Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

010. Unknown Wild Picture Boss! [44, Please Collect, Please Flowers]

When Bai Feng looked there, six black monsters that looked like tigers were stepping out. Their eyes were wide open and their gazes were firmly fixed on Bai Feng.

From a morphological point of view, they are not much different from the 25 dead [Rampage Cat Demons]. The only difference is that their energy is stronger and more powerful.


【Cat King Guard】

[Strength]: Level 9 (not yet extraordinary)

[Comprehensive combat power]: 350

Description: A strong among ordinary cat demons, the valet of [Running Elvis].


"[Cat King Guard]...."

Looking at the six tiger-like [Cat King Guards], Baifeng was not afraid of rejoicing. He has become a transcendent, and has the two-star pinnacle weapon "Three-Pointed Spear" in his hand. Even if the combined combat power of these six [Elvis Guards] reaches 350 points, they will not pose much of a threat to him.

The six [Elvis Guards] are simply here to give away energy points.

Before a group of [Mao Wang Guards] could launch an offensive, Baifeng jumped up and rushed over with his gun in hand.

Poof! !

When Bai Feng stopped, the throat of an [Elvis Guard] had been slit open by him with the three-pronged tip of his "tri-pointed spear".

[Successfully kill the level 9 ordinary monster ‘Cat Guard’, gain 900 energy points, ‘Cat Guard Skin’ x1! 】



As soon as they met, a companion was killed, which made the remaining five [Elvis Guards] shocked and angry.

They knew that the human being in their sight had single-handedly killed all the ordinary people. Therefore, they expected that Bai Feng would be very strong.

But they are not afraid...

Because they are the strongest among ordinary cat demons, the servants of [Rampage Cat King] are expected to become extraordinary cat demon warriors!

They appeared with full confidence, but Bai Feng's blow caused their confidence to collapse.

In battle, especially when his combat power is lower than that of his opponent, there is no room for distraction. When several [Elvis Guards] were frightened and enraged, Bai Feng's second attack came.

In the flash of gunfire, another [Elvis Guard] had its abdomen ripped open, and its internal organs were mixed with blood and flowed to the ground.

[Successfully kill the level 9 ordinary monster ‘Cat Guard’, gain 900 energy points, ‘Cat Guard Skin’ x1! 】

At this time, the last four [Elvis Guards] finally suppressed their inner fear and began to besiege Bai Feng.


If they don't attack Bai Feng, they will only be frightened and frightened. After attacking Bai Feng, his fear was filled with deep despair.

The four [Cat Guards] desperately discovered that Bai Feng's speed was too fast, and their attacks could not land on Bai Feng at all.

Contrary to them, Bai Feng either does not attack. Once he chooses to wield his gun, a companion will die.

With a great sense of powerlessness, several [Elvis Guards] died one after another.

More than twenty seconds later, the last [Elvis Guard] fell to the ground deep in the valley, and the empty valley became silent again.


【Player】:Bai Feng

[Race]: Human

[Talent]: "God-level reset" (the only ultimate), "Reflection Strengthening" (special talent)

[Qualification]: Genius level

[Strength]: Level 10 (5750/11,000) (first time entering the extraordinary)

[Equipment]: "Three-pointed Spear"

[Money]: 10,000 ‘Boundary Coins’

【Luck】: 1%

[Comprehensive combat power]: 600 (normally 100 for ordinary humans)


"We're halfway to level 10.... Just a few more [Cat Demon Guards] would be great."

The higher the character level, the more energy points are required to upgrade.

Fortunately, the more advanced the monster, the more energy it provides from death.

This means that for players with strong combat power like Bai Feng, the upgrade efficiency will not decrease as the level increases, but will tend to become faster and faster.

"[Rush Elvis]'s valet..."

Bai Feng did not leave the valley, but looked at the six [Elvis Guards] corpses on the ground, thoughtfully.

"So, there is a BOSS in the valley - [Rogue Elvis]?"

In any online game, you can basically get generous rewards by killing monster bosses. Especially in the early stages of the game, if you can hunt down a monster BOSS, the reward you will receive has a high probability of being directly ahead of other players.

If you take one step ahead, you may be able to take the lead step by step and soar all the way to the top.

Of course, the monster BOSS is both an opportunity and a crisis.

Whether it is an opportunity or a crisis depends on the player's strength.

"The combat power of the ordinary [Rampage Cat Demon] is 280, and the combat power of [Cat King] is 350... The cat demon clan are all ordinary-level wild monsters, so their leader [Rampaging Cat King] should have a combat power of 350... Around 600 o’clock…”

Just like human evolvers will divide qualifications from low to high into ordinary level, good level, excellent level, outstanding level, genius level, peerless level and so on.

The wild monsters and beasts in Doomsday Blue Star and "Star World" are also judged on their qualifications.

Ordinary level, bronze level, silver level, gold level, platinum level, diamond level... Qualifications also determine their evolution speed, evolution limit, and combat power growth.

Therefore, based on a lot of information, Bai Feng can roughly judge the combat power of [Running Elvis].

With a combat power of about 600 points, Bai Feng is not afraid at all.

“Even though the combat power of [Rampage Elvis] exceeds my expectation, with the special effect of ‘Chasing the Enemy’ provided by the ‘Three-Pointed Gun’, I should have no problem protecting myself. "

Thinking of this, Baifeng already made a decision in his heart. He followed the direction in which the several [Elvis Guards] came and headed towards the end of the valley.

"It turned out to be in the shape of a double gourd."

Not long ago, when I looked at this valley from the mouth of the valley, it looked like a gourd lying across the ground.

The mouth of the valley is narrow and the middle of the valley is wide.

At this time, as we walked towards the end, the terrain gradually became narrower from wide. It feels like two gourds with their bottoms cut off and spliced ​​together.

Narrow at both ends and wide in the middle.

When he reached the end, what Bai Feng saw was not an exit, but a cliff cave about three meters wide and four meters high.

The entrance to the cave was eerie and extremely dark, making it impossible to see what was deep inside.

"I caused such a big commotion in the valley and killed all the ordinary cat monsters and [Cat King Guards], but [Rampaging Cat King] never appeared from the beginning to the end."

Standing quietly in front of the cliff cave, Baifeng's eyes flashed.

"Then...either [Running Elvis] went out and didn't return at this time, or he was unable to get out of the cave due to some special reason."

If it's the former, there won't be any danger in entering the cliff cave.

If it's the latter, you can use that unknown special factor to deal with [Rampage Elvis], greatly increasing the chance of killing it.

The next moment, Baifeng stepped into the cliff cave.

................................................................. ............

PS: The four guaranteed updates are over. The total number of flowers is 1,500, so two additional chapters will be added in the evening.

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