On the other side, the military secret base.

The meeting had already ended, but the chief managers of the base, the middle-aged man and Deng Jing, had been sitting in the conference room without leaving, and the two of them stared at the door, waiting for someone to return.

"I'm back."

At this time, Chai Yu suddenly pushed open the door and walked in.

"How? How is contact with the stars? "

The person in charge of the base, the middle-aged man, saw Chasing Yu and quickly asked, "Didn't fight with the stars, right?" "

"This..." Chai Yu looked at it first, and Deng Jing was still in the conference room around him, before he said with some swallowing: "Dad, how can we say that there is a fight between civilized people." "

"Yes, yes..... We just had a little talk. "

The original name, this middle-aged man, is Chai Yu's father.

The general head of the military's secret base, chasing the dragon.

When the dragon chaser heard this, his eyes widened.

As far as your personality of chasing feathers, can I, the father, not know?

If your own daughter can be called civilized, then there will be no violence in the world!

At this time, Zi Linglong also opened the door and walked in.

"Linglong, tell me, what happened?"

Deng Jing stood up from his position and asked.

"Heehee, it's nothing, it's that the Star God took us down the Purgatory copy, and after finishing the matter, he also sent us some equipment, and then, chasing my sister and the Star God PK, losing to the Star God, we also talked about the dream gene potion..."

Zi Linglong's eyes seemed to have stars, and she said the whole process and Su Chen's response with a look of adoration.

Chasing the dragon and Deng Jing are both shrewd people, and when they hear it, they know that Su Chen is unwilling to have too much contact with the military.

"Okay, as long as we can make sure that the first bottle of Dream Gene Elixir was obtained by the stars, then the next work we have to carry out will be much easier."

"First of all, Chase Yu and Linglong you can try to continue to contact the stars, even if he does not join us wolves, but at least win his favor."

"Secondly, hurry up and get more Dream Gene Elixir."

"Finally, as soon as possible, in the game, find our strongest hidden class in Huaxia [God of War], as well as several other god-level hidden profession acquisition methods."

Chasing Dragon's eyes were serious, and he directly gave three instructions, which were very fierce.


Deng Jing, Chai Yu, and Linglong answered in unison.



The next day, early in the morning.

Su Chen got up, washed up, lay down in the game warehouse, and was preparing to enter the game.

But...... Somehow, as soon as I closed my eyes, I remembered last night's dream,

He had a very strong feeling that the world... Maybe there's going to be a drastic change.

Combine...... Encountering Chaser Yu who took the initiative to find him in the zombie cave reveals the importance that the Global Alliance of Nations attaches to the game "Fantasy".

Most likely, this upheaval is related to "Dream".

As a direct product of "Dream" [Dream Gene Elixir], it may play an extremely important role in it.

At least, if you really fall into a dangerous situation, the powerful power after synchronizing attributes can give you a little more chance to survive than others.

As soon as he thought of this, Su Chen subconsciously stood up from the game warehouse and decided to familiarize himself with his current physical strength.

And the best way to get familiar with it is running.

Yes, that's right, through running, not only can a fat house have eight-pack abs, but also can be most familiar, adjusted, and control their own strength.

This...... It is an ancient sport.

However, the neighborhood where he lives does not have a good running environment.

It takes some time to get to a nearby park.

Zizhulin Park.

The name sounds very unique, named after a piece of purple bamboo nearby.

Behind the purple bamboo forest there is also a high-end community, which is full of luxury residences.

It is said that the cheapest house in the community is often tens of millions.

Early in the morning, when Su Chen came here, he saw many old masters playing tai chi and practicing swords in the park, and the atmosphere was very good.

After moving his body a little, Su Chen began to enter the morning jogging state.


After running for more than an hour, the running was really boring, and Su Chen fell into deep thought.

Last night outside the zombie cave, what kind of "warrior mode" Chai Yu said, he is still very curious.

And as a traverser, this situation is also easy to understand.

Since there are two words of warrior, it means that there must be a group of very peculiar beings in this world.

They have great power, and they are clearly separated from ordinary people, and rarely appear in the public eye.

At least, in Su Chen's memory, there was no such "warrior".


"Ah!! Let...... Get out of the way! "

Su Chen was looking down and thinking, when he suddenly heard a hurried voice.

Before he could react.


A girl was riding a bicycle and hit over, and Su Chen was directly hit to the ground by the powerful impact.

But fortunately, his physique is very strong now, and he was not injured, but he was hit to the ground only because of inertia.

He was about to get up.

But the girl on the bicycle, also because of inertia, flew directly out of the bicycle.

Impartial, it just smashed down towards Su Chen.




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