Inside the misty forest.

Su Chen was rushing back to Maple Leaf Village when he suddenly received a system prompt.


"Player Xingchen, you have received a private chat, please deal with it as soon as possible."

He was stunned suddenly, and subconsciously opened it to see that it was sent by a white rose, and looked at the contents inside.

"@星辰? Are you there? The Han family sent a top announcement, bounty you at the gate of the newbie village, what are your thoughts? "

Su Chen: ......

Seeing the content inside, Su Chen didn't know how to answer.

The whole village offered a reward for his announcement, dozens of big characters, Su Chen naturally saw it in the morning, and he also guessed that it was the wave of people who had just killed who were making demons.

But what are the thoughts to ask yourself?

I'm sorry...... At this moment, Su Chen's heart did not fluctuate, and he even wanted to laugh a little!

It's just a rich fool targeting himself, and he doesn't pay attention to it at all.

Probably the only thing that comes to mind is... In the future, if you find an opportunity, you must take a good inventory of that stupid trench!

Rich, really rich!

If you kill yourself once, you can get 10W, if you kill yourself back to level 1, can you get 90W rmb?

I feel that I don't have to fight anymore, it's enough to kill myself if I have nothing to do.

Of course, this is also to think about it, really take 10W to let yourself down, Su Chen must not be happy.

Although I don't know why White Rose chatted about herself privately, out of politeness, Su Chen still replied: "I don't have any ideas for the time being!" "

After receiving the reply message, White Rose was stunned, with her IQ, did she not understand what this guy from the stars replied to?

Being rewarded high by the whole village, you actually have no idea?

Is this to say that he has a big heart, a big heart, or a big heart?

After thinking about it, a thought suddenly arose in White Rose's heart: That guy won't be hiding, right?

If you hide, the outside of the novice village is so big, it is very safe for a while, naturally there is no need for any thoughts.

The more White Rose thought about it, the more she felt that it was possible, and immediately sent another private chat to Su Chen: "Xingchen, so are you hiding?" In fact, there is no need to hide, as long as you join our rose union and become an honorary member, I have a way to make the people of the Han family cancel your wanted. "

"God is hiding..."

The news sent by the white rose made Su Chen unable to complain, was he like that kind of coercion?

Don't push, just do it!

These words, but have always been his life motto, quickened his pace, and then chatted back to White Rose: "It's impossible to hide, it's impossible to hide in this life, I'll go back to the novice village right away..."

After returning to the private chat, Su Chen had already walked out of the corner of the misty forest, and there was still less than a kilometer left from Maple Leaf Village.

As soon as Su Chen came out of the misty forest, his whereabouts were immediately discovered by some players.

After all, the players who provide Su Chen's position also have a 2000RMB reward, and many people are paying close attention to whether there is Su Chen's figure around.

Only by doing the foundation can we get out of the future: "I found the place where [the stars] are." "

The chrysanthemum bloomed only for Ji You: "Only by engaging in Ji can I get out of the future, and I also found the place where [Xingchen] is." "

Tang Jia Shao: "Where are the stars?" "

The foundation really exists: "It seems to be going in the direction of the gate of Maple Leaf Village." "

The first to provide Su Chen's position was a three-person squad, and they should know each other by looking at the ID.

Also at this time, the chat screen of Maple Leaf Village directly exploded, and Su Chen's news was swiped one after another.

"Wow, the Star God is awesome !!"

"Knowing that the people of the Han family set a reward for him at the top of the village, they came directly to the entrance of the village to face him, and they knew that there were tigers in the mountains, and they preferred to go to Tiger Mountain!!

"Just rush this courage, from now on, the Star God is my idol!!"

"Hehe, still idol, that guy from Xingchen will be killed back to level 1 later, you look at the team that the Han family has gathered in the village, it is about to exceed two hundred people!!"

"I have to say that having money is willful, and a real person like me will inevitably join the team and become a slave to money."

The public screen was swiping Su Chen's news, and Su Chen was about to come to the gate of Maple Leaf Village at this time, facing a group of people who regarded him as an ATM.

But...... There were also some players with special purposes who found Su Chen halfway.



PS: New books kneel for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation!!

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