Online games: I can reset rewards infinitely

Chapter 113 The Attack Power Has Skyrocketed, And It Has Been Crushed By Leaps And Bounds! Xu Feng W

Xu Feng looked at the [Control Effect] category.

He Sishan turned to leave.

Xu Feng's panel attack power has risen to 18766 points!

"You can try to hide. Or find an item that is immune to lightning strikes."

The instructor said casually: "Theoretically, there are two kinds."

Xu Feng was too lazy to pursue it, and asked, "Tell me, is there any precedent for being struck by lightning?"

The surrounding players all focused on Xu Feng.


The corner of the tutor's mouth rose: "It's okay, the probability of lightning strikes is still very low now."

"Don't panic! I'll try to help you!"

[No Device] This mechanistic skill has not changed.

"Don't sell this equipment. When you run out, throw it into the October Red guild warehouse."

"Go ahead and try to reach level 40 within 12 hours."

Xu Feng just finished speaking.


He smiled generously: "Let's take a photo closer."


Running is much smoother now.

But Xu Feng's panel property, Ascension is still huge.

"No one's in the way."

"Hurry up! Be careful of lightning strikes!"

"We witnessed the whole process. The instructor was punched 32 times, but the fist didn't hurt. The process was extremely cruel!"


"You say."

The six corpses on the ground are still there.

Floor 194: "Fuck! The analysis upstairs makes sense!"

Enhanced Attribute: Attack Power +1338

A thread appeared on the forum.

Xu Feng didn't chase after them, and turned around to go to the martial arts hall.

"But this kind of item is extremely rare, and I haven't seen it anyway."

He teleported back and looked at the prompt.

Xu Feng sent a message to He Sishan: "Go back to the city, I'll give you a necklace."

Apprentices find mentors.

"I was struck by lightning, is it related to the curse value?"

The breath from the ancient times was hidden in the bow, ready to go.

"Unblock a few more times, and the number of times should increase."

They run fast.

"Fuck, Moon Boy!"

Legendary equipment has a special luster and texture.

But they kept some distance from Xu Feng.

Xu Feng asked, "Can it be resolved?"

"His speed is too fast, his reaction is too strong, his mind is too dark! He actually hammered people with his bare hands!"

to the blacksmith shop.

The instructor nodded: "If the curse value exceeds 55, lightning strikes will be randomly triggered."

6 people were hacked to death.

Xu Feng rejected more than 5,000 fates before he got Xuanyuan Longbow +6.

A curse value of 60 points also has a great influence on the success rate of strengthening.

Xu Feng looked at the people who were more than 30 meters away from him and walked over.

As soon as Xu Feng came back from the dark world, he received several messages.

"Where's Lei? I came here specially to see Lei Chui! Yue Lao can always give me some new tricks. I like him so much!"

Before, there were only carvings of cooking smoke in mountain villages.

A 1 million true damage jumped out of Xu Feng's head.

He Sishan grinned: "Understood! The boss has foresight!"

1st floor: "??? (Subway elderly mobile phone.jpg)"

The player who was sent back with Xu Feng was also affected.

As usual, Xu Feng searched the forum for [Level 50 highest attack power].

Xu Feng has one less mount, 10 levels lower, and 2 rings have not been changed.

"My Master said he wasn't here, you can just go to Chiying City." The mentor's apprentice stopped Xu Feng from the door.

Read the forum.

"I have to hurry to find the ring. The critical strike rate has dropped to 90%."

11th floor: "I laughed so hard, as expected of the ultimate mold, you can be hacked while walking."

He Sishan: "As expected of my boss! It can happen to things like being struck by lightning, cow!"

"We have our own guild, and we need to consider training new people."

He Sishan: "Right now!"

Xu Feng was a little confused.

Everyone who watched the video was dumbfounded.

Yu Youwei: "What's the matter? Why was it struck by lightning?"

The instructor sent Xu Feng out of the martial arts hall with a blue nose and a swollen face.

"what's the situation?"

"Fuck! Moon!"

Attack Power: 16786

Xu Feng tore open the City Return Talisman and teleported to Yangming City.

Xu Feng arrived at the official mansion and found the teleportation officer.

"Do you know what's going on here?"

"The Good Fan"

After the luck of the human race increases, the player's strength is generally Ascension.

"You win, I'll give you 1,000 gold coins, you don't have to give anything if you lose."

"Boss, strengthen."

