[If you continue to open the altar, the souls of the entire Snow Clan will be annihilated and the Ice Goddess Inheritance - Ice Mage will be obtained]

[If you destroy the altar and release the souls of the entire Snow Clan, you will receive the Snow Clan's thanksgiving gift and start a new hidden plot - Save the Ice Goddess]


Can you still get hidden classes and new hidden stories?

To be reasonable, after reading the hidden data, Su Chen was even more entangled.

On the one hand, there is a hidden class, on the other hand, there is a new hidden story, and although there is no comparison between the two, they have very huge benefits.

The only difference may be that the hidden class ice mage can be obtained directly, while the hidden story needs to be completed by yourself.

However, Su Chen thought about it and decided to choose the latter.

After all, he already has a hidden profession in the legal system, and it is the kind that looks better.

As for the Ice Mage, well... It didn't sound very cool, and I gave up decisively.

What's more, if you choose to destroy the altar, you can also get the thank you of the snow clan.

Although Su Chen didn't know what the thank-you gift was, he had a hunch that it would definitely be a surprise.

Without hesitation, Su Chen immediately raised the Dark Wing Soul Chasing Bow, aimed it at the altar, and released a skill to try to destroy.

Frost Nova!

An arrow broke through the air, and the ice arrows in the sky frantically fell towards the altar.

The result is the next second.

Above the altar, a snow-white light curtain inexplicably appeared.





A series of ineffective rises did not have any effect on the altar, let alone destroyed it.

"Wow, what kind of demon and ghost, how is this special meow?"

Seeing this, Su Chen froze on the spot, and it was okay if he couldn't do harm to the altar.

In this way, conventional methods of destruction will definitely not work, and there should be something that they have overlooked.

Looking at this altar that can only be surrounded by four or five people, Su Chen went up to examine it carefully, but found no other clues, and fell into deep thought.

"Can you only choose to continue to open the altar and obtain the hidden profession of ice mage?"

"No, existence is reasonable, and since there is an option to destroy the altar, then there must be some way to destroy it."

Su Chen thought about it, and summoned the frost dragon Casa out of the pet space.

Perhaps Casa knows how to destroy the altar.

In the next second, Casa's huge frost dragon body appeared on the altar.

"Xingchen, it's great to see that you're okay, you can actually escape from Gus who holds the power of the dark law, I really admire you more and more."

After Casa came out, he saw that Su Chen was unharmed, first sighed, and then looked at the surrounding environment, which was a ruin, and continued: "Hey, where is this, I remember that the Winter Mountain Range doesn't seem to have this place..."

The winter mountains are covered in snow and ice all year round, and there can be no ruins, so Casa feels a little strange.

But before Su Chen could answer, Kasa's eyes were almost the size of a house, and the dragon's mouth was slightly open, with an incredulous look.

What did he see... See the statue of the goddess of ice and snow, and the altar below!

In an instant, Casa guessed that he was still in the altar hall.

So the question is, what about the black magician who holds the power of the dark law?


At this time, the same Casa saw the smile on Su Chen's face in a trance.

"I said Your Excellency Casa, just by escaping from Gus, you admire me, so if I kill him, you must not lie down and worship me!"

Su Chen looked at the dragon with a surprised face in front of him, and couldn't help but quip.

"If you really kill the hateful black mage Gus, don't say worship, I can really be your pet."

Thinking that Gus had imprisoned his soul, Casa couldn't help but grit his teeth, but he couldn't take revenge on his own strength for the time being, so he subconsciously said so.

"Really? Your Excellency, Casa, you said it yourself, don't regret it. "

When Su Chen heard this, he was immediately overjoyed, took out the [Soul Wand] from his backpack, and placed it in front of Casa.


[Soul Wand] is the magic staff in Gus's previous hand, Casa also recognized it at a glance, then it can not be guessed that Gus has been killed by Su Chen, and he was shocked again, and even the dragon language came out.

It is estimated that what kind of complaining words, Su Chen did not understand, but in order to prevent Casa from repaying the account, he quickly said: "Your Excellency Casa, as a great ice dragon, you should not be able to speak without counting, right?" "

Casa: ...

Hearing this, Casa was directly speechless.

To be honest, he really just said it casually, but who would have thought that this human being, who was only level 20 in front of him, would actually solve Gus who had released the power of the dark law.

That is the dark law above the beginner level, even the high-level professional powerhouses in the human race may not be opponents.


After being silent for a while, Casa set his eyes on Su Chen, and finally sighed.

"It's okay, the dragon of my Dragon God Clan does what he says, and besides, I feel the breath of my Dragon God Clan's king clan in you, you should be a relative of a certain highness, become your pet, and I am not a discredit to the Dragon God Clan."

When the words fell, Casa also lowered his body and groaned.

"The host! Frost Dragon Ginseng! "

Well, it is worthy of the Dragon God Clan, who actually kept his faith and became his pet, and he was so ceremonial.

Su Chen expressed that his heart was ecstatic, and immediately waved his hand and smiled slightly: "Your Excellency Casa, there is no need to be polite, I will not really treat you as a pet, we are friends, I hope to be able to fight side by side in the future." "

For the frost dragon Casa, he still has a good impression, so he will not deliberately change his attitude and become superior because of the establishment of the main pet relationship.

"It is my honor to be able to fight with my master."

Hearing Su Chen say this, the depression in Casa's heart also eased a lot.

Of course......

Su Chen would not forget to get down to business because he really received a divine pet, and immediately pointed to the altar and said.

"By the way, Your Excellency Casa, can you help me destroy the altar left by the Ice Goddess?"



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