Groove, this equipment is a bit powerful.

After seeing the skill description displayed on the giant scorpion armor, Dongfang Yixian couldn’t help but exclaim.

Although this giant scorpion armor is only a small blue suit, and a single piece does not have any good attributes, if you put together the entire set, not only will the attributes of all equipment be increased by 50%, but you can also gain damage as you progress through the battle.

Just as the so-called three stinkers competed over Zhuge Liang, the five of this giant scorpion suit added up to a purple suit.

After a little calculation in his heart, Dongfang Yixian also hurriedly checked whether there were other giant scorpion suits among the other dropped items.

【Giant Scorpion Helmet】(Giant Scorpion Set 1/5).

Grade: Blue Wear

Attribute: +200 blue amount

Level requirement: Level 6

Occupational restrictions: None

【Giant Scorpion Leggings】(Giant Scorpion Set 1/5).

Grade: Blue Wear

Attributes: +25 Defense + 25 Magic Resistance

Level requirement: Level 6

Occupational restrictions: None

【Giant Scorpion Bracer】(Giant Scorpion Set 1/5).

Grade: Blue Wear

Attributes: +25 Defense + 25 Magic Resistance

Level requirement: Level 6

Occupational restrictions: None


Soon, he also found the giant scorpion helmet, giant scorpion leggings, giant scorpion bracers, but there was one less pair of shoes, and it was not easy to put together a whole suit.

After putting all these things into his backpack, Dongfang Yixian also shook his head helplessly.

But then, he turned his greedy gaze to the desert giant scorpion in front of him again.

Fortunately, there are still many wild monsters to kill him, and before the mission and equipment are completed, these scorpions will honestly become their own sword ghosts!

Thinking like this, Dongfang Yixian was also excited to fight with a group of wild giant scorpions again.


“Dingdong, congratulations to the player [Oriental Duxian] for completing the treasure hunting mission [Treasure Hunt Journey (2)], reward 1000 experience, 10 attribute points, and get a new mission [Treasure Hunt Journey (3)].”

“Dingdong, congratulations on your level increase to level 7.”

Soon, half an hour passed, and with the system’s prompt sound, Dongfang Yixian also took the opportunity to push the treasure hunting task to the next stage, but although a lot of equipment exploded during this period, he still did not find the giant scorpion shoes he wanted.

Even if he adjusted the drop rate to 100% with his golden finger, the wild giant scorpion is an ordinary wild monster after all, and its drop information only has an equipment drop rate, and what will drop is not as fine as elite wild monsters and bosses.

However, he was not discouraged, anyway, there were wild monsters in front of him who let him try his luck, and he didn’t believe that his luck was really so back.

After opening the character interface, Dongfang Yixian also checked it, and he unexpectedly found that although his attack was very high, it was also very fragile, only 32 defenses, and there was no demon resistance.

If you encounter a group of high-explosive assassins or archer players, wouldn’t you be dangerous?

After frowning slightly, Dongfang Yixian also added all the 10 free attribute points he had just obtained to his physique.

Anyway, it was sent, not in vain.

And the 3 attribute points sent by the upgrade, he still added to the attack, after all, the [Chosen Power] is there, and the value of this talent cannot be wasted.

After adding points, his character information also changed again.

Nickname: Oriental Duxian

Occupation: Magic Swordsman

Level: 7 (50%)

Basic Attributes: Strength 40 Physique 26 Spirit 16 Agility 16

Free attribute points: 0

Prestige: 10000

Equipment: Lionheart Sword, Scales, Snake Earrings, Ring of the Sealer, Giant Scorpion Helmet, Giant Scorpion Armor, Giant Scorpion Leggings, Giant Scorpion Bracer, Demon Ape Fur Boots

Life: 1392

Blue amount: 1160

Magic: 150

Attack: 575

Defense: 102

Magic resistance: 100

Speed: 242

Exclusive talent: [Chosen Power].

Possession of skills: [Heart Strike] [Agile Body].

Then, he opened a new task that had not been updated long after the task interface.

【Treasure Hunt (3)】

Mission description: Through the scorpion tail obtained earlier, you can already make it into an item [Scorpion Repellent Powder], which can be used to drive away wild giant scorpions, and the treasure is located in front, go and open it.

Quest: Get the treasure and open it.

Currently complete: Treasure 0/1

Mission Reward: Unknown

“Oh? Are chests just ahead? Seeing the mission description, Dongfang Yixian was also excited to throw away the wilderness giant scorpion that blocked his sight, and said with joy.

In that case, he had to hurry up and drive away the group of scorpions on his body.

After turning off the task description, Dongfang Yixian also looked helplessly at the scorpions crawling around, these guys are really persistent enough.

Follow the instructions on the task to open the scorpion tails in the backpack, a synthesis button will appear, press it down, and soon those scorpion tails will disappear, replaced by a pinch of white powder.

【Scorpion repellent powder】

Item Type: One-time item

Level requirements: Level 1

Occupational restrictions: None

The only active [Scorpion Repellent]: When turned on, the user’s body will emit a special smell that can disperse the wild giant scorpion, so that the user is protected from the attack of the wild giant scorpion.

Description: Powder used to repel wild giant scorpions, with a pungent odor.

After sprinkling the scorpion powder on the body, Dongfang Yixian found that these wild giant scorpions seemed to have been stimulated by something, and quickly climbed down from themselves, and immediately made a detour as if they had seen a cat.

“Oh, this thing works quite well, no wonder let me collect scorpion tails.” Such an immediate effect also made Dongfang Yixian much more convenient, so he directly used the effect of white powder to walk deeper into the cave.

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