Bite...... You are affected by the skill [Dark Confinement] of the Dark Forbidden Master Gus, and you are silent for 5 seconds. "

Watching the black fog form a rope and imprison himself, Su Chen was shocked.

This skill is so perverted, not only can it directly specify multiple targets, but it also has two effects: 5-second fixation and silence.

Now all their own personnel, including the Frost Dragon, are under control.

Once Gus activates the skill again, 5 seconds, with his magic damage, no matter who outputs it, it is estimated that it will be cool.

And at this time, Gus was really chanting magic, and a strange black tentacle condensed on his hand, and he sneered, and the tentacle automatically attacked towards Su Chen.

"Abominable adventurer, I didn't expect that you had freed the soul of the Frost Dragon from my confinement, but it's okay, I took your soul this time."

"Go, Soul!"

There were 5 seconds of confinement, and it took up to 2 seconds for Gus to chant, and at this moment the strange tentacles had flown over.

Somehow, when the tentacles approached him, Su Chen inexplicably felt palpitations, as if the souls in his body were trembling.

"Xingchen, be careful, this tentacle will directly devour your soul."

"When I died, I was affected by this skill in my soul state, but my soul was extremely powerful, and I was only imprisoned by this skill."

In his ears, there was a worried voice from Kasa, but Su Chen was relieved.

Xin Qi's skill is aimed at herself, otherwise it hits Medusa, and once it devours or imprisons her soul, I am afraid that it will become very troublesome next.

"Mana Leap!"

Without explaining, Su Chen used the skill [Mana Jump]!

When the tentacles were about to touch their tracks, the body did not move, and they directly crossed the space and jumped 300 yards away.

Well, [Mana Jump] can be used in abnormal states such as vertigo, silence, and body fixation, in addition to flashing arbitrarily within a specified 300-yard range.

In an instant, Su Chen also happened to dodge this [Soul Devouring Soul] that could devour the soul.

The tentacle lost its target and automatically returned to Gus.

Then, Gus was seen speak in a very surprised tone.

"How is it possible, you have been caught in my dark confinement, obviously you have been silenced, how can you still use skills?"

"Besides, you're an archer, why can you still use the mage's flashing skill?"

Gus looked incredulous.

"Gee, you can master both Forbidden Formation and Black Magic at the same time, why can't I use the skills of a mage?"

Taking advantage of the fact that the effect of [Dark Confinement] had not yet disappeared, Su Chen asked rhetorically as he delayed time.

"Good, you've managed to get my interest, I'd like to see how you dodge the next skill."

"Magic Eclipse!"

I saw Gus's face fierce, and this time in the blink of an eye, he chanted a skill.

It was a black flame that was the size of a finger, like a bullet, and it shot in front of Su Chen almost instantly.

"Mana Leap!"

At this moment, the [Dark Confinement] effect was less than 1 second away, but Su Chen obviously couldn't wait, and immediately repeated the technique.

Jump again 300 yards away.

But I never expected that the black flame with the size of the finger mother seemed to be equipped with a positioning device, and chased after it in a beautiful arc in the air.

"Is it a prescriptive skill again?"

Su Chen froze slightly, at this time, the effect of dark confinement had disappeared, so he directly used [Phantom Shadow Change] to leave a stand-in, and the body entered the stealth state and flashed for a distance.


The moment the black flame touched the stand-in, an explosion effect was produced at a distance of at least a hundred yards around.


With a terrifying number, the stand-in was immediately extinguished by the explosion, and the flames splashed everywhere.

Looking at the damage that was as high as five figures, Su Chen couldn't help but gasp for air, if it weren't for his life-saving skills, if he changed to an ordinary player, it is estimated that he would have destroyed the group several times.

The damage effect shown by this Nima is really terrifying.

Compared to the Frost Dragon, it is simply better.

After all, this black magician didn't have a soul in his body to tell him about his weaknesses...

However, while Su Chen was surprised, Gus was also very surprised to look at Su Chen's exploded body.

Intuition told Gus that since the adventurer in front of him was able to break through several formations he laid down, and entered the altar, he would not be killed so easily.


Gus thought about it, then waved his staff and released another magic spell towards the place where Su Chen's double disappeared.

Night Magic!

Night magic, not only can the environment become dark, but also make a certain range of targets sneak away.

Soon, night fell again, and Su Chen's figure was exposed in the darkness.

Su Chen: emmmmm...

"There are really many skills in this goods, and there are all kinds of skills!"

He couldn't help but complain again, and Gus seemed to have the ability to see in the dark just like himself.

I didn't worry at all, after releasing the night magic, I couldn't find the southeast, southwest, and northwest.

However, the most irritating thing is Gusian immune control.

Otherwise, Su Chen would have taken the lead in releasing the active effect of the [Dark Night Domain], silent the target for five minutes, no matter how many skills you have, you will still be taught to be a person.

Of course, Gus also looked at Su Chen quite strangely and said.

"You are the strangest and most skilled adventurer I have ever seen, and you are only a level 20 archer class, but you can make the flashes of high-level mages, and the sneaking of assassins, it is incredible."


I rub?

You say Nima, who is strange and who has more skills, does not have a little pressure in his heart?

When Su Chen heard this, he almost wanted to point at Gus's brain and scold.

However, in the end, he held back, the other party has used several skills in a row, and it is only right to take advantage of this time to launch an attack.

He didn't dare to waste a few handfuls of time, in case Gus's skill cooled down quickly, and he turned around and gave himself another [Dark Confinement], then who could stand it?

After all, this skill seems to have a direct effect on the surface of the body, and even the hegemonic effect of [Ice Enhancement] cannot be lifted.

Or take advantage of the darkness to come, the attribute increase is 100%, and quickly kill this black magician!



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