Online Games: I Have A God-Level Reset

135. The Supreme Demon Emperor, \"The Essence And Blood Of The Abyss Demonic Dragon Emperor\&

The upper limit of the blood essence of wild beasts that "Epic Totem" can absorb and refine is 300. Before that, Bai Feng had made it swallow the blood essence of 299 wild bosses in total. Only the last one was left to be able to use the battle pet inside. come out.

And this last kind of wild beast essence and blood is not only the key force for the "Epic Totem" to breed war pets, but also the power to coordinate, merge and accommodate the previous 299 kinds of wild beast essence and blood.

Therefore, Bai Feng's original plan was to find a high-level wild beast essence and blood.

Although it is not yet clear what level the [Yujin-Blooded Monster] is, but since its blood essence contains the power of the [Abyss Demonic Dragon] bloodline, it can become the last kind of blood essence drawn by the "Epic Totem" .

After all, no matter which plane the dragon creature is in, it is considered to be at the "zero-two-seven" end of the biological chain, no matter how bad it is, it will not be much worse.

What's more, this Bai Feng, the golden blood and magic beast essence blood, can also be reset!!!

After the reset, the effectiveness of this blood essence will be greatly improved!!!

"It takes 100,000 'realm coins' and 50,000 'energy values' to reset once... Judging from this consumption alone, the grade of this 'Golden Blood Demonic Beast Essence Blood' is not low!"

With anticipation, Bai Feng used his ultimate talent "God-Level Reset" to reset the opponent's "Golden Blood Demon Beast Essence Blood".

The plot mission [Battle of City Lords] has just been triggered. In addition to obtaining the special treasure "City Founding Order", Bai Feng's luck value has increased by 9%.

With 30% luck value, Bai Feng's reset success rate seems to have increased a lot invisibly.

[Consume 100,000 ‘realm coins’ and 50,000 ‘energy values’ to start the 20th reset of the special item “Golden Blood Demonic Beast Essence Blood”! 】

[The reset is successful, congratulations on the special item "Yujin Blood Demonic Beast Essence Blood" you own, which has been reset to the special item "Abyss Demonic Dragon King Essence Blood"! 】

In just 20 times, "Golden Blood, Demonic Beast Essence Blood" was successfully reset.

""The Essence and Blood of the Abyss Demonic Dragon Emperor"!"

"Abyss Demonic Dragon King Essence and Blood" ("God-level reset" has reached the nine-star reset stage, and the host can try to reset when its strength reaches level 999)

Type: Epic wild beast essence and blood

Description: [Abyss Demonic Dragon] The essence and blood of the supreme demon emperor of a clan, devoured by other wild beasts. If you can withstand the power of the violent bloodline and the power of the supreme law contained in it, your cultivation level will be horribly improved, and you will also have [ Abyss Demonic Dragon] The supreme bloodline of the family!

"The essence and blood of the epic wild beast..."Epic Totem" 'swallowed' it will definitely give birth to the highest level epic battle pet!!

Combat pets bred from "Epic Totem" have a minimum qualification of diamond level and a maximum of epic level.

Exactly why, there is uncertainty.

But Bai Feng believes that with this "Abyss Demonic Dragon Emperor Essence and Blood" coordinating, merging, and accommodating the previous 299 wild BOSS essences and bloods, the upcoming battle pet will definitely have epic-level qualifications.

The epic qualifications of wild beasts are equivalent to the supreme qualifications of human cultivators!!

In joy, Bai Feng took out the special treasure "Epic Totem Factory" from the "Ring of Standing".




As soon as he took out the special treasure "Epic Totem", the entire ancient palace was filled with the sound of drums.

Powerful and rhythmic!

"Huh~~~ little guy, if you can withstand the power of this essence and blood, you will become a unique epic beast in this world from now on."

After the sound fell, Bai Feng combined the "Essence and Blood of the Dragon King of the Abyss" in his right hand with the "Epic Totem".


The moment the two special things came into contact, a whole portion of the "Abyss Demonic Dragon King Essence and Blood" seemed to turn into a liquid flow, covering the entire surface of the "Epic Totem" [radiating the light of the sister fruit].

Along with the sound of heartbeats, the blood essence covering the entire surface of the [Epic Totem] was quickly absorbed.

In an instant, the "epic totem" became a masterpiece, shining as brightly as the scorching sun.

The entire ancient palace was illuminated like daylight.

At the same time, the "Epic Totem" was still trembling violently.

There are even more intense energy fluctuations, and invisible laws spread out...

These energy fluctuations and the power of laws are originally powers at the supreme level. But because this is the novice area protected by the supreme law of "Starry Sky and All Realms", they were infinitely weakened to below level 100 as soon as they spilled out.

And this level of power soon as it touches Baifeng's body, it immediately disappears.

"Has the power of blood and law contained in the "Abyss Demonic Dragon King Essence and Blood" exploded?"

Looking at the scene in front of him, Bai Feng whispered.

Even if it is just a drop of the essence and blood of a supreme being, the energy and laws contained in it are so terrifying.

Any desolate beast below the epic level would be extremely dangerous if it wanted to absorb the [essence and blood of the Abyss Demonic Dragon Emperor].

If you are not careful, your body and soul will disappear.

But things are different here in Bai Feng...

Instead of absorbing a specific wild beast, he used the special treasure "Epic Totem" to absorb it, and then used the [Abyss Demonic Dragon King] as the main model, and the other 299 wild bosses as secondary models, integrating 300 kinds of wild beasts. The leader of the beast, cultivate a unique war pet.

Since the description information of "Epic Totem" states that it can cultivate up to epic level battle pets, then there is no problem for it to absorb the essence and blood of epic level wild beasts!

Fact, just as 1.7 Bai Feng thought.

Although the "Epic Totem" was trembling violently, and the energy fluctuations and the power of laws emanating from it were extremely violent, there was no problem. It was slowly and steadily refining and absorbing the "Abyss Demonic Dragon Emperor Essence and Blood".


About half an hour later, a roar that seemed to come from eternity, overwhelming all sounds, came from the epic totem.

PS: Worri, someone recommended a novel to me in the past two days, which made me have no intention of writing a novel myself. I wipe it, I have to hold it back.

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