"Brother Xingchen, yes."

Rem, as a tribal girl, was not small, and when he heard that Su Chen wanted to go to the back mountain at the moment, he nodded directly, and then continued.

"It's just that it's late now, and the road in the back mountain is rough and difficult, we need to go back and prepare some torches and lighting!"

After Su Chen heard this, he smiled gently, "Don't bother so much. "

Then, with a wave of his hand, he summoned the Red Flame Chasing Horse.

For the Red Flame Chasing Horse with the attribute of Red Flame Burning, it is better than any torch lighting.

As soon as it appeared, the fire was loud, and the surrounding area lit up.

"Come up!"

Su Chen turned on his horse, stretched out his right hand, and invited Rem to ride together.


Reim's face instantly turned red, and he hesitated for a while before letting Su Chen pull him and ride in front.

As for the reason... The Lei tribe has an unwritten custom that only mates can ride a horse together.

"Reim, hold on to the reins, you show the way ahead."

Su Chen didn't know this custom of the Lei tribe, so he immediately let Rem lead the way, and then galloped towards the back mountain.



Five minutes later.

With the particularity of the Red Flame Chasing Horse, even if the road in the back mountain is rough and difficult, it is still like walking on the ground, and in a few minutes, he arrived in front of a thatched house.

However, the absent old man mentioned by Rem was not found.

"Brother Xingchen, that strange old man should still be mining now, let's go to the mine cave not far ahead."

Rem reminded.

Then, Rem took Su Chen to the mine cave in front.

"Ding... Congratulations on discovering the rare iron ore cave! "

【Rare iron ore cave】

Quality: Rare

Description: A mine cave containing a large amount of rare iron ore, which requires advanced mining skills to be mined.

As soon as Su Chen arrived at the mine, a system prompt immediately sounded.

In addition, there are several pieces of shiny iron ore scattered at the entrance of the mine.

【Iron ore concentrate】

Quality: Rare

Overview: Rare refined iron ore, the price is not cheap, if you master advanced forging techniques, it can be used to create general silver equipment,


Su Chen didn't know about the deputy position, and he didn't have any concept of this material.

But when he saw that [Refined Iron Ore] could be used to create silver equipment, he knew that this [Rare Iron Ore Cave] in front of him must be a cash cow.

After all, silver equipment is also a high-grade commodity at this stage, and the ore that can create silver equipment will naturally not be too low.

Especially for players with high-level forging techniques, this [Rare Iron Ore Cave] is undoubtedly a treasure trove.

However, Su Chen just thinks casually, and he will definitely not waste time on mining.



Hearing the sound of gold and iron clanging from inside the mine, Su Chen immediately turned over and dismounted, and walked in with Reim.

The mine cave was very long, and Su Chen walked for two or three minutes before coming to the middle part of the mine cave.

There, Su Chen saw an old man waving a shovel in his hand, constantly digging, and he could see that the muscles on his arm were abnormally thick, like a unicorn arm.

But the old man's eyes were cloudy, even if he noticed the arrival of Su Chen and Reim, he didn't pay attention to it at all, just kept mining, as if the meaning of his life was to be a "gold miner".

"Brother Xingchen, he is the strange old miner I told you about, he has been mining all day long, and we have tried to communicate with him, but we have been ignored."

Rem hid behind Su Chen and quietly pointed to the old miner in front of him and said.

For such strange people, even Rem is a little stunned.


Su Chen nodded casually and didn't say anything more.

Because...... He was already attracted by the special hidden data on the head of the old miner in front of him.

[Casting Master - Jax, a casting master who has mastered the master forging technique, in order to find a legendary ore and create a peerless divine weapon, specially invited a best friend to go to the desert dry city of the Chaos Domain with him to hunt for treasure. ] 】

[As a result, I didn't expect to meet a powerful three-headed snake monster in the desert dry city, and my friend died to protect Jax, and Jax himself fell into endless regret]

[In order to punish himself, Jax kept mining, wanting to relieve the regret in his heart with physical exhaustion]

[If a player is able to kill the three-headed snake of the desert dry city and bring back the relics of Jax's friends, it will trigger Jax's special story - follow]

[Note: Jax will not have any communication with the player until he obtains the relics of Jax's friends]


Very detailed hidden information, basically explain the cause and effect of why Jax appeared here, and the narrative is clear.

And when Su Chen saw the special plot on Jax, his eyes couldn't help but shine.

If he can kill the three-headed snake of [Desert Dry City] and get Jax to follow, he won't have to worry about the creation of the [Hundred Refining Suit].

Moreover, a master forger, the value represented in it, is absolutely imaginable.

In addition, the existence of this [rare iron ore cave] in front of you...

When the two are combined, safety is an equipment supply library.

Su Chen had already vaguely sensed a hint of the aura of development.


Jax's special story must be triggered by obtaining his friend's relics.

So it doesn't really make much sense to come over now.

"Let's go, Reim, let's go back."

Su Chen immediately returned to the Lei tribe with Reim.

So far, when he traveled to the Yellow Sand Gobi of the Chaotic Domain, he needed to accomplish three things.

First, enter [Desert Dry City] and find [Yin Yang Twin Grass].

Second, on the yellow sand Gobi, collect sunflowers.

Third, kill the three-headed snake in [Desert Dry City] and obtain the relics of Jax's friends.

Full of schedule, without further ado, after returning, Su Chen politely refused Rem's offer to keep him in the tribe for the night.

Without stopping at all, in Reim's reluctant eyes, he rode the Red Flame Chasing Horse and rode away in the direction of the Chaotic Domain.

Of course, if the function of in-depth communication with NPCs is opened at this stage, Su Chen still does not mind staying overnight.



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