There was a burst of laughter from the wall.

They don't want to be regarded as a scenic spot, take screenshots and punch cards.

"Cow, Mike's fans are looking forward to Mike taking off, and Yue Lao's fans are waiting for Yue Lao to be struck by lightning."

Reinforcement completed.

His level 50 attack power is 16470.

Xu Feng gave her the Blood Shadow necklace.

At this time, in the middle of the bow body, there are more yellow sand sunsets.

The feeling of being a world of its own is getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Feng separated some perception and stared at the top of his head, ready to try to avoid the mine.

Xu Feng sneered: "Don't you have something to do?"

Xu Feng was happy for a while and looked at the other three skills.

Xu Feng asked Four Leaf Chaos Lotus.

"Control is almost no threat to me, but I can use it a bit less per day."

Leaving the martial arts hall, Xu Feng walked towards the blacksmith shop.

"Shocked! How can you be struck by lightning?! Why is the damage so high?"

The Xuanyuan Longbow, which was unsealed again, has more delicate carvings on the bow.

Sunny day with a dull thunder!

Level 40, speed up to level 50, and start timing.

The four-leaf chaotic lotus is a little gloating, indicating that it is also unclear.

There were always people approaching Xu Feng before.

After completing the teleportation trial, Xu Feng obtained the qualification to enter Chiying City.

One of them asked, "Teacher, can you really avoid lightning strikes?"

Although there are two less legendary rings.

As soon as Xu Feng arrived at Chiying City, he heard the surrounding exclamations one after another.

"Has anyone recorded a video?! Post it on the forum!"

"Hide didn't see those six corpse graves, you're dying."

Xu Feng explained: "I'll just ask one thing."

The mentor's 12 apprentices hurriedly sent letters.

Xu Feng finished dealing with the matter in Yangming City, entered the official mansion, and chose to teleport.

The tutor came out without changing his face: "I just finished my work."

Xu Feng opened the backpack and put on the [Wasting Moon].

"Although lightning strikes are very fast, there is a very short time from appearance to attack."

Xu Feng felt a little cool on his back.

5th floor: "Did the boss swear to God? The scumbag was punished?"

Fortunately, the enhanced bonus attributes are very powerful.

"Fuck! The boss was struck by lightning?!"

"Boss! How much curse point do you have?"

Complete the letter.

along the way.

Xu Feng found the answer and tried to beat someone up: "Let's learn from each other."

Including banning, stun, restraint, freezing, slowing down...

Zhao Jingxin: "Boss, are you alright?! Can I block the skills for you?"

The first strengthening, can fail more than 400 times.

[Moonfall boss was struck by lightning inexplicably! Millions of real damage! Does anyone know what's going on here? ! 】

"Yue, I'm your fan!"

"60 o'clock."


The invitation letter in the backpack seemed to urge him to go to the appointment quickly.

The latest post was sent by [Moto Kalian] of the White Eagle Guild.

Xu Feng was teleported to the dark world.

Shen Wanqiu: "Are you okay? Can I do something?"

A shot from the sky can deal 1150% damage.

Xu Feng held Xuanyuan Longbow in his hand.

2 minutes later.

"Just stay away, boss, don't bother you to come over here!"

"Real man! It's really the Moonfall boss!"

"Quick! Inform other mentors! Don't learn from Yue Luo Xi Shen!"


This is the panel attack power with mount bonus.

But his attack power surpassed the opponent.

All control can be solved by 【purity】.

"How much is your curse worth?"

193rd floor: "Could it be that the curse value is too high? Does anyone know how much the curse value of the moonlight boss is now?"

"However, as your curse value increases, the probability of lightning strikes will gradually increase."

A row of corpses on the ground.

Turing's increase was huge, and the critical damage Ascension reached 800%!

Xu Feng sent a message back to the group a little depressed: "It's nothing."

Xu Feng quickly discovered the first benefit of lightning strikes.

The instructor shook his head and said calmly, "It's almost impossible, it's just a theoretical method."

Zhou Yanan: "God can't see you as a scumbag. I'm dying of laughter!"


[You were hit by a thunderbolt. 】


There are obviously more people holding Yingcheng than Yangming City, and it is very lively.

The player next to him only reacted at this time.

The corners of Xu Feng's mouth were laughing to the side of his ears.

The tutor couldn't hold back the temptation of 1,000 gold coins and agreed.

"it is good!"

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