【Red Flame Chasing Horse】

Level: 25

Quality: 7 stars

Physical attack: 800-1000

Magic Attack: 1000-1200

Physical defense: 500-700

Magical Defense: 600-800

HP: 10,000

Ride speed: +700%

Skill 1: Red Flame Charge

Skill 2: Red Flame Rain

Skill 3: Red Flame Dragon Shield (Summons three dragon shields to defend itself, each dragon shield can protect against 2000 damage, can deal its own magic attack *125 damage to surrounding 50-yard targets, lasts 10 seconds, cooldown 5 minutes)

Skill 4: Red Flame Spit (Spews a red flame at a target within 200 yards, dealing 150% of the real damage of its own magic attack*, and applies the Red Flame Burn effect to the target, and deducts blood at 2% of its own HP for 10 seconds)

Wipe...... Under the [Blessing of the Dragon God], the Red Flame Chasing Horse actually became a 7-star mount.

The attributes have also changed greatly, not inferior to the general silver bosses of the same level, and even more so in terms of skill damage.

Up to now, he himself is only level 19, and the result is level 25 on the mount, which feels a little strange Ang~

"It seems that it is necessary to brush a wave of levels recently!"

Su Chen couldn't help but think, and also subconsciously opened the leaderboard to see how the other players were.

1st Place: Sword Without a Trace (Swordsman, Level 19 56% Experience)

2nd Place: Huangquan Biluo (Mage, Level 19 48% experience)

3rd place: Overlord Saber (Warrior, level 19 32% experience)

4th place: Bloodburn (Assassin, Level 19 20% experience)

5th place: Blood Rose (Swordsman, Level 19 11% experience)

6th place: Star (archer, level 19 5% experience)


Basically, the players at the top of the leaderboard are also stuck at level 19.

As for the reason, it is probably that every 10 levels is a special level, and this level requires at least three times the experience points of the other levels.

Su Chen looked at his ranking, the sixth place, which was almost expected by him.

After all, running all the way from Flaming Sun City to Thunder City, and running from this Thunder City to the Lost Land, wasted a lot of time.

Although, he himself also brushed a lot of experience points in the Lost Land.

But...... The experience points obtained are also divided into half of Alice, and the level has not been able to catch up with the first few places, which is also understandable.

"Now that the Red Flame Chasing Horse has also evolved to level 25, it can be described as a bumper harvest, and it is time to return to Flaming Sun City. "

Su Chen smiled slightly, turned over and rode the blazing sun chasing horse, and directly left the forgotten place.

The Red Flame Chasing Horse that was promoted to 7 stars, the flames surrounded by the whole body were more intense and faster, and it was really like catching up with the wind.

With a bang, a shadow like a burning cloud was left in place.

If you encounter a boss who can't win in the future, and directly pat your ass and leave, I'm afraid it will be difficult to keep him.

"Wipe, what's going on, Lao Tzu actually saw a player sitting on a fire, and disappeared in front of us with a puff of smoke?"

A player on the side of the road rubbed his eyes and said in amazement.

"Hahaha, little brother, I think you're a game card..." someone couldn't help but laugh.

"Well, I guess yes, I'll restart and try..."



Su Chen teleported back to Flame City from Thunder City.

Almost along the way, players are heard discussing the Blood Rose who climbed to the top of the full server announcement, and her Rose Guild.

"This time, the women's guild led by Blood Rose can suppress the guilds of other male players"

"However, having said that, there are also powerful ones among our male players, such as the Star God, the guild resident token for the blood rose he sold to. "

"This is also, in the previous online games, the group of girls of the Rose Guild, although they are also among the top 100 in the national service, but the strength is not very good overall! "

But I heard that the Rose Guild has been recruiting people recently, and several powerful women's teams have been recruited by them. "

"Yes, yes, I also heard that there are some female anchors who play well, and they also joined the Rose Guild, but unfortunately, they don't accept male players, otherwise they mixed in, I don't know how blessed it is." "


At this moment, Su Chen had just arrived in Lieyang City and was about to open the map to search for the location of the Cloud and Mist Valley.

"Star God, here!"

"We were sent by the Rose Guild to pick you up. "

The two tall female players seemed to have been waiting there for a long time, and as soon as they saw Su Chen come out, they immediately came to him and shouted.

"This Blood Rose also specially arranged for two girls to pick themselves up here, which is really skillful. "

Su Chen muttered slightly, this kind of VIP-like 'pick-up' service, I'm afraid that when the monster is attacking the city, he won't be serious about it, and he will be embarrassed.

"Let's go!"

Then, Su Chen nodded at the two girls, followed them out of Lieyang City, crossed a plain, and came to a misty valley.

This was originally the area of level 20 wild monsters.

But at the moment, there is a huge building.

Strong walls were erected on all sides, and there were special watchtowers on top of the walls, shining with a silvery white sheen.

There is a sense of déjà vu of ancient Greek architecture, imposing and magnificent, like a creeping beast.

On the surrounding city walls, a large flag depicted with blood-colored roses was also inserted, which was extremely conspicuous.

Any guild's station can only be established in these monster areas, and it must also be far away from the main city, and will not receive any help from the main city when attacked by the surrounding wild monsters.

According to the inference that there is a level 20 wild monster area nearby, the strongest monster that appears in the monster siege should only be a gold-level boss of about level 25.

Bosses that exceed the gold level generally do not appear in the wild monster area, at least not yet.

After paying a little attention to the surrounding environment, Su Chen followed the two girls into the residence hall.

The hall is very spacious, and there are many people in it, and the blood rose sitting at the top is naturally the white rose, and the white rose that has been with her since she arrived in the main city.

Next to them, there are more than a dozen girls with the title of the Rose Guild, all with long legs, good posture, and they look relatively capable, and they should be the elite players in the Rose Guild.

On the other side, there were two people who were not from the Rose Guild, but Su Chen had also seen them.

The president of the Huangquan Guild, Huang Quan Biluo, and the vice president of the Huangquan Guild, Bishui Liantian.

The two are also inseparable, and even show great intimacy in some public places, and even many players speculate that the two are likely to be a couple.

However, Su Chen didn't think so, judging by his vicious eyes...

Huang Quan Biluo is most likely a girl!

Don't ask why, it's an intuition from an old driver!



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