???Ready Strike???(Special Skill)

Quality: 4 stars

Effect: Deals 2-5x damage to a designated single target, this damage value depends on the duration of a battle, the longer the time, the higher the damage.

Grade Requirement: None

Class restrictions: warrior, assassin, swordsman, archer

Description: Spring Breeze Fighting, Battle Momentum, a special skill in the Iron Wall Barracks, which can accumulate momentum in battle and give a fatal blow to the designated target.


???Set Integration Card???(Props)

Quality: Rare

Effect: Sets are united, retain attributes, have a 10% chance to increase quality, and can be used on equipment of silver and below.

Description: A magical card that integrates a set into a piece of equipment that retains its original attributes.



Three kinds of rewards were given in one mouthful, and the people in the barracks were atmospheric!

Su Chen couldn't help but think that the great general of the Lal family was also smashed over with a wave of rewards, allowing himself to take off directly!

This time, too, the rank has an additional 10% bonus to all attributes, although it sounds like no concept, but it is definitely good, ordinary equipment at most add attack power, it is impossible to increase all attributes.

And there is also a special skill book [Charge for a Blow], which deals 2-5 times the damage to the designated target.

My obedience, if this accumulates to 5 times in battle, with his attributes, he can't directly break the output of 10,000.

One arrow down.

At a glance, five-figure damage.

Who can stand this!

The most important thing is that [Preparing for a Blow] is still a specified skill, which means that if you have obtained this skill before chasing the feather PK, no matter what martial artist mode you have, you will directly teach you to be a person with one arrow.

After all, the skills of the specified skills, except for strong immunity, cannot be dodged by any operation.

However, what moved Su Chen the most was the [Equipment Synthesis Card], which was actually able to combine the original set into one piece, which was amazing.

He now happens to have a set of bone suits on him that has reached the elimination level, and the quality just reaches the limit of [Equipment Synthesis Card], and if it can be integrated into one, it is simply perfect.

Scrap directly becomes the rhythm of the baby!

As soon as he thought of this, Su Chen immediately took off the bone suit on his body and used this card.

"Ding... You have used the [Equipment Crafting Card], you can now let a set combine a piece of equipment, the set is limited to silver and its following qualities, please select the part of the equipment after synthesis. "

Su Chen thought about it, the cloak is the most difficult equipment part, so simply synthesize the cloak.

"Ding... You have successfully used the [Equip Crafting Card], using the target: Skeleton Suit, and the Crafting Post: Cloak. "

After the sound of the system fell, I saw that this card burst out with a dazzling light, radiating on each piece of bone equipment.

Then, when the light dissipated, a brand new dark golden cloak appeared in front of Su Chen's eyes.

"Ding... Congratulations on using the [Equipment Synthesis Card] to trigger the quality improvement and obtain the Dark Gold level equipment: [Rare-Necromancy Cloak]"

Hearing the system's prompt, Su Chen's eyes lit up and immediately checked the information.

???Rare-Necromancy Cloak???

Quality: Dark Gold (Special)

Attributes: +50 Strength, +50 Agility, +50 Physique, +50 Meditation

Additional skill 1: Necromancer Blessing (Necromancer blessing on the cloak reduces damage by 20%, and increases attack speed, movement speed, and release speed by 20% each)

Additional skill 2: Necromancer Curse (Necromancer wrapped around the cloak to increase the owner's damage by 20%, and can splash 40% of surrounding targets, splashing no more than 5 targets)

Additional skill 3: Necromancer Shield (Necromancer attached to the cloak, which allows the owner to be immune to any damage once, cooldown: 1 hour)

Additional Skill 4: Necromancer (summons a level 20 Necromancer to assist him in battle, Necromancer has additional special attributes, exists for 30 minutes, disappears automatically when killed, cooldown 2 hours)

Additional Skills: 5: Necromancy (The necromancy is wrapped around the cloak, giving the owner's attack a chance to intimidate the target, causing random negative effects such as dizziness, paralysis, and weakness)

Level requirement: Level 15

Occupational restrictions: full occupation

Description: A complete set of bone equipment of the soul fragments of the dead, synthesized into a cloak that truly hosts the undead, which can have a certain deterrent effect on any target.

Ma Yah...

This string of attributes, Su Chen was already a little dumbfounded!

It is worthy of a complete set of bone suit synthetic equipment, this cape, not only the quality has reached the dark gold level, but also has a special symbol.

According to the official basic information of "Fantasy", once the equipment with a special logo is the most powerful of the same quality, even more powerful than some higher quality equipment.

The specific additional skills are basically equivalent to 5 sets superimposed together, and additional special effects are added.

For example, additional skills 5..... Attack a skilled target that can randomly produce negative effects,

If you are lucky, a few more vertigo, you must not directly beat people to the rhythm of autism.

However, basic attributes such as adding life and defense are also removed.

But in short...

This piece of equipment, the actual combat effect is definitely far more powerful than five pieces of bone equipment combined!

Do not explain, decisively equip on.


"Captain Xingchen, it's not too late, you go back early to rest, but you have to be ready at any time, I have a hunch that a big war may come soon."

At this time, Crete said to Su Chen.

"Lord Commander, you also rest early, leave!" Su Chen nodded in reply, and walked out of the command hall.

Listening to the meaning of Crete's words, it should be the rhythm of the rebel army to go to war with the Kingdom of Flaming Sun.

Once this kind of kingdom-level battle occurs, there will definitely be various missions, meaning rich rewards.

"As the captain of the Flaming Sun Kingdom, I will definitely have my own task when the time comes, and it is estimated that it will be another wave of big profits.

Su Chen smiled slightly, as if he had seen the rich reward beckoning to him, and then returned to the Star Pavilion.



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