Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

113. He Seizes The Creation Of Heaven And Earth, So He Is Not Allowed By Heaven And Earth! [3/X, Ple

[Reward player ‘Bai Feng’ with a supreme magical power, luck value +10%!] X3

The world announcement without any emotion shocked every living being in "Starry Sky and All Realms".

"Bai's Boss Bai Feng again! This is already the fourth world announcement triggered by Boss Bai Feng today, right?!"

"Start the extraordinary tenth transformation and embark on the forbidden road... What is the extraordinary tenth transformation? Isn't it true that the extraordinary realm can only go through nine transformations?!"

"Yes, in the world I came from, and in this "Starry Sky and All Realms", isn't the nine extraordinary changes the limit of the extraordinary realm? Even in the Tianlan Star where I came, those strongest people are in the extraordinary realm. When I was in this state, I never activated any extraordinary tenth transformation!! What on earth is going on with this extraordinary tenth transformation?”

People from all walks of life in the cathode universe logged in to the aliens and alien monsters in "The Starry Sky". While shocked, they also discovered the key information revealed in this world announcement.

853 Bai Feng, broke through the extraordinary tenth transformation.

And this so-called extraordinary tenth transformation has caused most of the strangers and monsters to fall into a state of confusion.

Because they have never heard of any extraordinary tenth transformation. In their inherent concept, after reaching the peak of the Nine Extraordinary Transformations, they will step into the one-star realm and become a true cultivator.

"The cathode universe is so vast, and there are so many alien worlds within it. Is it possible that none of us, among the strangers and alien monsters who log in to "Starry Sky Worlds" from all walks of life, know what the extraordinary tenth transformation is all about?"

"The tenth extraordinary transformation... This should belong to the ancient secrets hidden in the long river of time. If we can really know it, I am afraid that only the strongest and inherited talents of the ancient forces who have stood for many years can .”

"Please ask the most powerful man and the son of Tianjiao to clear up the confusion!"

"Kneel down and ask for answers!" (cfab) Although most of those who log in to "Starry Sky and All Realms" from all walks of life in the cathode universe are ordinary cultivators, there are many who are the strongest in the real world.

After all, there is no limit to the road, and everyone who works together wants to take a step closer to the original foundation.

Before that, the strongest people in the real world were surprised when they heard the world announcements caused by Bai Feng, but they immediately laughed it off.

Based on their cultivation and strength in the real world, their state of mind and vision are definitely not comparable to those of ordinary cultivators. In their opinion, Bai Feng just got some kind of opportunity in "The Starry Sky and All Realms" and gained a slight advantage.

They are confident that when they leave the novice area and go to the real practice area, they can catch up quickly when they use the practice techniques to practice!

Because they are the most powerful people in the real world, their understanding of practice and understanding of the Tao are unpredictable. This will allow them to make great progress in their 'second practice' in "The Starry Sky and All Realms"!!

But this time…………

The meaning of this world announcement is different from every previous one!!

Even they couldn't help but be shocked by the content revealed in the world announcement.

"The extraordinary tenth transformation, the extraordinary tenth transformation... I didn't expect that the legend is true, the extraordinary tenth transformation really exists!"

Finally, the most powerful people in the world, who had never participated in discussions on the World Channel in the past, couldn't help but speak.

"There are records in some incomplete ancient books that in the distant ancient times, the extraordinary realm did not only go through nine changes!

On top of the nine changes, there are tenth, eleventh, and even twelfth changes!

It’s just that with the passage of time, things in the world have changed... For some unknown reasons, monks like us can only activate the ninth transformation during the extraordinary realm. After reaching the peak of the nine extraordinary transformations, we cannot Without making breakthroughs, step into the one-star realm and become a true cultivator!"

"I have read such ancient books before... It is said that in ancient times, the extraordinary realm was not limited to the ninth transformation. As for how many more changes it can go through beyond the nine transformations, it is unknown."

"It is said that those who can break the limit of nine in the extraordinary realm and activate the tenth, eleventh, and even the twelfth transformation will definitely be able to cultivate to the extreme of humanity and get a glimpse of the immortal way!"

"For endless years, everyone who has heard this secret has conducted a lot of investigations and verifications, and finally came to three conclusions.

First, the rules of heaven and earth in ancient times were different from those in later generations, so creatures at that time could break through the shackles of the Nine Transformations and undergo higher levels of transformation during their extraordinary period.

Of course, even at that time, only those with unparalleled qualifications could possibly break the limits of Nine.

Secondly, in ancient times, the extraordinary realm had more than nine changes at the beginning, but there was a law accompanying the world since its birth, that is, nine is the ultimate. Therefore, the will of heaven and earth is weakened according to this law. From now on, the extraordinary realm can only go through nine changes at most.

Third, the will of heaven and earth that dominated the ancient times allowed living beings to fight for their lives in the sky and did not interfere with the living will of cultivation. Therefore, living beings at that time could break the Nine Ultimate.

But I don’t know when this will of heaven and earth ‘died’ and was replaced by a new will of heaven and earth.

The will of the new world does not allow living beings to struggle for their lives in the sky. It believes that when living beings break the shackles of the nine transformations and open the extraordinary tenth transformation, they are taking away the creation of heaven and earth, which is detrimental to the will of heaven and earth. Therefore, the connection between the nine transformations of the extraordinary realm and the tenth transformation of the extraordinary realm is cut off. 'Road'. And set a rule that after reaching the peak of the Nine Extraordinary Transformations, you should become a one-star cultivator!"

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