Yixian also hurriedly checked it out.

Exclusive talent: [Chosen Power].

Effect: Attack stat point gain is doubled, and each damage inflicted on an enemy provides an additional attack power gain of 10% based on equipment attack power for 8 seconds, stacked up to 5 layers.

At the same time, this talent will also increase the intimacy of the NPCs of the light camp to you by 20%, and the NPCs of the dark camp will increase their hatred of you by 20%.

“I rely on, this exclusive talent is too strong! NICE! “Seeing the effect of [Chosen Power], Dongfang Yixian immediately smiled and couldn’t close his mouth, it seems that the Lord will be finished with an attack in the future!

But when he continued to look at the exclusive skills, he was stunned on the spot.

Exclusive skill: [Heart Strike].

Only passive: Your attacks have a 5% + chance of directly killing enemies with less than 10% health.

“5%? This is also too low, don’t think that you can play 20 times to produce a skill, if you encounter a non-chief, hundreds of strokes may not necessarily be a blow…” Just when Dongfang Yixian felt that this skill was chicken, he saw the -+ sign behind him again.

“Hehe, I didn’t expect that I could even change the skill data, since this is the case…” Saying that, Dongfang Yixian pressed the + sign again, and then, the above value rose again, and finally stopped when it reached 50%.

“It seems that 50% is the limit, or not, this is good, it’s a big deal to make up for it.” In this regard, Dongfang Yixian no longer cares.

“Do you want to generate characters?”

Looking at the prompt sent by the system, Dongfang Yixian couldn’t stop rubbing his hands, and then chose to confirm without hesitation, and then with the regeneration of the interface, the player information bar also emerged.

Nickname: Oriental Duxian

Occupation: Magic Swordsman

Grade: 1 (0%)

Basic attributes: Strength 10 Physique 10 Spirit 10 Agility 10

Free attribute points: 0

Prestige: 0

Equipment: None

Life: Physical fitness 10*10=100

Blue amount: spirit 10*10=100

Attack: Strength 10*2*2=40

Defense: Physique 10*2=20

Speed: Agility 10*2=20

Exclusive talent: [Chosen Power].

Possession of skills: [Heart Strike].

All the values of the characters are directly linked to the five basic data, and there are no other additional attributes, which shows the preciousness of this attribute point.

More importantly, the growth of character attributes is related to these five basic data.

And now, the character data corresponding to all his basic attributes has reached the maximum value, awesome! Especially that attack, with the blessing of the exclusive talent [Chosen Power], actually added an additional 20 attack power, which is only the benefit brought by level 1.

“It seems that I will have to increase my attack power wildly in the future, with this talent, under the same level, no one can take the damage of Xiaoye me, haha…”

“Do you want to generate characters?” At this time, the system also sent a tone.

“Do you still need to think about it? Be! Dongfang Yixian pressed the confirmation button below without hesitation.

“Player [Dongfang Duxian], the initial place is Yongle Village, District 666 of the National Service, I wish you a happy game.” Soon, with the interface twisted into a ball like a whirlpool, Dongfang Yixian only felt that his brain was spinning for a while.

When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the middle of a rather simple square, and at the same time, new player figures were constantly being brushed around him.

Those newly swiped players quickly squeezed Dongfang Yixian to the edge.

“Lying groove, which one didn’t have long eyes just now dared to touch the old lady’s ass?”

“What about you squeezing Nima?”

“My beautiful young lady, what handsome guy is willing to take me?”


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