The two chased and fled, and they traveled thousands of miles in an instant!

"Damn it! I really think I'm a bully!"

Mu Xin, who was running away, was furious!

But he didn't dare to take the initiative!

The strength that Tang Feng showed just now has already shocked him!

If he really wants to fight, he has no confidence at all!

"Damn! I can only escape!"

Mu Xin gritted his teeth.

"This guy is a little faster! No, if this continues, he will be caught up!"

The distance between the two was shrinking, Mu Xin had no choice but to take out a green bead and put it between the eyebrows.

Then it went out with a whoosh!

"Huh? The speed has skyrocketed again!"

Tang Feng, who was chasing behind, frowned.

This Muxin is very capable of escaping!

He has already used the power of demons, and this can't catch up!

It can only be blamed that speed is not my strong point!

"Meteor escape!"

Tang Feng used a meteor escape, a teleportation, and came to the front of Mu Xin.

"Death Ray!"

"Little Fireball!"

Several quick moves, Tang Feng cast quickly.

"This guy! He still has this trick!"

Seeing Tang Feng in front of him, Mu Xin's expression changed.

He didn't dare to fight back, and when he turned a corner, green vines appeared on his body at the same time.

The vines drilled into the wall next to it and quickly made a hole.

Mu Xin reacted quickly, and Tang Feng's attack missed.

"Let him run away again!"

"Meteor escape!"

When the firepower is fully activated, the meteor escape can also be used all the time.

However, it consumes more mana.

call out!

Tang Feng turned into a black streamer again, the speed was extremely fast.

After a while, he stopped in front of Mu Xin.


The moment he saw Tang Feng, Mu Xin turned his head again.


Suddenly, a light and shadow hit him!

It is the death ray!


Mu Xin screamed, the pain made him frown!

His blood volume directly dropped by 80 million!

"It hurts so much! With my mythical suit, the damage reduction is 99.998%! This guy can output trillions of damage with just one hit!"

Mu Xin was shocked.

He is not a bloody bull, if he uses this skill a few times, he will be gone!

"He didn't die?"

Tang Feng in the distance was also quite surprised.

This guy's defense is strong!

Mu Xin quickly started taking drugs to recover his blood volume.

At the same time, find another direction to escape!

And Tang Feng never left, chasing after him all the time!

The two traveled to many places, leaving their shadows everywhere.

"Asshole! Asshole! Asshole! Tang Feng! I, Mu Xin, will kill you!"

Mu Xin roared!

He was hunted down by Tang Feng, and he wasted a lot of good things on his body!

And it's miserable every time.

Several times, almost died!

"This guy! He can run too well!"

Tang Feng frowned.

His mana is no longer enough.

Next, the two slowed down in a tacit understanding.

As one party accelerated, the other also accelerated without hesitation.

All of a sudden, it was deadlocked!

"Hurry up! Hurry up! Arrive at the Void God Tower soon! There, he can't do anything!"

Hope ignited in Mu Xin's eyes!

Before that, he still felt that the examination site of the Void Palace was a bondage to him.

Unexpectedly, it saved him!

"Quicker! Faster!"

Mu Xin roared!

At this moment, white light flickered at the Void God Tower, and many people had already arrived.

"Hey, the two over there are so fast!"

"This speed is beyond my reach!"

"Who is it, why are you in such a hurry?"

Everyone looked at the two streamers in the sky, very curious!

At this moment, Mu Xin looked ecstatic when he saw the Void God Tower!

"It's here! It's here! Haha! Tang Feng, what can you do to me!"

Mu Xin stepped into the range of the Void God Tower, feeling at ease.

The next moment, Tang Feng also arrived!

The time difference between the two was no more than three seconds!

"What's wrong? Mu Xin looks a bit embarrassed!"

"According to what he means, is he being hunted down by Tang Feng?"

"Really! Mu Xin was hunted down by Tang Feng?"

"Although Tang Feng's damage is high, he is a person from a lower plane after all, so he doesn't have as many tricks as Mu Xin! This is impossible!"

Everyone couldn't believe that Mu Xin was really being hunted down by Tang Feng!

"Tang Feng, today's humiliation, I will repay double!"

Mu Xin's eyes darkened.

"Your mouth is tough enough! Don't run away if you can!"

Tang Feng sneered.


Mu Xin was furious, but there was nothing he could do!

Everyone looked at this scene, horrified.

From the words of the two, it is not difficult to see that Tang Feng really went after Mu Xin again!

At this moment, the way everyone looked at Tang Feng changed.

"Brother Tang Feng!"

After a while, Hong Luo arrived and greeted with a smile.

At this time, Hong Luo was already level 95! The highest in the audience!

On the contrary, both Tang Feng and Mu Xin are only level 94!

Tang Feng is not far from level 95.

If it wasn't for wasting too much time chasing and killing Mu Xin, he would have already reached level 95!

And this time, Mu Xin only went up one level during the assessment.

Of course, it was also because he was robbed by Tang Feng on the way, and he kept chasing and killing him, so he had no time to upgrade!

"Hong Luo!"

Tang Feng also laughed. It is a good thing to make more friends when you are away from home.

"Why, swords are on the verge of breaking out, have you fought?"

Hong Luo could tell at a glance that the atmosphere between the two was not right.

Tang Feng smiled and nodded.

"How about it?"

Hong Luo was rather curious.

"It's boring to be a turtle with a shrunken head, and its strength is far inferior to his mouth."

Tang Feng sneered.

Hearing this, Hong Luo looked carefully at the reactions of the two of them. Tang Feng didn't seem to be lying. In other words, Tang Feng's strength was still higher than that of Mu Xin, and he was secretly startled.

Mu Xin gritted his teeth and said, "Tang Feng, don't be too arrogant! My Shenmu family is far beyond what you can imagine! If you offend me today, even if you become a true god, you will die!"

"Huh? Believe it or not, I'll let you die right now!" Tang Feng said coldly.

Mu Xin trembled with anger.

He had never been insulted like this.

But he didn't dare to gamble.

Tang Feng really has the strength to kill him!

Once he died, the way to the future would also be cut off, how could he bear it.

Mu Xin could only keep silent.

Seeing this, Hong Luo was even more surprised. From this point of view, this Mu Xin is far from Tang Feng's opponent!

Unexpectedly, a person from a low plane has such strength!

"Tang Feng, you have to be careful. The Shenmu clan can stand up in the domain of the gods, but don't be fooled by him. It's not that easy to find your world!"

Hong Luo said.

He had asked before, and Hong Luo said that there are so many lower planes, many of which are not yet connected to other planes.

It is quite difficult to locate the positions of these planes!

On the contrary, it is the Shenmu plane, which is so famous that everyone knows the location.

Because of this, Tang Feng didn't take Mu Xin's threats to heart.


A few more figures descended.

At this moment, there are more than 8,000 people left outside the False God Tower.

More than a thousand people did not arrive!

Obviously, there was an accident on the road, and the opportunity for the subsequent assessment was completely lost!

The entire body of the Void God Tower is made of mysterious black material, with a total of 99 floors.

Every level is a world!

The first 33 floors are legendary bosses, the middle 33 floors are legendary abysses, and the last 33 floors are virtual gods!

Depending on the number of levels passed, there will be corresponding rewards!

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