"Little Fireball!"


In the same way, Tang Feng killed a wild boar again!

[Congratulations, experience +40, copper coins +40! Back to blue potion +1! 】

Not bad, another 40 experience points, and even a bottle of mana recovery potion!

Can recover 50 mana within 10s.

For mages, the most lacking in the early stage is blue.

Counting the equipment, Tang Feng now has a total of 13 points of spirit and 130 mana.

Can release 6 fireballs!

"Not bad! Six small fireballs, just enough to kill 3 wild boars!"

Tang Feng expressed satisfaction.

"Little Fireball!"


After casting a small fireball, Tang Feng didn't have to move, just waited for the skill to cool down.

Soon, another fireball was sent out.

All three wild boars died!

[Congratulations, promoted to level 2, strength +2, physique +3, intelligence +4, spirit +4, agility +2! Free attribute +5! 】

So fast!

It's less than twenty minutes since he left Novice Village!

Most of the time is on the road.

The time to kill monsters is only a few minutes!

[Announcement from the whole village: Player Banzhan Qingfeng from Village 7896 is the first to be promoted to level 2! Reward 5 silver coins! Please keep working hard! 】


After three consecutive announcements, the players in the entire 7896 village were instantly stunned.

"Damn it! How come it's so fast!"

"How long is this!"

"I haven't even figured out the game yet?"

"I just logged in! Is it easy to upgrade?"

"Simple fart, I snatched 5 monsters! I only have less than 20 experience!"

"This person must be the boss of other games!"

"Boss, please bring me!"

In the chat channel, players are very active.

In the level 1 area, a warrior player named Amorous Swordsman, after hearing the system announcement, his expression darkened instantly.

"Boss! Who is this man! Why is he so fast?" asked a younger brother beside him.

"It should be an elite player from several large guilds, I didn't expect it to be so fast! Damn it!"

The sentimental swordsman said angrily.

He is an elite player of the Dream Fate Guild.

Players in Novice Village are assigned more randomly.

Only a few of those who lead to these great councils gather together.

[Amorous swordsman withdraws from the team! 】

Soon, teammates were prompted.

"Boss, you are..." The people around were a little puzzled.

"We form two teams, you kill the monsters to the brim, and I will take them away! This way the upgrade is faster!"

The sentimental swordsman said.

In "Destiny", players form a team, and the person who kills gets half of the experience, and the others share it equally.

But obviously, the Amorous Swordsman felt that this efficiency was too low.


He wants it all!


The four players in the team were stunned for a moment.

The more than 10 monsters they killed were all taken away by the sentimental swordsman last.

Each one has five points of experience, and it is not far from upgrading.

But now, he is a little greedy.

If you eat meat, you have to give everyone soup!

"Don't worry! I will never forget your sacrifice. After playing the game, I will give each of you 300 yuan!"

The sentimental swordsman said.

He is also considered to have a small amount of capital, otherwise he would not be qualified to be affectionate.


"no problem!"

"Leave it on us!"

Money can turn ghosts around, and the four agreed instantly.

Now, the upgrade speed of the Amorous Swordsman is directly doubled.


On the other side, after Tang Feng was upgraded, all attribute points were added to intelligence.

Now his magic attack reaches 54! Mana also has 170 points!

At the same time, because of the upgrade, the mana consumed before was instantly restored.

"It's already level 2! Go directly to the level 5 area!"

Tang Feng thought for a while, and went straight to the level 5 wild monster area. Level 5 is already the leveling area for the highest monsters.

Soon, on the plain, he saw a blue wolf patrolling.

【Storm Wolf】

Level: 5

HP: 700

Attack power: 70

Physical Defense: 30

Magic Defense: 20

Introduction: A predator on the plain, be careful of its speed, and don't be easily provoked.

70 attack is already very high!

It only takes three bites and he's dead!

But in his situation, he is not afraid at all!

"Little Fireball!"

call out!


Soon, a bright red number floated up.

After being attacked, the Gale Wolf reacted quickly, looked up at Tang Feng, and charged directly.

After the small fireball is strengthened, the range is 50 meters. If the distance is too far, it cannot be controlled.

But no matter how fast the Gale Wolf was, it wouldn't be able to kill Tang Feng in two seconds, and Tang Feng was still on the move.

"Little Fireball!"


With two fireballs, the Level 5 Gale Wolf just fell down!

【Congratulations, you got the blast boots! Experience +70! Copper coin +60! 】

"The equipment exploded! Not bad!"

Tang Feng smiled, very satisfied.

He leapfrogged to kill monsters, and his explosion rate was already higher than that of ordinary people.

It doesn't seem surprising that a piece of equipment exploded.

Soon, he saw the properties of the wind boots.

[Gust Boots (White Quality)]: Agility +8! (Note: wearing level 5)

not bad!

Agility increases his movement speed and dodge speed.

It also gives him more room to maneuver.

"I don't know what will happen after the blessing! Blessed by fate!"

Tang Feng didn't think too much, and proceeded to bless directly.

Soon, the wind boots also changed.

[Windwind Boots (Red)]: Agility +20, Intelligence +5, 10% chance to trigger Windwalk, double movement speed! Lasts a minute! When out of combat, permanently trigger the wind walk! (Note: cannot be traded)

Good guy! Another piece of red equipment!

Level 5 red outfit!

The increase of this attribute is a few blocks away from white clothes!

The most important thing!

After being blessed!

He doesn't need to wait until level 5 to wear it!

Even if there are only two levels, he can still use it!

The mage's shortcomings are obvious.

Short legs, weak body, no control skills in the early stage, it is difficult to kite!

But now, with this gear!

Everything is different.

Soon, Tang Feng put on this equipment!

The movement speed has been greatly improved!

There is a feeling of walking like flying!

If this wind walk can be triggered during the battle, the wind wolf can't catch him at all!

Suddenly, Tang Feng had the feeling of being targeted by prey.

Looking back, an elite wolf monster that was a circle larger than the ordinary Gale wolf was staring at him.

[Wolf King Gale (Elite Monster)]

Level: 5

Health: 3500

Attack: 150

Physical Defense: 60

Magic Defense: 50

Skill: Double-edged Claw!

Introduction: For those who break into its territory, it will tear it to pieces!

This is a level 5 elite monster!

The life value is as high as 3500!

And the attack power is also explosively high!

With Tang Feng's current 160 health and 8 defense points, he can only resist two hits.

And this elite monster will obviously attack the player on its own initiative!

"Little Fireball!"


A damage value of nearly six hundred popped out of Gale Wolf King's head.

The 5 points of intelligence added by the blast boots made Tang Feng's magic attack power reach 64!


Gale Wolf King is very fast!

After getting the attack, immediately rush towards Tang Feng!

Fortunately, it has the movement speed bonus of the blast boots!

Tang Feng evacuated while waiting for the skill to cool down!

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