Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

013. Reset, Reset... "Gun Of Divine Power"! 【14, Please Collect, Please Flowers】

Third, if the character level is 6 levels higher than the wild monster level, you will only get 1 energy point from killing it. This means that after the player's level reaches a certain level, he must hunt wild monsters of the corresponding level in order to upgrade. The "Energy Orb" undoubtedly breaks this extreme. If there is an "Energy Orb", even if Bai Feng goes to brush the level 1 [Fangtooth Rabbit] now, he can still get a fixed energy value of 50 points.

In other words, from the moment he obtains the "Energy Orb", Bai Feng does not need to deliberately pick monsters. As long as it can be killed, it can be killed because he can gain energy points.

As long as Bai Feng is willing, he can keep brushing [Fangtooth Rabbit] in the low-level leveling area and directly reach level 100 (first one star).

Players with a certain game concept know that the efficiency of hunting low-level monsters is definitely far higher than that of hunting high-level monsters.

This means that even if Bai Feng really makes such a choice, his upgrade speed will not be slower than others, but will be faster than them!

The fourth is also the most outrageous thing about the "Energy Orb".

As long as a wild monster dies within 500 meters of Bai Feng, he will receive a fixed 25 energy points, even if he did not kill it.

This means that even if Bai Feng does nothing for a day, just walking around various crowded leveling areas, he can get a lot of energy.


“‘Energy Orb’ can also be ‘reset’. The consumption of ‘reset’ is the same as the requirement of the special talent ‘Illumination Strengthening’... It seems that the two are currently of the same level. "

The "reset" requirement marked on the "Energy Orb" is also 10,000 'Boundary Coins' and 5,000 energy points per time.

"The 'Boundary Coins' currently owned are enough to carry out 19 'resets', but the energy required is not enough... We will wait and see. "

The words fall.

Bai Feng imagined the character panel and then moved the "Energy Orb" on it.

[Do you want to choose to bind the special treasure "Energy Orb"? 】


[Successfully bound the special treasure "Energy Orb"! 】

[When a dead unit is detected around you and killed by you, the "Energy Orb" automatically stores 50 energy points! 】

"Huh?" Bai Feng said softly.

There was a gap between the time [Rampage Elvis] was killed and the time he bound the "Energy Orb". But now the "Energy Orb" still automatically stores 50 energy points, indicating that Bai Feng does not necessarily have to appear next to the dead unit immediately in the future. As long as you encounter dead units within a certain period of time, you can store energy values.

"I just don't know how long this time difference is... This needs to be tested in detail."

Then, Bai Feng's eyes fell on the chaotic light group on the ground again.

[Congratulations on obtaining the skill "Wind-Severing Spear"! 】

Bending slightly, Bai Feng picked up the chaotic light group.


"The Spear of Killing the Wind"

Level: One-star skill

Type: Gunsling

Description: Causes 4 consecutive times of damage based on 120% of own combat power to multiple targets within one meter of itself. The skill will be interrupted when moving or being controlled.

Level requirement: Level 10


"One-star spearmanship...just suits me."

Bai Feng is currently using the two-star weapon "Three-Pointed Spear", and the skill "Wind-Severing Spear" is simply tailor-made for him.

Besides, he has already reached the extraordinary level, but he doesn’t even have a single skill.

Immediately, Bai Feng cast the chaotic light towards his forehead without hesitation. In an instant, the chaotic light flowed down his forehead and into his mind like flowing water, turning into pieces of mysterious information.

[Congratulations on your initial understanding of the one-star skill "Wind-Severing Spear"! 】


"Wind-Severing Spear" (consumes 500 "realm coins", 250 energy points can be "reset")

Level: One-star spearmanship

Control: initial control (0/200)

Current power: Causes 4 consecutive times of damage based on 120% of own combat power to multiple targets within one meter of itself. The skill will be interrupted when moving or being controlled.

Current cooldown: two minutes


After digesting all the information, Bai Feng finally mastered the one-star skill "Wind-Severing Spear".

In Apocalyptic Blue Star and "Starry Sky World", any skill has a degree of control.

Initial control, intermediate control, advanced control, perfect control... The higher the control over the skill, the greater the power it can exert.

The way to improve skill control is to use it for actual combat.

For example, Bai Feng only has preliminary control over the "Wind-Severing Spear", so he can only exert part of its power. Once he has perfect control of the "Wind-Severing Spear", he can exert its full power and cause 4 consecutive 150% damage based on his own combat power to multiple targets within one meter of himself.

"Consumption of 500 'Boundary Coins' and 250 energy values ​​can be 'reset'..."

Baifeng can completely bear this level of consumption at this time.

"First "reset" it to four-star marksmanship! "

After making up his mind, Bai Feng concentrated on using his ultimate talent "God Level Reset".

[The current stage of "God Level Reset" is a three-star reset, which can reset designated targets below three stars. 】

[It has been detected that the thing you want to reset is the one-star skill "Wind-Severing Spear". The star rating does not exceed three stars, so you can reset it. 】

[Consume 500 ‘Boundary Coins’ and 250 energy values ​​to start resetting the one-star skill “Wind-Severing Spear”! 】

Amidst the mechanical beeps, Baifeng's body was flashing with brilliance.

At the same time, the 190,000 'realm coins' he owned were automatically reduced by 500, and the energy value in the character's experience slot was deducted by 250 points.

[Reset failed, level unchanged! 】

This is not Bai Feng's first "reset". He knows very well that unless he is lucky, it will be difficult to change the level of "Wind-Severing Spear" at once.

Without stopping, Bai Feng used his ultimate talent "God Level Reset" again.

[Consume 500 ‘Boundary Coins’ and 250 energy values ​​to start resetting the one-star skill “Wind-Severing Spear”! 】

[Reset failed, level unchanged! 】

It failed again for the second time!

And this was just the beginning of failure. Next, Bai Feng failed 29 times in a row. Another 14,500 ‘realm coins’ and 7,250 energy points were consumed but failed.

Until the 32nd time...

[Consume 500 ‘Boundary Coins’ and 250 energy values ​​to start resetting the one-star skill “Wind-Severing Spear”! 】

[The reset is successful, congratulations on resetting the one-star skill "Spear of the Wind" you control to the four-star skill "Spear of Divine Power"! 】

Bai Feng's body shimmered with light, mysterious power surged in his body, and a series of mysterious insights emerged in his heart.

That is all information about the four-star skill "Spear of Divine Power" which was reset from the one-star skill "Wind-Severing Spear".

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