[Lost Lantern Spirit, a seemingly harmless monster that emits green light, but actually has the power of chaotic hearts, was specially placed here by a black magician, forming a mysterious formation, even god-level existence can be trapped, if you attack the Lost Lantern Spirit indiscriminately, it will bounce all the damage. ] 】

[Only in accordance with 3... 6... 8... 12... The order of 49 touches the lost lamp spirit in turn to lift the formation, pay attention, once touched wrong, something very terrifying will happen. 】

"Well, no wonder all attributes are 1, and the feelings are the formation set by the black magician."

Su Chen looked at the special information on the [Lost Lantern Spirit], and was a little glad that he could see the hidden data, otherwise he would definitely plant here.

But then again, that black magician really loves to set up formations, and there are two or three formations inside and out.

Fortunately, it is myself, if you change to other players, it is estimated that it is impossible to pass this hidden plot for ten days and a half month, which is really too much.

Without explaining, Su Chen returned directly to the entrance, followed the hints on the hidden data, and carefully touched the [Lost Lantern Spirit] in turn.

In this process, he did not dare to touch too fast, in case he touched the wrong thing, what very terrifying thing in the prompt happened.

Although there was also a trace of curiosity about what terrifying things would happen, Su Chen was not stupid enough to experience it for himself.

All the way over, all the lost lamp spirits that he touched in order, the seeping green light, began to slowly disappear.

Until Su Chen put his hand on the 49th lost lamp spirit that hid the data prompt...

At this moment, all the lost lamp spirits lost their brilliance, and the entire palace became dull and dark in an instant.

However, due to the passive existence of the [Dark Night Domain], Su Chen's vision was clearer than ever, looking ahead, the round platform that extended in all directions, there was only one way at the moment.

Obviously, this road is the real passage to the altar of the ruins.

Without wasting time, Su Chen rode the Red Flame Chasing Horse, took Medusa, and galloped away.

Soon, a gate appeared ahead.

Su Chen did not hesitate and directly pushed the door in.

And the next second.

The sky swirled, and he came to a huge volcano.


In front of him, there was a large field of fiery red magma, tumbling violently, and a large amount of hot gas came out.

Between the magma, there are many bridges made of flames, crisscrossing and criss-crossing, giving people the feeling that they are going to be roasted when they stand on it.

Under the magma, from time to time, there are monsters formed by various churning flames roaring, and they are about to gush up.

【Flame Behemoth】(Special Monster)

Quality: Epic

Level: 40

Physical Attack: 12000-13000 (Purgatory +1000)

Magic Attack: 13500-15000 (Purgatory +1000)

Physical Defense: 8000-10000 (Purgatory +500)

Defense from Magic: 10000-12000 (Purgatory +500)

Speed: 5000 (Purgatory +500)

HP: 200,000 (Purgatory +100,000)

Skills: Flamethrower, Molten Flame, Behemoth Devouring

Description: A monster that comes out of nowhere, scary...

[Flame Behemoth-Phantom, the illusion created by the Flame Phantom Array laid down by a black magician, it seems scary, but in fact, it is just an ordinary monster in the Phantom Array, and all attributes have increased by 10 times. ] 】

To be reasonable, Su Chen was also taken aback when he saw this [Flame Behemoth] attribute.

But under the attributes of this monster, there is also a bright red special hidden data, revealing its identity.

However, an ordinary monster has increased its attributes by 10 times.

And from the information prompted in the hidden data, Su Chen can easily analyze it, and the terrifying scene in front of him is like a volcanic molten slurry, and it is only the flame phantom array laid by the black magician.

That's right, it's obviously a winter mountain range covered by wind and snow all year round, and the palace where the ice goddess once lived, how can such an extremely hot place appear.

It's not scientific to think about.

Looking at the countless flame behemoths surging in, Su Chen's face regained its composure, and he directly took out the Dark Wing Soul Chasing Bow, and a azure blue arrow broke through the air.

"Frost Nova!"

As a rain of ice fell, a large number of terrifying injuries came out.





This group of so-called [Flame Behemoths] originally had a defense of only 800+, and the amount of health was only 2000, without any accidents, they were directly killed in seconds.

A lot of equipment was also exposed, but it was all white.

Obviously, it looks like an epic panel, but it explodes in white, and you say that this is not angry.

Su Chen didn't bother to pick it up, and directly looked at the bridges formed by the flames in front of him.

Each bridge has a special string of hidden data on it.

[Flame Bridge - Phantom, an illusion created by the Flame Phantom Array laid down by a black magician, only one flame bridge is real, if you accidentally step on the wrong one, then it will fall into the ice cave below the ruins, and this one is illusory. ] 】


Su Chen: emmmmmm

"That black magician is also strange, and all these bells and fancy things are useless to me..."

Su Chen couldn't help but complain and found that he was simply the nemesis of that black magician.

No matter what formation is laid down, there is nothing to hide for you to be able to see the hidden data.

What else to say about this?

Keep walking!

Su Chen's eyes quickly swept across those crisscrossing bridges of flames.

[Flame Bridge-Zhen, a black magician laid down the flame illusion array and disguised the road leading to the altar as a flame bridge]

Soon, he found the real bridge of flames.

Walking to the bridge, the flames were all over, stepping on it, but there was no feeling of burning, as if stepping on the ground.


Suddenly, hot magma suddenly emerged from the ground and ejected a piece of magma towards Su Chen.

Slightly side-eyed, Su Chen didn't bother to dodge at all.

Since you know that it is a flame phantom array, then all this is illusory, and what is there to fear.



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